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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Love the North course there!


Yay...we made reservations for the North course at 12:42! Looks like a nice course...can't wait to play something new! I'll look for you Friday and freak everyone out by insanely screaming TPR over and over!


As far as crowds Friday night, they are never as bad as Saturday. A lot of the rides/coasters are walk-on's, but the haunt lines will be substantially longer. This is the third year in a row that we have gone and every year, Friday & Sunday's are the best as far as light crowds and lines. Saturday? I wouldn't even bother unless you want to wait in ridiculous lines!

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From all my years of going during this time of year (and that would be a lot - I may only go 2-3 times between June and August. While I go 5-10 in may and every fri or sundays in Halloweekends) and Fridays and Sundays are typically dead by CP standards. However...


Saturdays, especially the nice, sunny ones like this one coming up (70 degrees...) have the LONGEST LINES EVER. I have not been to the park on any summer day yet to compare to the several Saturday Halloweekends Ive seen. Halloween is just a really big holiday now and people love the atmosphere. So much so, that Ive seen the big 3 rides have 2hr waits PLUS each of the haunted houses the lines were coming out the queues. I am not sure how they fit that many more people in the park since all those haunted houses with lines can hold a ton more people and all the normal rides are still open (minus water rides but really...those dont hold that many) or maybe its just people car pool more for an event like Halloweekends.


Whatever the case, I stay away from Saturdays like the plague if I want to ride. Fridays and Sundays are money.

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Was there last night for PointFest and WTFOMG that was the most FULL Ive ever seen the parking lots.


Yes, the Soak City lot was roped off due to the concert but typically when I park back there its 1/4th full anyways.



Let me paint a picture: The lot on the left, for overspill - full. The main lot - people were parked sideways along the very back!!!! And at 6pm people were still pouring in. Ive never seen this at any time during the summer weekends/holidays in all my years.



As I said above, avoid Saturdays like the plague. Raptor had a 1+hr line and I didn't even look at the other big ones as I was already an hour late for the concert but holy crap. It just gets more and more crazy every year.

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I was there also last night. I knew it was going to be crowded but wow. From what I saw Magnum, Gemini, Iron Dragon, and Corkscrew had nearly full queues at one point. And also Mean Streak had to use some of its extended queue. I didn't even bother to guess how long any of the big ride lines were. So instead of riding rides I spent more time watching shows. So when the haunted walkthroughs open the lines will be considerably shorter, which they were. But I really enjoyed yesterday because I finally got night rides on alot of the rides. Oh and just a word of warning if you plan to stay till midnight on a saturday, it took me an hour and a half to get out of the parking lot. Of course I was park at the front right corner near Disater Transport.

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^ Where do they put all of the vehicles when it is a very large crowd, versus medium sized???


When we left to go to Put-In Bay around 2:30 yesterday from Camper Village, the front lot was just about completely full (plus the side lot was full because of the boat show) and there was still a line at least a mile long of cars (and school buses) three lanes deep waiting to get in from the causeway. My sister and brother in law had to wait in traffic for more than an hour and a half on Rye Beach Road before they ever got to Camper Village - hence the late start for us to catch the downtown ferry to PIB.


Of what I could see, the queue for Millenium was completely full when we drove out of the park and still full when we came back around 10:30 PM. So yeah...Saturday's always seem to be ridiculously crowded on Halloweekends!


We lucked out and went in Friday night and rode most of the major rides and did a few haunts with no more than a 20 minute wait, although I never made it to Fear Faire. We ended up going back to the motor home around 10:30 because we were all pooped from golfing earlier.


Also went into the park for early entry on Saturday before the mobs showed up and got on Maverick, MF and Skyhawk with little wait - we left the park and went back to CV around 12:30 knowing the big crowds were coming - they did.


First ride on Windseeker Friday night...nice, relaxing ride. I was a little nervous because Star Flyers scare the poop out of me, but this was very comfortable and I felt a little safer.

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Went to the park yesterday and got in right at 11:00am (Platinum Pass early entry). We did Raptor right away, line was only on the stairs. Then we went over to WindSeeker and had to wait until every seat was filled (never did that before) so hence it was a walk-on. Then headed over to Millennium which was about a 25-30 minute wait. Dragster was next with about a 45 minute wait. Magnum was close by so we did that, about a 15 minute wait in the station. I did Mean Streak right when it opened around 2:00. We saw A Halloween Hullabaloo at 2:30, good show. Then we just lilly-dallied until the parade at 4:00. Eerie Estate was our first haunted house we did. We were the second group in of the day I believe to go in. It was good as usual, great theming. We headed over to Happy Jack's and waited about 30 minutes. That's another good one that we like. We ate at Hurricane Hannah's. Since we were up there, we decided to do Club Blood only because it literally had a 5 minute wait; otherwise we wouldn't have done it. Then I did Blue Streak and then saw Sideshow - A Carnival of Magic at 7:00; it's an alright show. We booked it to the Overlord at 7:35. Then we saw The Edge of Madness at 8:00; in my opinion, it's a good show but previous years have been better. It doesn't have a catchy beginning like the past years. After that, we walked through the new 'Screamworks' fright zone and it was alright; seemed to not have as many sreamsters as last years 'Fright Zone' but still good. Then we walked through Carnevil; I always like how it's in Planet Snoopy and you get to see the kid rides not going in the dark. Terror Island was next and the theming is still great in that. The new Blood on the Bayou was next; I really like the new location and that it's under Iron Dragon and even a bit of Mantis. The theming in that is great as well. After that I did Power Tower and Blood on the Bayou again. Corkscrew had no line so I lapped that 5 times (I was just killing time until I had to meet up with people). On our way out, we decided to walk through Fear Faire. There were literally no guests in site besides the very end when we caught up with some people as they were walking out of the attraction; so hense Fear Faire is not very popular. I think they need to put a new, more thrilling walk-through there. It's great space to use but Fear Faire isn't pulling in the people. We left the park around 11:00.


