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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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This looks good. On another sight somebody said looking at that last pic they feel Space Spiral could have stayed but if you add the fact that pic was taking before station work started and how huge that station looks that would have been one cramped area...and I am NOT trying to start a Space Spiral stay or go debate.

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^People on Facebook didn't think TTD existed anymore?!
LOL, wtf? Why did people think it was gone?


A small selection of comments in regards to this photo...

Where is the dragster
I though they were gonna tear the wind seeker down not the dragster


I know that this may be better off in one of the "GP" threads, but I digress.

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What a lovely view of the parking lot from up there!


I think I mentioned this before, and it's a bit nitpicky, but I really wish they would have had the lift hill face the park instead of the parkin lot. Seems like it would have been easy enough to have the same layout with a vertical loop instead of the Immelman, and the views of the park and the lake would have been fantastic from the top of the lift.


Off my mini soapbox, this thing still looks fantastic and my fingers are crossed that this design fully utilizes the potential of the winged trains and turns out to be great.

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