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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Wicked Twister is a weird one. You would think it would be more popular early in the morning than any other time of day since it's located in the front of the park but whatever. I don't personally care since I rarely ever ride it but that seems weird.


I would usually ride it in the first hour if it was open and I was down that way simply because it wouldn't have a long line. Why would I wait more than 15 minutes for Wicked Twister?




Yes, imaginary heckler, you're right, rides when a park first opens have shorter lines due to the fact that it was closed before it opened and had no guests. That in turn is why everyone on here is always advised if they are planning to go to a park to go at opening. Wicked Twister probably costs a bunch of money to launch half full trains, so they think by not running it in the first hour, they can save a few thousand dollars a year in personnel, maintenance, and elecrical costs. I guess I can go jerk off in a bathroom stall while I wait for Melt to open at 11AM instead of riding anything once the gates open and guests are let loose.

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I really dislike how many rides are on that staggered opening list. During my first visit to Carowinds in 5 years last year I noticed that Cedar Fair has started doing the same thing there and it really feels cheap walking around the park seeing tons of closed rides for 2-3 hours. I wasn't surprised that Windseeker stayed closed most of the day (what a disaster those turned out to be vs. the Starflyers) but Vortex, Cyclone, Drop Zone, and more were all closed leaving a giant portion of the park without anything to ride.


I wish Cedar Fair would learn how to staff correctly honestly... it seems to be getting worse. My trip to Cedar Point last year was shocking due to how different the staffing was vs. 10 years ago. When Carowinds was still Paramount owned and I visited Cedar Point as a teenager I couldn't believe how great the ops were and how nice the employees were.

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I really dislike how many rides are on that staggered opening list. During my first visit to Carowinds in 5 years last year I noticed that Cedar Fair has started doing the same thing there and it really feels cheap walking around the park seeing tons of closed rides for 2-3 hours. I wasn't surprised that Windseeker stayed closed most of the day (what a disaster those turned out to be vs. the Starflyers) but Vortex, Cyclone, Drop Zone, and more were all closed leaving a giant portion of the park without anything to ride.


I wish Cedar Fair would learn how to staff correctly honestly... it seems to be getting worse. My trip to Cedar Point last year was shocking due to how different the staffing was vs. 10 years ago. When Carowinds was still Paramount owned and I visited Cedar Point as a teenager I couldn't believe how great the ops were and how nice the employees were.


What bothers you? Just the number? Or are you really getting there super early for one of the rides listed that you can ride with less than a 15 minute wait any time of the day?

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I wish Cedar Fair would learn how to staff correctly honestly...

Um. It sounds like they are learning how to staff correctly. This is smart business and there are plenty of other attractions open.


Try going to a park like Kennywood where some rides don't even open before noon. Exterminator was the only ride open for the first 30 minutes during our visit last summer.

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I wish Cedar Fair would learn how to staff correctly honestly... it seems to be getting worse.

Has it though? I seem to remember reading that Cedar Fair has ALWAYS had staffing problems in the spring and fall.

When Carowinds was still Paramount owned and I visited Cedar Point as a teenager I couldn't believe how great the ops were and how nice the employees were.

Are you implying that they are terrible and mean now?

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^It sure does look to be gone. Panda was still listed as a dining location and on the map posted on the previous page for the 2019 dining plan.


So if it was removed the decision was made after that 2019 dining plan map was approved and posted.


Could they have decided to tear down and rebuild this late in the off season for some reason? Be interesting to find out, also nothing about it being gone was mentioned from Winter ChillOut.

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Could they have decided to tear down and rebuild this late in the off season for some reason?


It sort of looks like they put sod down if I'm looking at it correctly which would lead me to believe that it's just gone for good.

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It looks like it’s still there, the roof was covered in moss and with all the rain we've had it’s probably greener than normal. You can kind of still see the posts from the awning.

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They're bringing back the fog, futuristic sounds, and lighting in Magnum's tunnels!




And along with new signage to both Mine Ride and Magnum (as seen earlier in the thread for Mine Ride)...


The Cedar Creek Mine Ride will have a new soundtrack in the boarding station. As the coaster leaves the station, there is a new sound effect in the first tunnel. And when the trains return to the loading platform, Cedar Point says riders will encounter some “old friends from a former attraction” before they leave.
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For all I know you might be right but that’s a crazy optical illusion.
I've spent quite a large amount of time analyzing the park and I can say without a doubt the building is still there, you can see a slight change in tone in the green color from the angle of the roof changing, as well as if you look close enough you can see the fences and pillars that make the front deck. The moss on top is just very vibrant and thick this year I suppose.


Btw in case anyone is wondering why I knew this, that building was one of the first I made for my recreation of Cedar Point in Planet Coaster over here.

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Hi everyone! I am going to Cedar Point for the first time since 2012. We are getting to the park on Tuesday the 14th around 1 p.m, spending all day the 15th, and then leaving the morning of the 16th. We have Fastlane plus for the full day we are at the park. We are staying on property as well. With so many new headlining rides since I last went, I was wondering what a good plan of attack would be for the two days I am there?

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I rode Steel Vengeance today. The metal detector is located at the bottom of the stairs in the main line. The Fast lane metal detector is at the top of the stairs, in the station. They’ll stamp your hand if you have items that must go into the pouch, such as keys and phones. The pouch is easily accessible between your legs on the train and it’s very roomy. If you have zippered pockets, your items ARE allowed to be stored there. However, if your jacket or shorts/pants only have buttons, then your items must go into the pouch. Zippered pockets only.

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I rode Steel Vengeance today. The metal detector is located at the bottom of the stairs in the main line. The Fast lane metal detector is at the top of the stairs, in the station. They’ll stamp your hand if you have items that must go into the pouch, such as keys and phones. The pouch is easily accessible between your legs on the train and it’s very roomy. If you have zippered pockets, your items ARE allowed to be stored there. However, if your jacket or shorts/pants only have buttons, then your items must go into the pouch. Zippered pockets only.


Thank you for the clarification! Like many on here, I make it a point to have zipper pockets somewhere, though I guess the pouches are probably fine. Three more weeks!

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Also new this year... Magnum now has yellow padding on the lap bars. It’s clearly there just to make it easier for the operators to see, but I’m sure it’ll be a more comfortable ride for a lot of people. Personally, I tighten my seatbelt on it so I never really have thigh discomfort, but I still welcome this change!

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Also new this year... Magnum now has yellow padding on the lap bars. It’s clearly there just to make it easier for the operators to see, but I’m sure it’ll be a more comfortable ride for a lot of people. Personally, I tighten my seatbelt on it so I never really have thigh discomfort, but I still welcome this change!


As someone who doesn't have much success with the seat belt trick, this is very interesting and exciting news. Can't wait to see some pictures and more reports!

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