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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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There is a new video on the Maverick website. All it shows is you trying to get to Maverick from the front of the park and then shows some of the animated footage. They even have the roll in the video.They don't have the POV up yet , I think that this means it's on the way.

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Then I guess it was there the whole time since it was announced. The video has "real" Maverick footage.

What video are you talking about? The only videos I see have footage from the computer animation. There is no real Maverick footage in any of those videos.



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^ Those transitions were crazy!!! Especially in the beginning, honestly, it kind of looks painful. Oh well, I'm still really excited to ride!


Its not, I don't know how many times we have to say that for people to catch on.

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When you go to the Maverick site, There is a picture of the 1st airtime hill with a train on top of it. Click play in the bottom left corner and watch.

The ride video in there is the computer generated footage. Go look at the computer generated on ride and off ride videos under the video section and you'll see it's the exact same footage, just cleverly edited together using color filters to fool the viewer.


Apparently they've succeeded!


--Robb "That video HAS been on the site since day one." Alvey

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Well I've just got back from a quick Maverick/Dragster run after a few hours at Geauga Lake. I got about 4 rides during my time at CP on this trip, the lines when I visited were never more than 1hr 30mins. It did have a few issues on Friday when it went down due to mechanical problems, but that's to be expected.


All things considered, this is probably the best ride in the park, and their best coaster installation since Magnum back in '89. Not that the rides in between were nothing special, but they weren't amazingly good rides. Cedar Point now has a coaster on their hands that they really can and should be proud of.


There's a great combination of airtime, twists and the two inversions feel more like zero-g rolls than corkscrews. The theming isn't all it could have been, but that's probably the weakest point of the ride. The restraints are comfy, and whilst you might hit your head a few times from being unprepared, I've been on far worse rides with far worse restraints. Hopefully it won't cut up badly in the nest few years a la Colossus (Thorpe Park), and it'll still be good.

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I also just got back from a weekend trip to cedar point. We went to the park on saturday. I got in the park around 11am and rode pretty much every single ride thats worth riding by 6pm in this order: Demon Drop, Raptor, Wicked Twister, Power Tower, Top Thrill Dragster, Magnum Xl 200, Skyhawk, Maverick, Mantis, and Millennium Force. Then we went and ate at TGI Fridays on the beach, and Because of bad service, we didn't get back into the park until around 8:30pm. We rode Maverick again at night, and Millennium Force again at night.


Maverick is Incredible! Probably the funnest ride in the park easily. There are so many great parts to this ride. The beggining lift hill lifts you faster than MF and does not slow down whatsoever when you get to the top; you fly right over the first hill and the corkscrews and turns are really intense! Halfway through the ride, you come to the tunnel where you come to a complete stop and sit for a second or two. then you slowly creep forward, then just TAKE OFF and shoot out of the tunnel which seems really fast! After some more crazy turns and whatnot you pass by the water and seem extremely close to the water! The water cannons did work btw.


My new list of favorite coasters at Cedar Point

1. Millennium Force

2. Maverick

3. Top Thrill Dragster

4. Raptor

5. Wicked Twister

6. Magnum xl 200

7. Mantis


Overall Maverick was an incredible ride and blew my expectations right out of the water. It really comes very close to MF IMO, and the only reason MF gets the no. 1 spot is because of the WOW factor. Maverick is much better than Top Thrill Dragster and Raptor IMO. Magnum is way too uncomfortable to enjoy the ride.


I fully expect Maverick to crack the top 10 steel coaster list next year, and actually would place it at no.2 or no.3! It really is that good

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I fully expect Maverick to crack the top 10 steel coaster list next year, and actually would place it at no.2 or no.3! It really is that good


It probably will rank high, but only because it's at Cedar Point.


Lets see where it ends up on Mitch's poll to get a more accurate ranking.

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No offense Carnage, but if Maverick ranks highly on any top 10 list, it will be because it truly is an awesome ride, not just because it is at Cedar Point. I honestly can't think of anything on the ride that I would change.

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No offense Carnage, but if Maverick ranks highly on any top 10 list, it will be because it truly is an awesome ride, not just because it is at Cedar Point. I honestly can't think of anything on the ride that I would change.


As Airtime mentioned, it WILL rank higher because it's at Cedar Point.


The golden ticket awards are political, and are pushed by marketing dollars. It is not based off just the ride itself.


