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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Now that I understand what an "Intamin Rattle" is, I don't think Millennium Force has it; it stays relatively smooth through the whole ride. Back when Dominator was still at GL, I don't recall that have that bad of a rattle; maybe in a few parts but not a whole lot. As far as Diamondback goes, that has quite a lot of rattle to it. I rode it 15 times in a day in late July this summer in many different seats and it seems to "rattle" in the same spots.

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^Back row? The back row is more than noticeable every time I ride. The front isn't bad at all. But the first turnaround in the back is getting worse (for obvious reasons).

Yes, row 15 and row 16, Intimidator 305 is smooth anywhere you sit. I dont know what you rode .


I know exactly what I rode - Intimidator 305 in the back seat. And I didn't say it was rough. Not at all. But it does rattle around the first turn, and you can't convince me that it doesn't.

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I've never once noticed a "bad" vibration on Intimidator 305's first turn, but you can slightly feel the a quick barely noticable bump (I guess you could say that causes a rattle) when the old track meets the new track and where the new track meets the old track again. Just think though, that turn makes riders gray-out so imagine what kind of stress is on the train. If you experienced any rattling on the ride anywhere besides a bit on the turn it was more than likely a wheel problem under the seat you were sitting in...


As far as rattling/vibration complaints go, most steel coasters are still far way smoother than most wooden coasters out there. Instead of complaining about slight rattles/vibrations you should focus on how painfully rough certain wooden coasters are (Mean Streak).

Edited by Intimidator305
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305 definitely rattles around the first turn, but nowhere else on the course. That turn puts extreme stress on the wheels and trains, so the vibrations are understandable. The silver train is typically worse than the red train, it's usually worse in the back, and it honestly varies from day to day. I've had 66 rides on it this year, and a majority of them had some type of vibration on that first turn.

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As far as rattling/vibration complaints go, most steel coasters are still far way smoother than most wooden coasters out there. Instead of complaining about slight rattles/vibrations you should focus on how painfully rough certain wooden coasters are (Mean Streak).


Well since they're doing a rehab on Mean Streak over the winter (hence why it's been closed since late September) hopefully it won't be as rough; even though personally I don't find it to be rough.

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^Any coaster that goes around a turn at 94 MPH, right after a 300 foot drop is going to rattle. Just sayin.


And just like I said:


Back row? The back row is more than noticeable every time I ride. The front isn't bad at all. But the first turnaround in the back is getting worse (for obvious reasons).


I know exactly why it rattles. And I completely understand. I'm not complaining, even. Like I said before that:


^It's more than noticeable on Fahrenheit through the cobra roll, and even I305 this year in the first turnaround. It's noticeable sometimes, but much it's more irritating than it is ride-affecting.
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Does Top Thrill Dragster have any airtime over the top hat? If so, tell me which seat please. Thanks!

All of them/none of them

if you mean right at the top, none of them (typically), but if you mean on either side, yes there is ejector air just because there's no way to drop 90 degrees without negative g's

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^Any coaster that goes around a turn at 94 MPH, right after a 300 foot drop is going to rattle. Just sayin.

That's not true. Any coaster can be as smooth as the park allows it to be. I don't think Kings Dominion exactly has the best maintenance around and if you take a look at Dominator's hideous rattle towards the back, it definitely shows that. Cedar Point is a little bit of a different story, hence the difference or rattle on MF. Keep in mind, we're comparing a ride that isn't even two years old (only a year old in some spots) to a coaster of identical speed and height (and longer length) that's soon to be twelve years old. If you think about it, the fact that MF has barely built up a rattle is just incredible.

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