Overall, it was a good day. However Pointfest made it busier than it should've been but I'm not complaining. I did all the rides and haunted attractions that I wanted to so I was satisfied.

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^ Where do they put all of the vehicles when it is a very large crowd, versus medium sized???


In the Soak city lot and in the "Boat Show" Lot and on the causeway and on the biggest night last year across from the causeway where the dorms are. Also they park on the grass around the camper village and hotel and pretty much everywhere they can find space.


As far as Fear Faire not being popular, it isn't so much that the zone isn't new and exciting it is more that people don't know it is there. They think the archways are some random themeing and never realize the zone is there at all.


Club Blood also suffers as Fear Faire does from being a bit isolated at the front too. It is quite a hike from the other outdoor zones.

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Anyone who is planning to go to Halloweekends this season, are you honestly going to get the 'Zombie Tour' thing? I mean it's $75! I thought Fast Lane at Kings Island was a lot for $50 but $75 is ridiculous. What are your thoughts about it?

Honestly, they could charge $100 and it would be worth it on a busy Saturday in October. On Columbus Day weekend, when the haunted houses have 2 hour waits, it would be a nice thing to have in order to get all of the houses done and still have time for rides.

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In the Soak city lot and in the "Boat Show" Lot and on the causeway and on the biggest night last year across from the causeway where the dorms are. Also they park on the grass around the camper village and hotel and pretty much everywhere they can find space.


It's legal to for them to park vehicles on the causeway? I thought there was no stopping/parking on the causeway or anywhere on the road leading back to the resorts?


Wow...I can see the (boat show) parking lot area , Soak City parking lot and the lot by the dorms, but I would think that anywhere else might be a huge issue for them. I know we would have had a problem if someone were parking their vehicle in front of our motor home/camp site at Camper Village!


That's totally crazy...I hope that I'm never visiting when it's THAT busy!

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For the record, that was still only a medium or so sized Saturday crowd. It will get much worse then that


Been goin for over 10 years, never seen the parking lot that full. Ive also never seen people "streaming" in at 6pm. I was an hour late for the concert by 6...



But I know Saturdays for Halloweekends are the worst. No day during summer even compares.

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Raptor. What's the big deal? Sure it's big. It meanders. The location over crappy midway concession rooftops is nothing special. It rattles. It is my least favorite B&M invert by a long shot.


To be fair, the first time I rode this thing it was freaking hot and humid. We waited more than an hour in the direct sun in that livestock pen CP calls a queue. When I got off I was underwhelmed, but chalked it up to feeling burnt by the wait.


This year I was sure it would be better. A station wait followed by a front row ride. On any Beemer invert, a recipe for epic. Nope. I passed up the easy re-ride. Did I catch it on a bad day?


(Note: I do not hate CP. Maverick, TTD, Millie, and Magnum are pure riding joy)


I feel better now...


My invert rankings, not that you care.

1. Alpengeist

2. Montu

3. Fire

4. Ice

5. Talon

6. Innumerable Batman clones / Goliath (tie)

7. Great Bear

8. Patriot

9. Silver Bullet

10. Flight Deck

11. Raptor

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^Nice Rant . Personally I've never had a bad ride on Raptor except for one front row ride on a cold rainy evening when it felt like I was being pelted with ice chips, and even then it flew through the course for a great ride. It's not my favorite invert but it ranks highly on my list. Everyone is entilted to their opinons on rides, for example; I love Mean Streak, many do not

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But I know Saturdays for Halloweekends are the worst. No day during summer even compares.


Then you obviously haven't gone on enough peek summer days; trust me when I say that it can get PACKED in that park between late July and mid-August.


As far as Raptor, I ride Raptor during early entry because it is usually a walk-on during that time. Also, I try to catch it on my way out (typically an hour before park closing) because usually there is a short to no wait for it. I NEVER wait for it during the day because it can get such a long line. The reason being that during the morning and afternoon when people are coming into the park they see Raptor (being the first big ride they pass) and they want to ride it so they get in line (hense the long line). By night time like an hour before park closing, people are leaving the park and don't want to ride another big ride like Raptor because they are too tired or something like that (hense the short line).


I have everything down to a science for amusement parks.

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Raptor is one of my favorites in the park, espeically when the mid-course brakes are either off or lightly tapping but it's not my overall favorite invert (Afterburn, Alpengeist and Talon rank higher on my personal list).


I usually like to hit Raptor around the dinner hour as the lines are generally smaller at that time with majority of the crowds dispersed towards the back of the park by then.

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That first Raptor lap wasn't my first rodeo. That one hour wait was during the dinner hour after crowds had died down at the front of the park. This doesn't take a genius! Whatever's plopped next to the gate is an early crowd magnet, whatever the park.


It was the last credit to grab. I wanted to get it, so I could get night rides on Millie and Maverick (at the time TTD was constantly enveloped in fog o' bugs - no thanks).


This year we were able to shift our trip one week later in August, to good results. Crowds were lighter, yet the average wait for the biggies was still 45 minutes. Beats 60-90!

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