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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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They refurbish them every off season.

Really? I rode it on opening weekend in 2004, and the trains were so beat up, it wasn't funny. All 3 of the trains were jackhammering everywhere, and it felt like everytime you went over the top of a hill you went up a few inches off the track because the upstops were so stretched...

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Am I the only one still royally pissed off by the removal of the roll?


That was the signature element in the ride video for me... Then again it's got a few good drops, a couple inversions and a decent look'n launch. I guess I'll deal with it...


I still hope that they get a proper hearline roll in there next year because that looked sick in ways that I can't put into words.

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Am I the only one still royally pissed off by the removal of the roll?


That was the signature element in the ride video for me... Then again it's got a few good drops, a couple inversions and a decent look'n launch. I guess I'll deal with it...


I still hope that they get a proper hearline roll in there next year because that looked sick in ways that I can't put into words.


Well, would you rather having neck or back pains or just having a fun smooth ride? You decide.

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Am I the only one still royally pissed off by the removal of the roll?


That was the signature element in the ride video for me... Then again it's got a few good drops, a couple inversions and a decent look'n launch. I guess I'll deal with it...


I still hope that they get a proper hearline roll in there next year because that looked sick in ways that I can't put into words.


Look up some videos on youtube of it testing with the roll. It's pretty brutal!

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I think something must've gotten messed up at somepoint. It looks like it rolls around the "spine" of the track more than the riders "heartline", which would explain the problem I think...


I'm still one to believe that a proper heartline roll can and should go there. Cedar Fair should just get a few lawers together and argue with Stengel until they get a ridable roll. I agree that as it is it would've made Maverick the modern equivilent of Harry Travers abuse machines.

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They refurbish them every off season.

Really? I rode it on opening weekend in 2004, and the trains were so beat up, it wasn't funny. All 3 of the trains were jackhammering everywhere, and it felt like everytime you went over the top of a hill you went up a few inches off the track because the upstops were so stretched...


Yep, they refurbish every train on every coaster every off-season.

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My wife and I were at Cedar Point all weekend. When we arrived at about 11:30am or so on Saturday, we parked in the Hotel Breakers lot since that's where we were staying. Immediately we saw that something wasn't right at Magnum. An ambulance was on scene and just as we were walking towards the coaster, they started throwing tarp on the damaged back seat of the train. It didn't look good and sent an eerie chill through our spines. We thought for sure there was a serious injury or death involved. Strangly, the park operations continued without much feeling of what happened aside from the area around Magnum. I'd say most of the park's guests had no clue what just happened.


On Saturday night, heading out of the park, we watched them lift both trains off the track, about 10:30pm or so. I thought for sure it'd be a while before Magnum operated again. We also witnessed a lot of activity on the brake following the final tunnel and some welding on the track leading into the station (perhaps the impact damaged some track?). While watching this activity we met a couple who informed us that there was only a minor injury and that one of the kids sitting in the back car actually walked out under his own power. Not sure if that's true or not but it was nice to hear. Certainly, if someone taller like me was sitting back there, there would have been some broken bones at the very least.


Much to our surprise, Magnum was back in operation sometime on Sunday. They were reporting 90 minute waits despite the fact that the line stretched out just a little into the queue from the bottom of the station stairs. I believe it though as we waited about 10 minutes and the line didn't budge once. As luck would have it for us, on our way out Sunday night, 10 minutes after the park closed they still had the queue open. We got in with just minutes to spare and by then it was about a 5 train wait from any seat. We lucked out and took the final ride of the night on the front of the back train. Trust me, it was eerie to ride it after what we saw just a day before.


I took a few photos but have not downloaded them yet. Once I do, I'll post what I have.

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I just got back from Cedar Point and I got two awesome rides in on Maverick. On the first ride, I requested the back seat and it was incredible. The lift was much faster than expected and the train is literally thrown over the top. The airtime in the back was the strongest airtime I've ever experienced on a coaster. There were two other moments of intense ejector air during both of the air hills. The two inversions in the horseshoe roll offer perfect floater air and together make a fantastic element. The launch, although not nearly as strong as Top Thrill Dragster or even Wicked Twister was very fun as you hardly slow down when coming into the tunnel. I've heard quite a few people upset about the roll being removed, yet after riding the coaster, I honestly can't even imagine going through a heartline roll at those speeds. The s-curve is a fast transition and that only rolls about 90-100 degrees. The two consecutive Stengel dives are also absolute fun as are the two quick transitions following the first drop. I would rate the ride at a 9.5/10. It has now taken the spot of my favorite ride at Cedar Point from Millennium Force and is tied with my all-time favorite coaster, Revenge of the Mummy in Orlando. Every coaster enthusiast needs to ride this ride. I highly doubt that there is anyone that enjoys coasters that could not like this ride.

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If I'm correct, the default setting for those trim brakes are closed, so even if there was power failure to the brake, it shouldn't open. Very odd, and you hate to see it happen to such a good ride.


I remember reading that until the 90's Arrow coaster brakes' default position is open, which is why they have to chain the trains to the transfer.

