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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It does look beautiful.

I actually was hoping since the ride is new and is in a less populated corner of the park it would draw at least a little bit of the crowds away from other areas.


Cant wait till August!

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I think it's a structural thing too, since it's now part of the support system for the coaster. Easiest way I can describe it is if you had 2 blocks of wood right next to each other, not secured together, and you try and push one of the blocks to one side without trying to lift it up off of the table. You'll see that the middle seam stays parallel, but the top completely gets skewed with one higher than another. That's why there's also nothing at the top of the keyholes securing them.


Also with it being part of the coaster now, it has to be part of the bolt inspection so the gaps have to be left there so they can easily inspect them.


All I can say is, get used to it cause the gaps are not going anywhere! Personally, I like them, adds a bit of an industrial modern look to the entrance.

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The pictures are awesome and some of them looks exactly like the promotionnal rendering ! However, the keyholes would have been much better without the disapointing gap (even if it has a great effect on the entrance). I guess nothing can be perfect, altough Gatekeeper is close to it !


Oh brother...


Oh no, the gap has totally ruined the ride, tear it down it's no good now!

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Thanks for posting the pictures! Gatekeeper looks pretty sweet. . Rode X-Flight last year and had a lot fun so looking forward to riding this one and comparing. Hope its extra height, speed and length provide the intensity to make it a great ride vs. just a fun ride like X-flight.

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From the looks of the pics, the outside seat closest to the beach should provide a weird feeling rolling slow into the first drop being so far out from the track! That is a pretty big arc from rightside up to upside down and falling.....

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This coaster looks really great! Unless you've been on a B&M wing rider already, I don't think you can fully appreciate how good this ride will be. I didn't fully grasp X-Flight until I rode it, and I am now in love with it. So this being what it is, has me really excited!

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The pictures are awesome and some of them looks exactly like the promotionnal rendering ! However, the keyholes would have been much better without the disapointing gap (even if it has a great effect on the entrance). I guess nothing can be perfect, altough Gatekeeper is close to it !


Oh brother...


Oh no, the gap has totally ruined the ride, tear it down it's no good now!



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Drove by the park earlier today because I wanted to take a closer look at GateKeeper in person, and I gotta say WOW it looks MASSIVE in person. Pictures don't do this thing justice. The expanse of it is awesome. I snapped a couple pics on my iPhone. When the season pass center opens I'll try to get over there and get even closer pics!



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The "broken" keyholes won't make any difference. In fact, unless you're in front row you can't even tell you're flying through them until you're in them. - At least on X-Flight.


You're in and out in less than a second.


Also, with this type of drop ...back left is crazy. It really does whip you over the top on X-Flight!


That said, it's really a beautful ride that adds a nice bit to the skyline.


Once again - Nicely done CP.

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The pictures are awesome and some of them looks exactly like the promotionnal rendering ! However, the keyholes would have been much better without the disapointing gap (even if it has a great effect on the entrance). I guess nothing can be perfect, altough Gatekeeper is close to it !


Oh brother...


Oh no, the gap has totally ruined the ride, tear it down it's no good now!




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