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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Agreed. Blue Streak is a classic and the Mean Streak is a decent ride, but neither really stands out. Id love to see either a GCI woodie or maybe some Intamin Pre-fab. I wouldnt mind seeing DT go. I think the theming for that ride is great, but the ride itself is lacking.

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I thought Blue Streak had some great airtime on its out run, but seemed fairly dead on the return run. I didn't quite see what many others love so much about it, but it's a respectable middle-of-the-pack woodie in my book.


I love Blue Streak. It's got great airtime for a 76' hill. In the front the airtime is out and back. Yes, it was a great ride all season, when I was there for Coastermania and for my August vacation. It's the type of ride I can do all day, get my airtime and not get beat up. Also very rarely does it have a line.


I'd love a GCI or Intamin woodie there...

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^ Same. It has gotten much better with the new trains, but it's still 'meh' to me. Blue Streak is one of the most over-hyped and overrated rides in my book.

LOL! Overrated? This one of the most underrated rides I've ever been on? You seriously think that out of everything at Cedar Point THIS is overrated? What else did you happen ride? Ever heard of Mean Streak?


And don't even get me started with the overhyped comment. I haven't seen ONE person who is even close to hyped up about this ride.

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Blue Streak is an excellent coaster in my book. It has great airtime. I thought the trains just got some work done and a new paint job but they're actually new trains? The woodie is certainly underrated. Personally, I put Blue Streak higher up on my top coaster list than Maverick (Maverick isn't even on my top coaster list).

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LOL! Overrated? This one of the most underrated rides I've ever been on? You seriously think that out of everything at Cedar Point THIS is overrated? What else did you happen ride? Ever heard of Mean Streak?


And don't even get me started with the overhyped comment. I haven't seen ONE person who is even close to hyped up about this ride.


Yes, overrated. I'm sorry I hit a nerve, but that's my opinion. All I hear on here and many other forums is how great the airtime is and such (i.e. HYPING it up...hence "overhyped" ), when I don't think it's more than just a middle-of-the-pack wooden coaster. I don't think it's terrible, but I certainly don't think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread like most people HYPE IT UP to be. Looking at your coaster count you have only ridden 9 wooden coasters, all average at best, so I can see why you think what you think (I would probably rate Blue Streak the highest out of those too). I'm nowhere near to having even a remotely large coaster count, but if you ever get the chance, definitely try out El Toro, Ravine Flyer II, Boulder Dash, Phoenix, Voyage (although maybe not so much now), etc. and you might just change your tune.


Also, as someone else said, what does Mean Streak have to do with anything? It is not rated high or hyped up by many people. I have been on far worse wooden coasters than Mean Streak, and my opinion would be the same whether it existed or not...

Edited by FeelTheFORCE
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^I understand what you mean. Blue Streak gets a lot of love. It's a ride I'd say is "overrated" in the circles that rave about it, but at least it doesn't tend to get ranked all that highly in polls.


Then again, I'm a fan of the big, fancy rides at Cedar Point, like Maverick, TTD, and Millennium Force, so I just don't "get" people who think, say, Wildcat is the most fun ride in the park.

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I think Blue Streak is a good ride, but not a great ride. It is certainly something I enjoyed riding and would re-ride on a future visit, but is not something I would be willing to wait too long for (20 minutes max). It is a bit overrated by some people, but I think it's Mitch Hawker Rating (somewhere in the 70s if I remember correctly) is probably about correct. Also, the ride did have a bit of airtime, but when you've got three coasters in the same park that have better airtime (especially Magnum XL-200), that isn't really much of a reason to ride what is essentially an oversized family coaster.


As for the GCI idea from a couple pages back, I am definitely in support of it, and I am definitely in support of replacing Disaster Transport. That is my second least favorite coaster in the park (only Cedar Creek Mine Ride ranks lower on my list), and Cedar Point could use a better woodie. They have enough steel, and while an Intamin prefab would be a great addition, I think they're better off with a GCI since it would be more different from the steel coasters than the Intamin (plus they've already got enough Intamin coasters).

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It's definitely a crazy ride, especially the turn around, hearing the grinding of the wheels. But it still hurt.


You need to ride the front - rows 1 or 2 in the first train. For me pure heaven.


I'm sure I'll get trashed for this comment, but for me It's my fav at C.P. Yes, better than MF, Maverick (don't like), TTD, WT and of course MS. Just my personal preference - lots of airtime, no lines and I can ride all day without getting "beaten up."

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