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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Going opening week for the first time ever! Will be there for three days starting on May 15th. Can't freaking wait to get in on all of this awesomness!!!



You going with a group or by yourself? We have three in our group and are kind of looking for a 4th to round things out, plus a 4th to get the Fast Lane Plus down another 5 bucks.

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^When will you guys be there I'll be there opening Weekend from May 10 to May 12, I will Travel alone since none of my dead beat friends/Family can make it that weekend. It would be cool to meet up with some cool peeps and to also bring the price of Fastlane down.


Hey Johnny,

I'll be going the 11th, 12th and 13th, I live about 30 minutes from the park and have a small group of people going.

We're not really going to fast passes, but I will be with a friend on the 13th!


Let me know if you feel like joining in!!!




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All I can say is WOW! Who knew that the removal of two rides and addition of one would drastically change the look of CP. I cant wait to see it in person:)

Thank goodness CP doesn't simply add one trick ponies to keep a coaster record.

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Guys remember - if you want to attend the Gatekeeper Media Day at a member of Club TPR, you MUST have joined or renewed your Club TPR membership by April 15th (tomorrow!), otherwise I cannot guarantee you'll have your membership card by the media day!


Join Club TPR - www.clubtpr.com


Gatekeeper Media Day info: http://www.cedarpoint.com/media-center/first-to-fly


(Note - if you have registered for Club TPR within the past few weeks, don't worry, we are getting caught up on welcome packets this week. We are waiting for tomorrow's deadline so we can get them all processed at the same time!)

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I'm conflicted about the new entrance. On one hand it looks a million times more modern and the keyhole is spectacular. But apart from that the whole thing is very bland. The ticket booths and the structure under the keyhole, while modern looking, are all very forgettable. Wish they would have built things up a little more below.

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Now, Cedar Point probably has the best entrance to any theme park. Something like this would also be nice to see at other parks.


I'd have to say that SFoG has a very nice entrance as well. Drive in under Goliath, walk in under Goliath, or sit down and enjoy watching Goliath. Goliath was just plopped right on top whereas CP redesigned to fully include GateKeeper and all its beauty. I look forward to the day I drive down the causeway for the new skyline.


Ride On Friends! See you May 9th!

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It definitely looks great, and probably raises the bar for standard local amusement parks...but competing with something like Tokyo Disney, Disneyland Paris, IoA etc...there's PLENTY of better entrance areas.

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