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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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If you have free reign of the park during morning ERT (I'm not sure if you do) why not just walk back to Steel Vengeance from Millennium Force along Frontier Trail at like 8:45 and beat the early entry rush from the resort gate?

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If you have free reign of the park during morning ERT (I'm not sure if you do) why not just walk back to Steel Vengeance from Millennium Force along Frontier Trail at like 8:45 and beat the early entry rush from the resort gate?


Tis the plan!

Hey not like I'll gripe about 1.5 hours of MForce ERT!


And I didn't know about how the ops work. I did assume for an event like this they would use an extra shift/get extra people for the day and not have their people work like 15 hours. Like get extra for the day and stagger em or something, so you dont have crazy long shifts or people working till 130 then going in a few hours later, but good to know. Huge kudos to those that work that madness for us!

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Wish I had gotten on board with buying CoasterMania tickets when they came out (I'm assuming it was early February but I totally missed it) because ERT until 1:30 A.M. sounds like a dream. I will gladly take your ticket off you if you are disappointed with the ERT selection.

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Wish I had gotten on board with buying CoasterMania tickets when they came out (I'm assuming it was early February but I totally missed it) because ERT until 1:30 A.M. sounds like a dream. I will gladly take your ticket off you if you are disappointed with the ERT selection.


Slow your roll there buckaroo.

I said morning ERT

Nice try though

But nah all good, I guess I'll just have to accept a morning full of MForce still one of my favorite rides. I'll find a way cope Deff gunna be an epic day. I missed out last year. I too was a bit too slow, so I made sure not to repeat it this year. I got spoiled after coastermania 2017. There was nothing like that day. Did a season's worth of rides basically in that one day.

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And I didn't know about how the ops work. I did assume for an event like this they would use an extra shift/get extra people for the day and not have their people work like 15 hours. Like get extra for the day and stagger em or something, so you dont have crazy long shifts or people working till 130 then going in a few hours later, but good to know. Huge kudos to those that work that madness for us!


Not everyone is going to work straight-through for 2 straight days but tons of people do. Some people on here know the specifics of scheduling more than me but Cedar Point ride ops are insane and I don't know how they do it. Last year we were talking to the crew of one of the major rides during a breakdown and they were telling us some pretty crazy stories about the early-season shifts they had to work since the park had absolutely no staff (early season being May through early June).

Edited by coasterbill
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^^^Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.

Props for those who can hang, but 7:00am - 1:30am sounds ffcking exhausting to me. I just hope people are too worn out to not stay until Sunday so that it's not too crowded.

I definitely made use of the bench ERT at some point last year, but extending nighttime ERT would definitely warrant some kind of more official nap.


Still not as exhausting as WCB with 16+ hours at SFMM followed by a full day at Knott's. I don't think I've ever been more exhausted than I was after WCB weekend in 2015.


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I took a 4 hour nap last time, and there was prob a good hour or so I just kind of relaxed in park. Im sure some can do the whole day straight, and I ran into one last time....met at morning ERT, bumped into at dusk, then met at night ERT and never took a break!I don't got the energy or cocaine for that

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Props for those who can hang, but 7:00am - 1:30am sounds ffcking exhausting to me. I just hope people are too worn out to not stay until Sunday so that it's not too crowded.


Agreed. I'm there Sun - Tues that week.


Next year I'll plan better and prob hit up the event. Wish it wasn't sold out this year.

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^If I remember, for CoasterMANIA! in 2017, you had to go through the main entrance to the park. Because all the check-in stuff and schedules and tags to wear, were all taking place, there in the front of the park. I doubt everything has changed since then.


The other entrances (Boardwalk, Marina, Waterparks) opened for everybody, when the park itself opened for business.




all entrances opened once the park opened to the public, but for Coastermania we were told to go to main gate only.


that's where they have the tents set up for shirts/tags/meal tickets, etc.


but once you have those? we went in and out thruout the day using other gates.

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and at Coastermania 2017, the park was basically DEAD during the hours for General public . . we rode everything so much, we didn't even bother with the night time ERT, except for Wilderness Run (and that was only because it was an opportunity to ride it, so why not??).


the line for Maverick for the night ERT was longer than the standby line had been during the day! (seriously). . .


tho we DID utilize the heck out of morning ERT, and the boat ride was worth the cost of admission on it's own.

(the food? was. . . theme park food. . LOL)

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I haven't done a Coastermania since 2013, so it's been a while, but I am excited to return this year. This is the first time in a while that the weekend doesn't align with Holiwood Nights, which is my preference. Anyway, looking at that itinerary, an afternoon nap will definitely be in order!


Question- for those that have attended since CP capped attendance w/ the ticket system, how many people would you estimate attend? Just curious how Steel Vengeance may reduce the lines between that and Maverick during the night ERT.

Edited by Intaman
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and at Coastermania 2017, the park was basically DEAD during the hours for General public . . we rode everything so much, we didn't even bother with the night time ERT, except for Wilderness Run (and that was only because it was an opportunity to ride it, so why not??).


the line for Maverick for the night ERT was longer than the standby line had been during the day! (seriously). . .


tho we DID utilize the heck out of morning ERT, and the boat ride was worth the cost of admission on it's own.

