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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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As a bit of an invert fanboy, I really like Raptor. Its a pretty good invert to have at my home park. At the park its one of my favorites but overall it is just solidly middle of the road.


1. Afterburn

2. Montu

3. Pyrenees

4. Alpengeist

5. Raptor

6. Talon

7. Great Bear

8. Batman: The Ride

9. Silver Bullet

10. Patriot

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This year we were able to shift our trip one week later in August, to good results. Crowds were lighter, yet the average wait for the biggies was still 45 minutes. Beats 60-90!


When did you go in August? I go to Ohio (my old home) for 2 weeks (Sandusky & Cincinnati) in August. It seems busier during early August. I guess that's because the kids are still out of school. Maybe the week before Labor day? What's your experience?

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year I was sure it would be better. A station wait followed by a front row ride. On any Beemer invert, a recipe for epic. Nope. I passed up the easy re-ride. Did I catch it on a bad day?


Possibly but it's a matter of opinion.


The first time I rode Raptor I sat near the back. I found it rough and probably the biggest disappointment at Cedar Point. A few years later I went back and decided to give it another change (I LOVE Inverts and couldn't believe it was so bad). After riding it in the front it actually became my favorite invert. I even like it better than Alpengeist (I probably wouldn't have if it weren't for Alpie's brakes) because I enjoy the fast paced nature of the second half of the ride and the awesome view of the water from the first drop. It wasn't bumpy at all except for that last turn and even that wasn't bad.


Since then I went to Carowinds and rode Afterburn which gives Raptor a run for it's money but Raptor is probably still my second favorite invert.

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But I know Saturdays for Halloweekends are the worst. No day during summer even compares.


Then you obviously haven't gone on enough peek summer days; trust me when I say that it can get PACKED in that park between late July and mid-August.


Whatever peak is, I know I've been there. All major holidays? Check. Weekends? Check. None of them compare to the amount of cars I've seen during Halloweekends.



When you factor out Soak City, its pretty clear. On a Saturday CP in summer its just the normal rides. I've been there with all the major rides hovering between 1-2 hours (excluding the nonsense of opening days for TTD, MF where the lines reached 3-4hrs) and even rides like Corkscrew and Magnum which on regular days barely pull 20-30min. If Magnum isn't 15min I'm surprised.


Then when Halloweekend Saturday is all the same rides at 30+min and major rides at 1-2.5hrs and THEN you add in what, 4 haunted houses and all of those have another hour wait - not only are there enough people to have the same waits as mid summer but now you've added 4-6 more attractions that you walk through and its another hour wait for each?


Statistically I know you can find a few days a year during summer where "maybe" the main park (again...SC excluded here) has higher numbers. But I think on average Halloweekend Saturdays are by far the busiest in the park. I feel like going there is a waste of an entire day the lines are so outrageous.



So either its just more packed on those days during the event OR the crews suck badly. Because if I take out Soak City, I'm adding 4 attractions you need to wait for (not to mention a few mazes that aren't part of the normal walk-ways that are occupying people) that are holding enough people to generate a 1+hr line. It just doesn't add up.


Not saying there arent days during summer, I just think they are a lot more rare.

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On a random note, a very intriguing bit of news from screamscape:


B&M - (9/28/11) Screamscape sources tell us that in the next season or two we can expect to see B&M premier an all new launched coaster ride system, as their next new coaster concept. Beyond this, I’m told that B&M would like to launch a 4D coaster concept, likely based on the new Wing Coaster technology, but this ride system is still several years away from becoming a reality. For now B&M have their hands full developing the new Wing Coaster system and getting their Launched coaster line off the ground.



I could really see cedar point getting one of these concepts sometime soon. I know there are some crazy rumors out there about CP's future attractions but for some reason this just seemed to say 'cedar point' to me. Thoughts?

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or a record the GP would understand.


This seems like the kind of thing the GP would go crazy for to me..


"Zohmegee I went to this park and all of the coaster shoot you out at 1 zillion miles per hour and theres no boring slow up hill parts but three hundred people already died from flying out there seats buts its still so much fun omg."

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