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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Maybe that. But, down the road I don't see a coaster for a great time. Maybe another 3-5 year stretch. I think that Cedar Point could use a great new wooden coaster though, whether it is by GCI, RMC, or even an Intamin! I think a good wooden coaster is what is missing in their coaster line-up at this moment in time.


But, that is just purely speculation. We'll have to wait and see.

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Well everyone I drove over to Cedar Point earlier this afternoon hoping to get lucky and see it testing, and it was!




At any moment while you where there, did you see any riders?


Reason I ask...


I have a friend who states that he was there, who claims that he rode it for the "video shoot" , or "TV Commercial"


I know he was at the park, because he sent me a photo of it testing from his phone.


BTW, I do not believe this person at all. I just want to clear it up.


It would suck for him if I catch him in a lie!

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Well everyone I drove over to Cedar Point earlier this afternoon hoping to get lucky and see it testing, and it was!




At any moment while you where there, did you see any riders?


Reason I ask...


I have a friend who states that he was there, who claims that he rode it for the "video shoot" , or "TV Commercial"


I know he was at the park, because he sent me a photo of it testing from his phone.


BTW, I do not believe this person at all. I just want to clear it up.


It would suck for him if I catch him in a lie!

It's very possible. The ride opens to the public in just over two weeks, and they'll need to get their television commercials shot, edited, and produced. I have no idea if anyone has ridden it yet for a film shoot, but it certainly would make sense.

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It's "possible" someone may have ridden it I suppose, however when I was there only the water dummies were riding. I've talked to some people who have been working on GateKeeper and they get to ride before the media and they haven't ridden yet. I personally would doubt that anyone has ridden it yet because I haven't heard it has been certified by the state yet, which I believe is a prerequisite to anyone riding.


On a side note (you can probably tell from my video) they definitely had the soft wheels on the trains.

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I think this person is trying to make me jealous, since he knows how much I love B&M coasters.


Giving this person's track record of "expanding the truth", I would expect the coaster to launch backward before I believe him about this issue.


I can clearly see in the video the test dummys and how the train is running sluggishly due to the softer wheels.


Thanks Robb for your response.

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^It was already posted, not embedded. It was captured by TPR user Tbcoasterfan.


Well everyone I drove over to Cedar Point earlier this afternoon hoping to get lucky and see it testing, and it was!


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