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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Off topic post.


This will be my first year to be able to go to halloweekends in September. How are the crowds compared to October? Comparable, lighter? Thank you in advance!!


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Just as a general rule of thumb, the earlier in Halloweekends you go, the lighter the crowds will be excluding Saturdays. The first two Fridays and Sundays of Halloweekends are the emptiest you'll see the park all year.

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Off topic post.


This will be my first year to be able to go to halloweekends in September. How are the crowds compared to October? Comparable, lighter? Thank you in advance!!


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Just as a general rule of thumb, the earlier in Halloweekends you go, the lighter the crowds will be excluding Saturdays. The first two Fridays and Sundays of Halloweekends are the emptiest you'll see the park all year.


Awesome. Thank you for that info. I am planing for the second weekend of halloweekends. Looking forward to not being insanely busy for Halloween.


Now we can go back on topic.





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Now we can go back on topic.




So have we heard anything else from the woman who fell in the toilet?


Sending prayers...


I have been trying to see if she posted any updates and unfortunately she hasn’t.



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So I’m just going to throw my two cents here, I’ve been reading posts on CP’s social media accounts. It’s absolurely obnoxious the refund requests, extended hours requests, etc. coming from people. Power outages, like weather are out of the park’s control. Society now wants some sort of compensation if things don’t go exactly their way. I’m sorry I know it’s a damper on the day, but it wasn’t the whole day, just a couple hours of inconvenience, just like a weather delay.

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So I’m just going to throw my two cents here, I’ve been reading posts on CP’s social media accounts. It’s absolurely obnoxious the refund requests, extended hours requests, etc. coming from people. Power outages, like weather are out of the park’s control. Society now wants some sort of compensation if things don’t go exactly their way. I’m sorry I know it’s a damper on the day, but it wasn’t the whole day, just a couple hours of inconvenience, just like a weather delay.



It's buried in the fine print of every ticket you purchase for anything (including theme parks) that things are subject to change. People are dumb.

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It wasn't really a damper on the day. You just gotta know how to roll with the unexpected on vacation. I'll have a trip report up later, but the day was still awesome. Some people just don't know how not to let something ruin their day.


My visit back in may of 2015, most of the park lost power, my friends and I spend 4 hours in the arcade playing the Wizard of Oz game. It was also like the only building in the park that didnt lose power.

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Steel Vengeance:

Well....what to say that hasn't been said already? Nothing really. It's insane. It's mostly likely my #1 coaster.

I mean, that airtime is nuts, but ironically I found it overall less violent than some other RMCs, like I had no thigh pain or even much discomfort. I mean the final few hops were violent ejector, but overall yeah. the air was intense but brief or those looooong stretches where you're just floating. But it wasn't painful/felt like I was being pulled out. What a well designed ride.


Great layout, flow, and pacing. Great elements. That second inversion is bonkers, first ride I wasn't even sure what was happening, and that last inversion, I felt hang time through the whole thing. The whole roll just hanging feeling, dont even know how thats possible THis ride was just brilliantly designed. And of course got good speed, epic drop, and length. Intense but not tooo violent.

What can I say? Perfect ride, new #1



Even after all this time and newer rides, still love MForce. I dont even care, I dont know how people say its forceless. I mean, its obvs not like more modern rides, not at all but back seat, leave yourself some restraint room (we're all enthusiasts we should know how) you get some good air and pull at times. The total amount is quite low yeah, but there's air on those hills and I felt major pull at parts.


Speaking of, 4th time now on Gatekeeper, 3rd in back row and 3rd time now I found it very forceful. The pull is insane!

....For the first half, it deff peters out a good bit on return and the useless MCBR kills whatever remains. But back edge I do find quite forceful.

And Valravyn I gave another couple of spins. It really is all the MCBR for me. I think it has good speed and intensity at first, but it just is all killed with the mcbr.

And I still love Wicked Twister, TTD seemed to barely run so apparently is still plagued, blue streak was noticably less enjoyable. Always been a fan but I guess finally Ive been on enough that one is failing to hold up.

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I had an interesting night that involved me going to the park by myself for the last hour when the family tired out. I tested out Funpix and tried to honor a fellow TPR member. My pointing game needs some work.


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I can't help but think of CoasterBill comment of the "dust" cedar point put in the bottom left corner of SV fun pic looking like vomit, it's all I see now literally and it still cracks me up. CoasterBill said it best as well that in every picture, the people look like they're reacting to the vomit.

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So I’m going to CP tomorrow for the first time in a few years. Last time I was there, I got terribly painful rides on Rougarou and Magnum. Are there any good tricks to make these two coasters more enjoyable?

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Magnum: Tighten the seatbelt AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE but try to leave some room on the lap bar. The idea is that The seatbelt will stop you from slamming into the lap bar on the airtime hills. Do not sit in a wheel seat.


Rougarou: Stop being a bitch. There’s nothing rough about Rougarou

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So I’m going to CP tomorrow for the first time in a few years. Last time I was there, I got terribly painful rides on Rougarou and Magnum. Are there any good tricks to make these two coasters more enjoyable?


Magnum sit in a middle row of a car.

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So I’m going to CP tomorrow for the first time in a few years. Last time I was there, I got terribly painful rides on Rougarou and Magnum. Are there any good tricks to make these two coasters more enjoyable?


The middle rows (row two) on Magnum give me fairly smooth rides -- usually, not always. That's how Magnum goes. I like the middle row of the last car a lot myself, but the ride can be a bucking bronco sometimes no matter what.


Try Rougarou in the front -- that's as good as it gets for smoothness, wind, and the floorless visual. I've had several unpleasant rides throughout the train and in the back, but the front is decent. If you don't like it up front, you probably won't like it anywhere else, either.

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Rougarou: Stop being a bitch. There’s nothing rough about Rougarou


After riding Rougarou for the first time after to conversion I don't get why people complain about it being rough. It was a perfectly fine ride. Not my favorite but I still enjoyed it.

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I’m surprised by how many people have found Rougarou enjoyable. When I rode it last time, I got a giant headache from it. It was a one and done for me.


Maybe my head works backwards, as I found Corkscrew to be enjoyable and I got no pain from it.

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It wasn't really a damper on the day. You just gotta know how to roll with the unexpected on vacation. I'll have a trip report up later, but the day was still awesome. Some people just don't know how not to let something ruin their day.


It was a lot of fun hanging out with you yesterday, Andrew - can't wait to see your epic report with all of the photos!


I'll do a written summary of the day soon given that I was lazy and took very few photos.

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^ I remember the days (up to 1980s) we went to Disneyland, and then found out the Matterhorn was down.

A few visits, this happened. Every time. And no real advance media to find out, either. We still had

great times at the park, and I did eventually get to ride Matterhorn again.... just 2 years ago.

Still awesome (left side esp) after all these decades!


Being miserable about a closed ride, all your day there, doesn't help. Doesn't re-open the ride, either.

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