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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Most of the rides I don't have issues with the FastLane for. One I do have gripes against is TTD, as there the capacity is split: FastLane gets the first trail to themselves, second train for standby. This seems highly skewed. Other than that most of the merge points were right before the turnstile into the ride (except for Millie) and I had very little issue with it.


This is great news! Sounds like CP is handling the fastlane passes the right way.

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I had a question about the FastLane. If you get it, do they assign you a row like Six flags does? Also, does it take you to the station entrance or station exit. My mom and dad are thinking about getting it when we go this summer and wanted to know cause we don't want to have assigned seating.

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I had a question about the FastLane. If you get it, do they assign you a row like Six flags does? Also, does it take you to the station entrance or station exit. My mom and dad are thinking about getting it when we go this summer and wanted to know cause we don't want to have assigned seating.


The closest example is Disney. There are merge points before the turnstiles into the rides. It varies, Raptor is halfway up the stairs, Millie is inside the station, TTD gets their own train, etc. It really just depends on the station layout. No one gets 'rows' and no one gets to enter through the exit.

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I had a question about the FastLane. If you get it, do they assign you a row like Six flags does? Also, does it take you to the station entrance or station exit. My mom and dad are thinking about getting it when we go this summer and wanted to know cause we don't want to have assigned seating.


The closest example is Disney. There are merge points before the turnstiles into the rides. It varies, Raptor is halfway up the stairs, Millie is inside the station, TTD gets their own train, etc. It really just depends on the station layout. No one gets 'rows' and no one gets to enter through the exit.



Thanks a lot!

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Could someone please explain the TTD FL issue in more detail? Sorrry, I'm just not really grasping the details ?_?


Okay, you know how they load two trains at a time?? The Fast Lane line enters at the front of the station and loads in the front train. The stand-by line loads into the back train. Make sense?


Crowds are almost non-existant today. Everything is a walk-on except for MF, TTD, and Maverick which have like 30 minute lines. Such a contrast to yesterday!

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Okay, you know how they load two trains at a time?? The Fast Lane line enters at the front of the station and loads in the front train. The stand-by line loads into the back train. Make sense?


If they don't have enough FL people do they let the regular guests cross over to the other side? If not then TTD is going to lose a lot of capacity.

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^ That side of the station is still accessible from the regular line.



I, too can attest that Fast Lane is a great addition. It was awesome skipping the two-hour line for MF yesterday...multiple times! I got to do everything I wanted, plus multiples of most rides, on a crowded day. They are definitely worth every penny.



I have my fast lanes already, but im just wondering how many they give out per day?


I bought mine at the merchandise store across from TTD, I think it is called "Extreme Coaster Gear," or something of that nature, and the girl pulled out a sheet from under the register drawer with a bunch of the wristbands attached to each other. About half were already missing, so maybe they only give them one or two sheets at the start of the day, and once they're gone, they're gone? I don't know, but I would say that if you ever get turned down at one place to definitely try another store, as there are many places that sell them in the park. There are even stores in Frontiertown which sell them that I would assume move them slower than stores on main midways.

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I had a question about the FastLane. If you get it, do they assign you a row like Six flags does? Also, does it take you to the station entrance or station exit. My mom and dad are thinking about getting it when we go this summer and wanted to know cause we don't want to have assigned seating.


The closest example is Disney. There are merge points before the turnstiles into the rides. It varies, Raptor is halfway up the stairs, Millie is inside the station, TTD gets their own train, etc. It really just depends on the station layout. No one gets 'rows' and no one gets to enter through the exit.


With the way KD does it some of the coasters simply used the disable guest entrance alongside the main queue....windseeker has it's own seperate FL entrance though.

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Okay, you know how they load two trains at a time?? The Fast Lane line enters at the front of the station and loads in the front train. The stand-by line loads into the back train. Make sense?


If they don't have enough FL people do they let the regular guests cross over to the other side? If not then TTD is going to lose a lot of capacity.

No, they just keep sending empty trains as a SCREW YOU to the people who didn't buy Fast Lane...



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Anyone have information on the factors that play into the cost of FastLane, and if there is a way to predict how much it'll cost? I'm interested in buying it next time I go, but I want to go knowing that'll it cost $xxx and not be surprised when it turns out to cost twice as much.

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Anyone have information on the factors that play into the cost of FastLane, and if there is a way to predict how much it'll cost? I'm interested in buying it next time I go, but I want to go knowing that'll it cost $xxx and not be surprised when it turns out to cost twice as much.


-$50 for one person

-$45 for two people (each, total of $90)

-$40 for three people ($120)

I don't think the prices will fluctuate.

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Anyone have information on the factors that play into the cost of FastLane, and if there is a way to predict how much it'll cost? I'm interested in buying it next time I go, but I want to go knowing that'll it cost $xxx and not be surprised when it turns out to cost twice as much.

This link is posted on the index (page 1) of this thread: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1165889#p1165889

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I've referenced some pics from another fan-site of CP, and have came up with a "basic" map of all the new markings.


btw, there were ALLOT more markings around space spiral/disaster eateries(particularly around the tables).

"break open the bubbly, its time to tear down the warehouse!"


*the marking in-front of the games area(upper right) isn't exact, IDK which side of the games area it was on*

Edited by SkyBreak95
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Anyone have information on the factors that play into the cost of FastLane, and if there is a way to predict how much it'll cost? I'm interested in buying it next time I go, but I want to go knowing that'll it cost $xxx and not be surprised when it turns out to cost twice as much.



You could really just go to the Cedar Point website and go to the FL tab, but here is the price break down.


Number of Guests Price Per Person (Sunday - Friday)2

1 $50

2 $45

3 $40

4 $35

5 or More $30


I have my FL passes ready to go for this Friday. Thursday we don't have FL but if the park is even remotely crowded for some reason we will buy them that day as well.

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I think the complaining about fastlane is completely overblown.


I wasn't there on opening day, but I would imagine the waits were simply due to the opening day crowds. I can remember waiting 45 minutes for Blue Streak one year when I visited opening day. Yesterday, the lines were really short all day, and only once did I spot someone using fastlane, while walking through the Magnum's queue. I don't think any ride was more than a 30 minute wait yesterday. Near the end of the day, Maverick was a near walk on.


From what little I've seen so far, I think this is a system that CP is gonna make work really well, both for those interested in getting it, as well as it not having a huge impact on those who won't.

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