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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^^Oh, I totally get that it's a random people are different sizes issue. For me the Vekoma restraints are much more comfortable (and trust me, it pains me to say that!) I just wish there was a way they could make them not quite as tight, or lock in like the flyers and not get constantly tighter as the ride progresses.

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^^Oh, I totally get that it's a random people are different sizes issue. For me the Vekoma restraints are much more comfortable (and trust me, it pains me to say that!) I just wish there was a way they could make them not quite as tight, or lock in like the flyers and not get constantly tighter as the ride progresses.

Do B&M Wingcoasters use hydraulic locking systems? Not sure since i haven't been on one just yet

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^^Oh, I totally get that it's a random people are different sizes issue. For me the Vekoma restraints are much more comfortable (and trust me, it pains me to say that!) I just wish there was a way they could make them not quite as tight, or lock in like the flyers and not get constantly tighter as the ride progresses.

I had that thought too, but I then I considered maybe flyer restraints don't tighten as much because you're laying on them most of the time.

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Sorry if it was mentioned since my last post, (on my cell phone.) but the queue opened around 4:15 - 4:30. I was on the 3rd train of the day.


I posted while in line for ride number 2.


Got 30 rides on Gatekeeper, and one each on Raptor and MF.


The diving loop by Blue Streak packs a punch!

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For those who rode it today, was there any airtime to be had on the camel back? It looks like it could give some floater but it's hard to tell because of the restraints.



Yes, floater.


The coaster is spread out, and looks slower that it is.


Great mixture of forces.


Row 8, right wing is amazing.

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^^Oh, I totally get that it's a random people are different sizes issue. For me the Vekoma restraints are much more comfortable (and trust me, it pains me to say that!) I just wish there was a way they could make them not quite as tight, or lock in like the flyers and not get constantly tighter as the ride progresses.

Do B&M Wingcoasters use hydraulic locking systems? Not sure since i haven't been on one just yet


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^^Oh, I totally get that it's a random people are different sizes issue. For me the Vekoma restraints are much more comfortable (and trust me, it pains me to say that!) I just wish there was a way they could make them not quite as tight, or lock in like the flyers and not get constantly tighter as the ride progresses.

Do B&M Wingcoasters use hydraulic locking systems? Not sure since i haven't been on one just yet


Those all seem to tighten down over the course of the ride. Hopefully they can fix that issue some how. I actually perfer it since it adjusts specifically to your liking

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Just got back from Sandusky.


Totaled 6 laps on GK today. That is on the low end, as some report they got upwards of 30.


Overall, a wonderful addition to the park's collection. Since its all still new to me, I am not sure yet where I rank it overall among CP coasters. Maggie and MF are my #1 and 2, so probably somewhere after that, in a battle between it and TTD and Maverick.


Left 7th row was my favorite of the seats I had a spin on today. Going into that twist and first drop from the back is amazing. Some of the other drops and rolls are great, especially the keyholes. And as b&m mentioned, you get floater air on the camelback.


In regards to the restraints (and I am on the big and tall side), during the ride itself I have no problems with them. However, after going through the final brake run, and returning to the station, the vest part of the restraint is always pushed so far down that it starts to push hard against my collarbone. Not agonizing pain, but not super pleasant either. Since its only when returning to the station at the end of the ride, I can live with it. Perhaps this type of vest restraint pressing down against you is what sharktums was referring to. I should also mention that I noticed virtually no difference between row 4 (the big boy seats) and the other rows. Maybe you have to be larger than me to notice.


I love the new entrance to the park. All modern and refreshed. It actually looks a lot like entering a sports arena rather than an amusement park.


Also.... we got stuck on MF's lift hill for 30 minutes today! But we got a bonus ride out of it. Crazy times!


Ride counts:


Gatekeeper - 6 (3 each right and left, IIRC).

Raptor - 2.

Millennium Force - 3.

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The restraints get a little tight if you are really the type of person that looks for tiny things like that. I didn't notice it at all the first couple of rides, but after I heard a couple weirdos complaining about it, I can mildly see what they are talking about. It by no means takes away from the experience, however.


Sorry I don't like the feeling of not being able to take a breath while I ride a coaster.


This is my number one complaint about the B&M Wingriders and I'm sad to see they still haven't fixed it.


Agreed. I didn't even think about that when they were building this ride. The tightness of the restraints were the only part of the wing coaster I didn't like. It didn't make Wild Eagle terrible or not fun; but personally it was just too tight. I wasn't a big fan of Firehawk or BORG Asimilator though either..

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I've never been on a B&M wing coaster so I wouldn't know, but I love the B&M Flyer restraights, and the Vekoma ones aren't bad either. Something about the tightness makes me feel more secure (even though I'd rather ride with them loose ) but it kind of feels like the ride is giving me a hug and saying "Don't leave me" to which I respond "I wouldn't except rules"

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^Yeah, what what you described is nothing like the B&M Wing Riders. The restraints have the same effect on me where in the brake run, I can barely breath they get so tight.

Edited by ernierocker
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For those who rode it today, was there any airtime to be had on the camel back? It looks like it could give some floater but it's hard to tell because of the restraints.

The camel back was probably, IMO, the most disappointing moment of the ride. I got no airtime at all, not even floater, in any of the riders or seats that I sat in. There was also no airtime to be had on the tiny bunny hop just before the final brakes.

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I don't remember Wild Eagle's restraints being that tight, and I'm a pretty big guy. To be honest, SkyRush's restraints were worse, but even they weren't THAT bad to me.

It won't affect you because you're a big guy. I don't have any problem at all with the wing rider restraints, but smaller people do.

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I love the new entrance to the park. All modern and refreshed. It actually looks a lot like entering a sports arena rather than an amusement park.


Based on the pictures, the new entrance reminds me a lot of Target Field in Minnesota. I'm glad someone else thought of a sports stadium.

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I hear a lot of people saying things along the lines of "I'm disappointed they haven't fixed the restraints," but if I remember correctly, during an interview with Sandor about Skyrush, he mentioned not changing restraints because they prioritize safety over comfort, and they know the tightening is uncomfortable but they still see it as the safest choice. I would think most manufacturers think the same way. , especially B&M who RARELY try new restraint types. I imagine the wingriders were equipped with hydraulic locking mechanisms because there's no mechanical way to release them so far away from the track so they're released electronically, which even still seemed like a big jump for B&M after equipping all previous types with mechanical ratchet locks. Honestly I would never expect them to change anything about them. Unfortunately this is what these rides come with, so...enjoy what you've got!


On another note, I think my favorite visual part of this ride is the eyes.




I also love the double seat belt on the test seat so people know if they can ride in all the rows or just the middle

(Photo and video thanks to PointBuzz)

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Just curious, are they doing a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo on Gatekeeper. From the few photos of the station I saw, looked like no shelves or a place to put your crap.


Bins magically appeared later in the day while everyone was at MF. Keep in mind though, they are about half the size of let's say, Diamondback's or Magnum's.

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