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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

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In regards to this, "Cedar Point hasn't had a new coaster in 5 years," discussion, Cedar Point's actions seem pretty logical to me. Couldn't we just assume that Cedar Point--like virtually every other business entity out there at the moment--is trying to cut costs? Look at some of Six Flags' recent additions: GL, LLToD, SUF--low capacity, relatively low cost coasters/thrill rides. And many of SF"s other additions are relocations, which also cost considerably less than a new Beemer or Intamin creation. So, while there may be exceptions (X-Flight, Leviathon, etc.) many parks' capital expenditures have shrunk in size in recent years. As many have already pointed out, it's not that CP isn't adding year after year, it's just that their additions haven't been as "splashy" (nor costly) as some of their previous ones. And if we're being honest, haven't many businesses been following that trend for a few years now?

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I don't know how I feel about that. I mean, in a weird way it will bring in revenue, but at the same time, the rides that utilize it will have to add 1 or 2 more ride op positions to enforce it.

With the money they'll be raking in with Fast Lane, I don't think they'll have to worry about adding another ride op.

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Notice how the parks in Democratic areas have not gotten new coasters since 2007-2008? Cedar Point, Michigan's Adventure, Dorney Park, Great America, Valleyfair and Knotts have not received any brand new coasters and how the parks in Republican areas, King's Island, Kings Dominion and Worlds of Fun have?


I recall Kinzel saying something politically related about additions back in 2008, I'd bet this contributes to Cedar Point's coaster drought.

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I remember reading or seeing the interview back in 2008 with him saying that it would be unlikely that he would put in large new attractions due to the changes in political leadership. I remember that comment taking my by surprise and the mapping out of additions supports his political thinking. I've been trying to find the interview but I can't find it. I found this though http://www.campaignmoney.com/political/contributions/richard-kinzel.asp?cycle=08

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In regards to this, "Cedar Point hasn't had a new coaster in 5 years," discussion, Cedar Point's actions seem pretty logical to me. Couldn't we just assume that Cedar Point--like virtually every other business entity out there at the moment--is trying to cut costs? Look at some of Six Flags' recent additions: GL, LLToD, SUF--low capacity, relatively low cost coasters/thrill rides. And many of SF"s other additions are relocations, which also cost considerably less than a new Beemer or Intamin creation. So, while there may be exceptions (X-Flight, Leviathon, etc.) many parks' capital expenditures have shrunk in size in recent years. As many have already pointed out, it's not that CP isn't adding year after year, it's just that their additions haven't been as "splashy" (nor costly) as some of their previous ones. And if we're being honest, haven't many businesses been following that trend for a few years now?


Sorry I couldn't keep quiet on this comment.

Here are the FACTS:


The last "coaster" Cedar Point put in was Maverick in 05/07.


Since then (05/07) Magic Mountain has put in: Terminator / Apocalypse, Green Lantern, Road Runner Express, in 2012 Lex Luthor Drop. That's why Magic Mountain is tied with Cedar Point at 17 coasters even counting the removal of Deja Vu!!!


That's 4 new COASTERS since Maverick counting Lex Luthor opening next season.


P.S.: I forgot the "reworking" of Superman in 2011 to deliver a different and in my opinion a better ride.

Edited by coasternut
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And Cedar Point has put in Shoot the Rapids and Windseeker. It's not like they're 4-0.


It's so funny how people originally complain when a park installs giant coaster after giant coaster, without anything aimed towards anyone in the crowd other than the adrenaline junkie, and then when the park focuses on increases its demographics by becoming more well-rounded and providing thrills for all ages the complaining starts all over again.

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And Cedar Point has put in Shoot the Rapids and Windseeker. It's not like they're 4-0.


It's so funny how people originally complain when a park installs giant coaster after giant coaster, without anything aimed towards anyone in the crowd other than the adrenaline junkie, and then when the park focuses on increases its demographics by becoming more well-rounded and providing thrills for all ages the complaining starts all over again.


I'm speaking of coaster rides not just any rides. Yes, I'm an adrenaline junkie , and hence my bias towards M.M.

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Magic Mountain has spent millions of dollars on new roller coasters and the Point hasn't over the past few years (yes, CP has spent money on other attractions but not nearly as much). I'd love to know exactly what the ROI was on MM's coasters vs. the non-coaster additions CP has brought in. The resorts at Cedar Point are constantly full, even with no major coaster additions. If anything, Cedar Point is the smart one out of those two when it comes to creating a sustainable program for capital expenditures vs. ROI.


Sure, as a coaster enthusiast, I LOVE to see new coasters. But you have to remember these companies have to make money to stay in business and make even more money to continue adding these large attractions we all love.

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Let me jump in here as someone who doesn't really like either park very much!


CP and SFMM are appealing to VERY different patrons. CP is doing a lot to entice families to stay on property for multiple nights every year or every other year. SFMM is building a big new thing to convince teenagers and young adults to come back every year or buy a cheap pass.


It's not that one is right and one is wrong, they just both have very different business plans and futures right now.


If you're a strict coaster enthusiast, then yes I see your frustration with CP versus SFMM, but if you're a park enthusiast or a business man you have to appreciate what CP is doing.

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Cedar Point wins out in overall quality of rides. Magic Mountain does not have any top 10 caliber rides. Cedar Point has Millennium Force, Raptor, Magnum, Maverick and Dragster. Going to Cedar Point is like going on vacation, it is in a gorgeous setting with great rides.

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Cedar Point wins out in overall quality of rides. Magic Mountain does not have any top 10 caliber rides. Cedar Point has Millennium Force, Raptor, Magnum, Maverick and Dragster. Going to Cedar Point is like going on vacation, it is in a gorgeous setting with great rides.

Ah, nothing like overrated rides.

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