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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^ Stop trying to lie, because you can't do it. If you're going to go to Cedar Point, there is never a time where the crowds are "low key" it's always at least somewhat crowded there because the park is only open 4 out of 12 months. You may as well just go whenever, because you're going to have to wait in lines either way.


What are you talking about?


Go in May or September and you better beleive the crowds will be low key.


There's a good reason why I go to CP in early May, and during one of the two weekends after Labour Day.


It's because at those times there are rarely any lines at all, with the only decent lines being for MF and TTD.

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^ Stop trying to lie, because you can't do it. If you're going to go to Cedar Point, there is never a time where the crowds are "low key" it's always at least somewhat crowded there because the park is only open 4 out of 12 months. You may as well just go whenever, because you're going to have to wait in lines either way.


What are you talking about?


Go in May or September and you better beleive the crowds will be low key.


There's a good reason why I go to CP in early May, and during one of the two weekends after Labour Day.


It's because at those times there are rarely any lines at all, with the only decent lines being for MF and TTD.


I shouldn't have worded that the way I did, it came out wrong. I know it isn't crowded in early May, I have gone the past 5 years the thursday and friday after opening day, buying that package they offer. I meant to say that he should go now while it still isn't that bad. He said he was going to wait until the crowds die down a bit, but the more he waits, the more crowded it will be. Unless, of course, he waits until September.

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I shouldn't have worded that the way I did, it came out wrong. I know it isn't crowded in early May, I have gone the past 5 years the thursday and friday after opening day, buying that package they offer. I meant to say that he should go now while it still isn't that bad. He said he was going to wait until the crowds die down a bit, but the more he waits, the more crowded it will be. Unless, of course, he waits until September.


Gotcha. I understand now.


^ Beware Halloweekends. Friday and Sunday during Halloweekends tend to be dead, but the Saturdays the park quite often is filled to capacity. I've been twice on Haloweekend saturdays, and never again. It's never a good sight when people are parking on the grass, and Gemini's line is spilling onto the midway.

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^Amen to that. Found out the hard way last year.


May 20-21 of this year saw really decent crowds (1 hour Dragster, 1/2 hour Millennium Force waits). Considering it was a holiday weekend for us northerners, I was surprised.


Carnage, you say the two weekends after Labour Day are also good? Never had an early September visit before.


Yes, that's at least two hours for Wicked Twister! Maybe the day after Friday the 13th of October wasn't the best choice?

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Carnage, you say the two weekends after Labour Day are also good? Never had an early September visit before.


Yeah, I find the two bonus weekends after Labour day, but before Halloweekends start are the best times to go.


No crowds and the weather normally is still fairly nice.

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Would it be possible for someone to upload the video to YouTube? I can't seem to get into the site. Also, thanks for the warning about Halloweekends Carnage, but do you know what the crowds are like on Halloweekends in September? Still bad, or any better?

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Not sure, but I'd guess worse.


Regardless, I'd only go to Halloweekends saturday if you really want to see the haunted houses. Don't expect to go for the rides.


As cool as riding MF with a smoke cloud obscuring the first drop, it really wasn't worth the huge waits.

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^Me neither, sadly. Also, how are the crowds in mid August?


Pretty bad.

The bottom line is: When Ohio & Michigan school districts are open, CP attendance is relatively low.

This means May (before Memorial Day), September (after Labor Day) and October. (Halloweekends days tend to start out with light attendance and get worse as night comes on.)


Edit: Wife and I went to Halloweekends on September 21st last year, and while, admittedly, it was pretty chilly -- everything but TTD and MF were walk ons.

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I arrived at the park this morning (Memorial Day) with Maggie running 1 train all day. I assume the other trains have been removed so they can X-Ray them entirely. I would imagine that they will get it up to two-train operation by the end otf this week as they repair the damaged cars.


If it had been a more-serious incident, the ride wouldn't be running at all.

Signs of life on the ride is a VERY good thing.

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That is good to see signs of life on the Magnum indeed. It may be just an over-grown Arrow mine-train with a dorky 80's futuristic theme, but I love it to death anyway!


Still, one train operation on that ride must suck. Hopefully they can at least get two going. Three would be nice, as it completely eats up the line, but I can't imagine the line getting too long with a solid two train operation.

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^ I think what he's getting at, is that the accident isn't "better" because it was minor or "worse" because it was major. It's bad that the accident happen in the first place.


I'm going to disagree. All accidents are not the same. This one is much easier to swallow than the recent one in Japan.


I'm going to disagree. True, this accident isn't a tragedy, but the fact remains that the block system failed. I believe that's what the person who said "It doesn't matter how fast or slow, it failed" meant. And it's true. The block system is meant to keep all trains safe from collisions. In this case it happened in a slow collision, but there are situations where a block failure would cause much more damage/pain.

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In this case it happened in a slow collision, but there are situations where a block failure would cause much more damage/pain.


That might be, but not on Magnum.


The block that the train slid through is really the only spot on Magnum that could cause a collision. And it's at a spot where it's going to always be a slow collision.


Well, other then something crazy happening like a train valleying and another train being sent. But that's just not realistic.

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