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5 rides in 1 hour and 45 minutes - Single Ride line anyone?


Rides in:


Row 3

Row 4

Row 6



Obviously row 6 is the winner. The drop actually doesn't have the most intense G's - or its super comparable to the airtime hill. But it is its own feel. I think this definitely compares to the G-train 97 degree hills because the trains are so much longer.


The name of the game on Maverick is transitional forces. I watched it test for an entire day with the roll and that was what I came to find out something like 80% speed because they were trying to find a speed that worked. There were quite a few brake fins that day on the hill and it didn't seem to take the course like it did today.


The entire ride is deceiving. Of course, we know the transitions are nuts but its a nuts that you probably still aren't totally ready for. Most of them are done very well but you still cant help but end up knocking yourself around a bit. An interesting bit though is that all of the places I hurt after the ride were from lateral airtime. Which is cool because it shows that most of the lateral transitions are laced with airtime - and they are.


As expected the airtime hills are fabulous - simply awesome with boat loads of air. The "Horseshoe Roll" or "2 Zero G's connected by a turn" provide floater to negative hang-time depending on the time of day and seat. They are NOT corkscrews. They are almost most definitely taken more in a straight line and thus you get that nice zero g floater feeling at the apex.


The hill over the water is braked pretty hard (for having even fewer fins its crazy) and there isn't much air over the top of that hill. I haven't heard it mentioned, but if theres a poorly designed part of this ride - this is it. The transition from the top of that hill into the diving turn just sucks. From all seats you get a nasty lateral jolt and you gotta hold onto the restraints and brace to not get completely knocked by it. Specially in back seat.


The new S Curve isn't as good as the others but its there. By this point your body has been pummeled by some serious forces and I still hold a slight hope that something is re-designed during the off season (Intamin owes them) but regardless the 2 ensuing Stengel Dives are nasty - but sweet.


Half of my rides we dualed with the train coming down the drop and thats almost surreal. You feel exactly like the video. You can even look down while on the dives to see the train below zig-zagging through the canyons. Very, very cool.


The final airtime hill I felt had more air than described - maybe -.5 to -.7 but I did get my rides at night. Even from 7pm to 9:30pm there was a huge improvement each ride. Our final ride in the back seat was insane. The entire ride felt quite a bit faster and transitions were notably quicker.



Overall - True Winner. Its been since Raptor that we've seen such a complete ride. Mantis might count, but the trains just suck too much and theres too many problems with it. Maverick is finally and truly a ride that proves that bigger isn't better.


For those who felt the area was too sparse - theres no way more track would fit without going more vertical. The rides turns and twists are already borderline too intense. Any more crazy track squeezed in there would mean taking out the theming and ruining the area. It would just look like another spaghetti bowl and that would be pointless back there.


I'm thoroughly impressed and cant wait for halloweekends so I can marathon this thing using the single riders line (which is just a girl coming down every 10 minutes asking for single riders then taking you up to the front of the line to wait).



I'm sure Ill pick up on more nuances but 5 rides tonight gave me a great feel for the different parts of the ride. Oh and Red - you do get wet on the ride so I could claim to have ridden in some "rain like" conditions.



Final conclusion: Totally insane. I'm a total wooden coaster guy but this ride is insane. It borders on almost too intense and the laterals in the transitions are whacked out. I really felt like I was back on Voyage a few times because the transitions are SO fast and so abrupt. Its not better than the almighty Voyage but man, for a steel coaster, its WAY up there on my list - maybe #1. I need another day or two and I need to see if Front Seat is any good but its already threatening Storm Runner (for me) for #1. Insane. Crazy. You run out of those words to describe.

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I, too, think that during the next off-season they should replace the S bend with a Hershey's stormrunner type inline.


Of course, this presents a pardox for me, because while Ill be happy that they did said replacement Ill also be upset that they didnt do it before my visit there during the midwest trip XP



I just dont get why they didnt already repplace it with a safe inline

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This coaster has overtaken TTD and Wicked Twister as my most anticipated CP Ride when I go this june. I want to ride it so bad, but it's still another 16 days til I go...

Ah well...Just wondering, is the queue jam-packed with Joe Cool club members when you get in? Hopefully the line isn't like 5 hours...

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I can't answer your question about Joe Cool members, yet I can tell you that I waited through all but two switchbacks in the queue and the wait was only an hour and fifteen minutes long. The ride goes through people relatively quickly and the line is very comfortable to wait in as it is mostly in the shade. I don't think that you'll have to worry about lines any longer than 2 hours ever.

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I doubt the Joe Cool riders will be there as much as they were over the weekend. No more free shirts or fleeces to give out.


I'm going again on Sunday. I'll hit Raptor for Joe Cool ride time, but I'll get back to Maverick to see how the lines are.


So far, I've seen nearly the entire queue full and only waited an hour. The way the trains move in the station and how short they are really helps load times.

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Looks like I'll be riding Maverick afterall this summer, I was bummed I'm missing the midwest trip but me and some friends are gonna have a road trip out to Minnesota including a stop for Renegade and Maverick, I got lucky here... Can't wait to try it for myself!

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