Just look at Magnum. Do you really beleive that it should be ranked #3 in the world? It's only ranked that high because the "experts" which vote have never been outside of Ohio.


Not to take anything away from Maverick, as it looks good. But I can assure you that it will rank much higher in the golden tickets then it will on Mitch's poll.

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[As Airtime mentioned, it WILL rank higher because it's at Cedar Point.


The golden ticket awards are political, and are pushed by marketing dollars. It is not based off just the ride itself.


Most likely true.


Just look at Magnum. Do you really beleive that it should be ranked #3 in the world? It's only ranked that high because the "experts" which vote have never been outside of Ohio.


Actually I believe Magnum does deserve to be one of the best steel coasters in the world. (Maybe not exactly #3) Its one of my favorite steel coasters because it contains the most intense moment of ejector air I've felt on a coaster. (Last airtime hill in tunnel) Now, I've never ridden El Toro or Superman, but I'd say the airtime on Magnum is even more intense than the air on the Voyage (though maybe not as much), and it easily much more intense than any of B&M hypers I've been. I really believe from start to finish Magnum is a great ride, with the intense ejector air, intense turnaround, use of tunnels, and the second drop that seems to launch you into Lake Erie.


Not to take anything away from Maverick, as it looks good. But I can assure you that it will rank much higher in the golden tickets then it will on Mitch's poll.


I don't understand why its so wrong to suggest Maverick will do extremely well on Mitch's poll. To me, the ride seems offer many of the elements of the Intamin hypers that happen to be the best in the world (Superman, Goliath, Expedition Ge Force) with its airtime, swooping drop, tight turns, stengel dive, to go along with things totally unique to the ride (tunnel, 2 launches, 95 degree drop, airtime horseshoe inversion).


For everything Maverick offers, it should be a top ten coaster in Mitch's poll, as it has everything enthusiasts look for: airtime, tight turns, great drops, intense forces. I'd say Maverick offers all the things that make up a top ten coaster, and thats why its my #1 steel coaster.

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For everything Maverick offers, it should be a top ten coaster in Mitch's poll, as it has everything enthusiasts look for: airtime, tight turns, great drops, intense forces. I'd say Maverick offers all the things that make up a top ten coaster, and thats why its my #1 steel coaster.


It probably won't do as well as you think just because it won't have as much ridership. Something which Mitch's poll accounts for compared to golden tickets which doesn't.


I just don't beleive that Maverick is good enough to consistently rank above the current group of top tier rides on Mitch's poll.


Though that being said, there are some damn good rides on Mitchs poll which aren't in the top 10. So even if Maverick came in at 40 or something, that shouldn't take away from how good the ride is.

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It probably won't do as well as you think just because it won't have as much ridership. Something which Mitch's poll accounts for compared to golden tickets which doesn't.


Actually Mitch's poll doesn't take into account ridership. Pyrenees was #9 even though it only had 10 riders, and Katun only had 33 riders. This is pretty much my biggest problem with Mitch's poll, as it doesn't always have enough riders to make the poll "statistically significant." I just don't see how you can call Pyrenees a top ten ride (even though it might be very good) when only 10 people have ridden it.


I just don't beleive that Maverick is good enough to consistently rank above the current group of top tier rides on Mitch's poll.


Why not? As many people have said on this thread, "Maverick is better than Millennium Force." If Millennium Force is #6 on the poll, doesn't that put Maverick in top five range?


Just wondering though, what do you think that Maverick doesn't offer that could make it a top five ride? Like I've said before, I think it offers many of the elements of the top rides (without the 200ft drop), so I don't see why it shouldn't be ranked up with those rides.

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Why not? As many people have said on this thread, "Maverick is better than Millennium Force." If Millennium Force is #6 on the poll, doesn't that put Maverick in top five range?


Just wondering though, what do you think that Maverick doesn't offer that could make it a top five ride? Like I've said before, I think it offers many of the elements of the top rides (without the 200ft drop), so I don't see why it shouldn't be ranked up with those rides.


Well there's also been people to say that Maverick is in no ways better than MF.


I can't really give an opinion on the ride itself as I haven't been on it yet.


I'm just trying to take an educated guess on how it's going to be ranked. But I think I'm starting to get too close to that line of "Saying ride XX is better then ride YY even though I haven't been on it".


So I'll reserve my exact opinions on Maverick until I've ridden it.

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