(the food? was. . . theme park food. . LOL)


I recall that as well. 2017 is the year I went myself. I deff remember getting I think 7 rides on MF during the normal day hours! It was a very quiet day and I was shocked how much I got done in normal hours. Granted it helped I knocked out Maverick early ERT and didn't need to wait for it. Yeah MAverick had some issues that night, it opened late, then not long into the session went down, I bolted and went to TTD, which had its own bugs BUT I was glad I waited it out b/c got a roll back finally!


But there was no SV then. Even last year on what was a pretty quiet day (I got a few near walk ons with MF) the line for SV was still 2+ hours all day, Maverick was generally above 1. Guess I'll see when Im there how bad the lines are.

I skipped the boat last time, but heard great things and the pics were wonderful! I may do it this time.

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and at Coastermania 2017, the park was basically DEAD during the hours for General public . . we rode everything so much, we didn't even bother with the night time ERT,


Was it the same time of year? There's also the run/race the next day this time around. I don't know if it's been that way in the past.

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I'm looking at spending 3 days at Cedar Point this summer, probably a Thursday-Saturday towards the end of June. I planned on staying at Hotel Breakers and they have an offer that includes Fast Lane Plus, and essentially free meals and drinks all day, for an extra $400. I've only been to the park once and that was back in 2011. I figure the lines will be pretty long since it will be the middle of summer and it isn't a stretch for me to budget that extra $400, but I was wondering if you guys had any thoughts or advice?

Thanks in advance!

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I'm looking at spending 3 days at Cedar Point this summer, probably a Thursday-Saturday towards the end of June. I planned on staying at Hotel Breakers and they have an offer that includes Fast Lane Plus, and essentially free meals and drinks all day, for an extra $400. I've only been to the park once and that was back in 2011. I figure the lines will be pretty long since it will be the middle of summer and it isn't a stretch for me to budget that extra $400, but I was wondering if you guys had any thoughts or advice?

Thanks in advance!


is the Fastlane+ good for all 3 days?


if yes, jump on it immediately.


that it includes meals and drinks is a great savings too, but if FL+ is for all 3 days? it's a steal, grab it.


and as a Hotel Breaker's guest, you get early entry too.

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Buy it. Buy it, now.


You'll definitely need FL+ for Saturday. When I went on a Saturday that time in June a few years ago I spent nearly $150 in FL+ and I still waited in lines 20-30 minutes long.

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Alright, so exciting news! I'm on my school rowing team, and there's a regatta in about a month that's in Ohio... and about two hours from the Promised Land. Guess who plans to make that drive at some point.


I'm stupid excited, but I need advice. I plan to hit all the big boy coasters- most notable Steel Vengeance, TTD, Maverick, Millennium, Gatekeeper, Raptor, Rougarou, Valravn, and Magnum. Hopefully I'll get on the rest of the coasters, but those are the must-rides for me. I'll probably be there for only a half day either on May 24 or 26 (Friday or Sunday). It's possible to hit all those in that time, right? I'm not expecting to get every credit, but I'll definitely buy Fast Lane if I have to.

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I'm looking at spending 3 days at Cedar Point this summer, probably a Thursday-Saturday towards the end of June. I planned on staying at Hotel Breakers and they have an offer that includes Fast Lane Plus, and essentially free meals and drinks all day, for an extra $400. I've only been to the park once and that was back in 2011. I figure the lines will be pretty long since it will be the middle of summer and it isn't a stretch for me to budget that extra $400, but I was wondering if you guys had any thoughts or advice?

Thanks in advance!


is the Fastlane+ good for all 3 days?


if yes, jump on it immediately.


that it includes meals and drinks is a great savings too, but if FL+ is for all 3 days? it's a steal, grab it.


and as a Hotel Breaker's guest, you get early entry too.


Yup, the Fastlane+ is for all 3 days. I'm really looking forward to going back, last time I was there in 2011 I only spent a day and a half at the park and didn't have fastlane, so I was wanting to go all out for this trip!

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Isn't that Memorial Day Weekend? Buy the Fast Lane Plus, but be prepared to make choices if you're only there for a half day.

Oh yikes, you're right... I guess Friday would make the most sense then. That's set in stone now I guess.


It's probably possible if Dragster doesn't break and it's not mildly breezy or raining.


Will you be there for opening / closing or just a chunk out of the middle of the day?

Probably the middle of the day till closing. Ballpark guess is I'll get there around 3:00 ish, so that gives me about six hours.


Also yeah, I've heard horror stories about Dragster's downtime. It's pretty far up on my bucket list, but it won't be the end of the world if I don't get on then. I think the 100% need-to-do-or-I'm-gonna-be-sad is SV, Millennium, and Maverick. That seems reasonable, right? I'm definitely doing Fast Lane Plus, but I'm also curious about the single rider policy... could that be beneficial?


Even with Fast Lane Plus, you're gonna have a tough time succeeding at your goal in half a day TBH. It isn't impossible but phew. Good luck buddy.


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