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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I (A Canadian) will be attending a special 3 day weekend at Halloweekends October 21-23 and with some photos provided made a cool video. I have never been to an American Haunt event, but here in Canada we talk about how seriously you guys take Halloween so I'm very excited to participate in this awesome event. Any advice or recommendations is welcomed I need some great filming areas that maybe Cedar Point experts may know.


You don't have to watch it's very simple and boring, it's for my subscribers, but that's my channel with lots of Canada's Wonderland Leviathan updates.
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I was just at the park today. It was very windy today which meant that not many coasters were open (only Maverick was open when we got there which was about noon). By 1:00 Mantis had opened up so we decided to ride that because we were close and were able to be the first train out (line filled up fast because again, not many rides were open due to high winds).


Enough about rides though; the shows at Cedar Point for Halloweekends are, in my opinion, great. I love them. We saw 'A Halloween Hullabaloo' twice, 'Sideshow - A Carnival of Magic', and 'The Edge of Madness'. They are all excellent shows. If you're not a big show person (which before I really wasn't), I encourage you to attend a showing of one of them at CP (at least Hullaballoo or Edge of Madness). They are really well done.


Anyone else seen the shows and can comment on them?

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We're planning on attending the 'Rapture at the Raptor' event on the 21st seeing how we were there when the first one was supposed to happen in May...and never did. I was quite distraught when I wasn't taken to heaven on a Millenium Force train @ 5:00.


We were in the Red Garter Saloon watching the Jimmy Buffet themed dance revue when we witnessed Beelzebub himself. He just sat there and stared at people in the audience and rarely looked at the band. When we went back into the bar four hours later...he was still sitting in there with his bucket of popcorn. Only at that moment did I realize that he was Satan.


Is it Satan or Uncle Leo?


Will he be there again on the 21st for Rapture version 2.0?

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That guy has been going to The Point for years. I always see him at the Red Garter Saloon. Usually, we only see him during Halloweekends for The Edge of Madness show. For the past couple of years (since I started noticing him at least) he always sits at that table. Speaking of, I saw him there last night. He was at the 8:00 show but suprisingly not at that table. However when we came back for the 10:00 show he was back at his normal table. Does he just go to the Red Garter and sit there to watch the show at each time slot?

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He is known as popcorn larry


Thanks for letting me know...if we would have seen him sitting in the same spot on the 21st, I probably would have pissed myself!


I figured that he must really like people watching to be there that long when we were there...didn't know he was a "regular."

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Does anyone think that some of the Halloweekends attractions can be changed up a bit?


In my opinion, the two attractions that need to be updated (changed) for next year are Club Blood and Fear Faire.


Club Blood is a good space for a haunted house and it is currenlty an alright haunted house but especially last year and again this year, it's really loosing its 'scare'. The theming is rather dull and it's just not the best haunted house.


Fear Faire is also a great space for a haunted walk-through and I think it just needs to be updated or changed to a different walk-through. Like Club Blood, the theming is pretty dull and there's just not a whole lot there. I really think they can do so much better with different theming. It had a good run and I think it's time for a change.


What do you think about them? If not these two, what other haunted attractions do you think need to be changed/updated at the park for next season?

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Just something random I was watching while home sick today; news report I was watching on youtube about TTD. It's very interesting to hear them talk about it then, now! It just gets me hyped for the next time cedar point introduces their next 'big' ride.


Thought I might share this with all of you!

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^Interesting read. Of course I and many other enthusiasts would most happily debate the claim that MF is indisputably the best ride in the park, but to each his own. But I'm a bit confused over his obsession with the handrails. I don't routinely sit/stand on them, but I don't see what the big deal is, it's not harming anyone else, and I think they're pretty stable, they won't fall over if you sit on them. Maybe there's a factor I'm overlooking, but I didn't really get that.

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^Oh no, handrails are actually quite dangerous to the GP (consider the average IQ of a park goer...). If someone slips off, they get mad at us and we don't want that to happen. It's especially bad at Raptor because people will sit on the yellow rails, and if they fall backward, that's a 20ft drop...

...not to mention several people have broken handrails from simply sitting on them.

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In a long line I'll lean on the handrail, but I usually never sit on them. An issue I see is children (and some "adults") treating the handrail like it's a jungle gym. Seriously... if you do that you look like a fool.

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I've seen people fall on their face and on the back of their head because they decided to sit on the handrail. Usually as an operator, I didn't mind if people sat on the lower handrail (if there was one), that way their feet are still on the ground. But I was a Nazi when it came to sitting on the top one (as all ops should be).

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