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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I've seen people fall on their face and on the back of their head because they decided to sit on the handrail. Usually as an operator, I didn't mind if people sat on the lower handrail (if there was one), that way their feet are still on the ground. But I was a Nazi when it came to sitting on the top one (as all ops should be).


I usually just hate when they make an announcement targeting someone specific and they never listen. It gets annoying to hear it over and over again because someone thinks they are above the rules.

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^That was one of my favorite things to do. I always loved the look of bewilderment on the person's face when they realized that they were wearing what I was describing.


But yes, it was frustrating and annoying to have to ask people all day to not sit on them, especially when the people know damn well they aren't supposed to.

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I hate it when people sit on the top handrail, too. I was with a friend who was sitting up on it, and I told him to stop or else the operator would single him out. He just kept sitting there, and 30 seconds later when he went to get down he slipped and nearly landed on his face.


Anytime I'm in a line, it's basically a guarantee that I'll hear the words "If you are currently sitting on the top handrails, please get down" at least three times!

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^In short...

1) Get there EARLY!

2) Start at the back of the park and work your way to the front, try soak city entrance.

3) Bring snacks so you can take advantage of short lines during lunch / dinner hours.


Have fun!

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I've seen people fall on their face and on the back of their head because they decided to sit on the handrail. Usually as an operator, I didn't mind if people sat on the lower handrail (if there was one), that way their feet are still on the ground. But I was a Nazi when it came to sitting on the top one (as all ops should be).


I usually just hate when they make an announcement targeting someone specific and they never listen. It gets annoying to hear it over and over again because someone thinks they are above the rules.

Are ride ops allowed to specifically call a person out? Because it would be better if they did and just said "you in the yellow shirt, get down," instead of having to repeat "please do not sit on the handrails" over and over again. It really is annoying having to hear that when one person just can't stand up.

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That was an interesting article, but:


1) I don't understand some of his rants, and thought they were a little childish. Really... people hi-fiving after a coaster bothering you that much? "About 3 million people visit Cedar Point every year. Many of them ride even the biggest roller coasters at the park. This does not make us overly special like we’re completing astronaut training or something. Save the high-fives for after you accomplish something that requires some talent or ability other than sitting in a train you’re hydraulically restrained in — and strapped to — and not falling out" -- How does that affect you in any way? To some it is overcoming a huge fear. Just because 3 other million people ride a year doesn't change a personal significance or doesn't mean you can have fun after you get off a ride. also: Wearing a certain shirt and screaming on a ride. The fact that people should be able to split from their party and it shouldn't be a big deal not sitting next to friends during a ride because it doesn't add any significance (seriously?). People yelling things up the lift hill of the ride bothered him. etc. His attitude sort of bothered me.


2) Why is it split into 3 seperate .pdf's? You know you can have more than one page as a PDF, right?

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I've seen people fall on their face and on the back of their head because they decided to sit on the handrail. Usually as an operator, I didn't mind if people sat on the lower handrail (if there was one), that way their feet are still on the ground. But I was a Nazi when it came to sitting on the top one (as all ops should be).


I usually just hate when they make an announcement targeting someone specific and they never listen. It gets annoying to hear it over and over again because someone thinks they are above the rules.

Are ride ops allowed to specifically call a person out? Because it would be better if they did and just said "you in the yellow shirt, get down," instead of having to repeat "please do not sit on the handrails" over and over again. It really is annoying having to hear that when one person just can't stand up.


Not sure if they're allowed, but I've heard that before many times at different parks.

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I normally give a general announcement, then if the problem persists I will approach the guest directly and ask politely. But let's say, for example, there's somebody out of reach from an op, we are allowed to say "Sir with the blue shirt, please hop down. Thank you."That's about it.

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We are not restricted from singling people out from sitting on handrails. It's a safety issue so if singling people out is what it takes, then there's no real problem. It's not like the park will be sued because a guest was singled out about a safety issue. Honestly we get more guest complaints about ride ops being boring than about ride ops being picky.

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^I love watching stuff from Dragster's past. It makes you realize what an impact it really had at the time.


Sad to see that & think "why did discovery channel pull the plug on their annual thrills,chills & spills series?" I used to watch every year & even record the shows every memorial day starting way back in 96 when the first program,Wild rides aired that summer.Unfortunately their obsession with "reality" TV shows had started to take over by that time & it seemed that building motorcycles became more of an interest to the audience(or so the network had hoped) than an annual series that had a devoted fanbase for close to a decade.

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I used to love those shows too, and it also interested my entire family, who aren't even coaster enthusiasts. I mean, sure, we have the internet faster than ever and youtube and things like that to watch roller coasters. But its still so exciting to see them on TV!

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^Um, since when does Cedar Fair dissapoint, yea sure theming isnt great, but their rides are wonderful!


Yeah, I love Cedar Point and Cedar Fair. But however, they took out a family ride that anybody could enjoy and replaced it with a cruddy $5 upcharge attraction. They need a new coaster. Couldn't they make a coaster that could please all? And keep in mind that CP considered Maverick a "family coaster" before they changed the height restriction...

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Maverick is insanely intense. Its one of those rides that keeps up amazing pace the entire ride. (Granted it has as 70 mph launch in the middle, but still ) If they would've advertised it as a family coaster, that would be ridiculous.




I hope cedar point really makes a good move like maverick for their next ride. Hopefully this five year wait will pay off!

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Minus the height restriction, I would consider Maverick a family coaster. Usually the people I know who don't like coasters too much really like Maverick; those types of people who won't ride Magnum or Millennium. I can't really think of an average "family" type person I know who has gotten off that ride dissatisfied.

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