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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Knowing what Cedar fair is doing with the Fast lane at Kings Island, I would say that Cedar Point is going to get an upcharge quick-q system within the next year or two. The thing is, if there is a large enough demand for it and if they can make money, they are going to do it. They use to have a free Fastpass like system years ago, but they got rid of it.

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Cedar Point could really use a skip the line system, but like others are saying it would be horrible if it wasn't done right. I don't know how the system worked at Kings Island, but I'm guessing you just went up the exit and got on the next available train (that's what Knott's does with theirs). If Cedar Point isn't going the Q-bot route, the best option would probably be something like this:


A certain number of Fast Lane (or whatever it's called) people get on each train (or every other train), and it is a small enough number that it won't affect the regular line too much (no more than 1/3 the capacity of the train). Either there are designated rows for these riders that are generally blocked off in the regular line, or they are permitted to pick anywhere except high demand rows. On the most popular coasters (at Cedar Point, it would probably be Millennium, Top Thrill, and Maverick, plus possibly one or two more), riders are restricted to only one or two uses, while all other rides are unlimited uses.


That would probably work out well, and it combines elements of most of the non-electronic systems I've used. I really think something like this could be good at most Cedar Fair parks, or at least the major ones, and would be popular if it was priced right (depending on size of the park and number of available rides, $40-$50 per person).

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The system they use at WDW is amazing. It allowed me to come back to Rock n Roller Coaster later and when I did, I waited maybe 15=20 minutes as opposed to the hour + wait everyone else had to face. Plus, the system is very efficient. You get a free ticket at the machine and you come back hours later. There is probably only 100 available for every 30 minutes in order to keep that line smaller so it really does work out for the better. I think CP could benefit greatly from it, especially if it's free.

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I remember them doing something with tickets like Disney's system the first year Millennium Force was open, but much more low tech. They handed out so many for a given time. It worked, but since it's a park I rarely visit, I would much rather have a Q-bot system.

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The system was called "FreeWay" and it was basically FastPass done with stamps. At the height of it you could get two stamps in one day but most stamps ran out by 11:30/12. The system strangely disappeared without warning towards the end of the summer in the mid 2000s. Ironically the park announced their new VIP tours program later that same week.


There was a short lived system in 2000 for Millennium Force called Ticket to Ride. From early through mid summer the only way to ride Millennium Force was to wait in line to get a ticket that allowed you to come back at another time. The problem became that was the ONLY way to ride it and the tickets ran out by early afternoon. They cut back slightly to where tickets were only given up until early evening then anyone could ride but it still caused issues and the system was dropped.


I'm surprised we haven't seen a system at the park especially considering the capital the park spent for the "FreeWay" infrastructure (many of the rides on system had their queues modified and new entrances created for it).

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I remember doing this system; however it was a long time ago (at least for me it feels like) so I can't remember exactly how good of a system it was. I do remember though that the stamps would stay on my hands for days, and the black marker thingy that they would mark off the stamp with (saying that you had used the stamp) stayed on even longer. It was quite annoying to try to rub the stamps off and they wouldn't come off.

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The system strangely disappeared without warning towards the end of the summer in the mid 2000s. Ironically the park announced their new VIP tours program later that same week.


Its disappearance wasn't surprising though, as the system was greatly abused.

Plus it allowed CP to reduce employees, saving money. The rides that needed the system required like 1 or 2 extra operators. As it is, Dragster runs with 11 people...

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I don't understand the idea of not visiting the park just because it doesn't have a FastLane-type system. Why don't you just wait in line like everyone else for a change. Or better yet, go on a less crowded day. The operations are good enough that you shouldn't even have to worry about it on slower days.

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^Not everyone has that flexibility in their schedule. Thanks to CP's horrible rain policies, I ended up missing the opportunity to go to Geauga Lake because I needed a second day at Cedar Point to get all the credits. A VIP pass certainly would have helped me.

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The system strangely disappeared without warning towards the end of the summer in the mid 2000s. Ironically the park announced their new VIP tours program later that same week.


Its disappearance wasn't surprising though, as the system was greatly abused.

Plus it allowed CP to reduce employees, saving money. The rides that needed the system required like 1 or 2 extra operators. As it is, Dragster runs with 11 people...


I think in some sorts it was surprising - in the sense randomly one August day the system was there, the next it was gone. The story I heard is they actually waited until the ran out to ink then pulled the plug (take with a grain of salt.. but funny rumor at the least). I certainly wasn't expecting it.


And while it costs money for infrastructure and in labor to operate the systems generate revenue by shifting people out of a line into, potentially, gift shops, arcades, and f&b locations. Parks arn't in the skip the line business just so people don't have to wait in line its more so about increasing per caps. Lo-Q prides itself on the fact their system is proven to increase per-caps. My bet was that FreeWay simply wasn't increasing the per-caps and thus became an expense.

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I don't understand the idea of not visiting the park just because it doesn't have a FastLane-type system. Why don't you just wait in line like everyone else for a change. Or better yet, go on a less crowded day. The operations are good enough that you shouldn't even have to worry about it on slower days.


I don't think anyone is saying to boycott Cedar Point until they get a Fast Pass system. Just that it would be much easier to plan a trip for those who work 40-60 hours a week with no vacation time, and have only the weekends free (which is a good chunk of people, believe it or not). "Going on a less crowded day" simply isn't an option most of the time.


Also keep in mind that Cedar Point is considered a "Resort Destination" where people from all over the world visit, and plan their trips MONTHS in advance without much regard to weather and crowds, and rather around their own schedule. It's no secret that Cedar Point has an abundant amount of rides and things to do, so if something such as inclement weather were to occur (as mentioned above), a Flash Pass system would make it a whole hell of a lot easier for them to do everything they want to, instead of going home feeling disappointed and/or unfulfilled.

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Plus it allowed CP to reduce employees, saving money. The rides that needed the system required like 1 or 2 extra operators. As it is, Dragster runs with 11 people...


I'm guessing Millennium has the same amount, if not more...?

You would think so, but actually not. Dragster has 11, while Millennium has 9. Dragster has the extra launch position and 3 people at the unload instead of 2.

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