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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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^ Well, that specific scenario [running Raptor in the rain] wouldn’t fly now, although they’re significantly better about running some coasters in the rain now than they were a decade ago.


Oh, I only go to CP maybe once a year, so is it the case that Raptor doesn't run in the rain, or only in limited rain?

On the occasion I was referencing, it wasn't light rain: it was a thunderstorm-like pouring (but no lightning).

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Cedar Point's rain policy seems to be improving slightly every year. It's still wildly inconsistent, but the only coasters in the park that absolutely, 100% won't operate in anything above a light drizzle seem to be Pipe Scream and Dragster. Everything else can operate though with many of them they like to pull trains off before they run them in the rain and they won't bother if they feel like the rain will pass quickly anyway so they often just go down.

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Since I have never ventured out alone before, this trip is going to make me jittery. Screwing up my itinerary can mean a homeless night in Sandusky, I'm a little too careful for that.


I feel like you need some reassurance here so I wanted to comment on this one. It's not physically possible to screw up your itinerary so much that you spend a homeless night in Sandusky.


There is never ever EVER going to be a time in Sandusky where you find yourself with any less than (slight exaggeration) 8 million different hotels with rooms available on any given night. Trust us, we pretty much exclusively go to Cedar Point on holiday weekends and we're pros at reserving hotels on the fly. You'll be fine. There are a million different lodging options in Sandusky. If I walked off of a train in Sandusky at midnight with absolutely nothing booked on the busiest day of the year I would have zero concerns whatsoever that I'd be able to book something and be in a hotel room within 30 minutes (with tons and tons of options to choose from).


The exception to that may be bike week.

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Honestly even then I wouldn't be concerned. We always end up there during bike week and there are plenty of rooms.


Speaking of which, thanks for making that post because it gives me the perfect opportunity to whore out my newest Cedar Point trip report from bike week including a super cringeworthy bike week shirt seen in the Raptor line.

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Cedar Point's rain policy seems to be improving slightly every year. It's still wildly inconsistent, but the only coasters in the park that absolutely, 100% won't operate in anything above a light drizzle seem to be Pipe Scream and Dragster. Everything else can operate though with many of them they like to pull trains off before they run them in the rain and they won't bother if they feel like the rain will pass quickly anyway so they often just go down.


Interesting. Aside from the fact that being pelted by rain at 120mph can't feel good (and be reason enough to close the ride), are there mechanical /operational reasons why Dragster cannot run in rain? Are there issues of traction with the wheels on the track given the acceleration and the very steep vertical incline? Or braking? -- I don't think the magnetic brakes would be affected, but possibly the mechanical ones at the end of the (uncovered) run might be the issue as well? Or is it the millions of sensors that might affected by the rain (even though they probably aren't optical and so shouldn't be affected by rain?)


Answer is probably a bit of all of the above....

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Been so busy this week has creeped up on me, but now that it's here: Beyond stoked. Will be in the point this Friday and it seems weather will hold out! Including the next day for Kennywood so yeah, damn excited.


Sorry for missing this as Im sure its been discussed (sorry I just don't follow every page and don't really go back and read what I missed) but in the past I recall there being multiple entrances, one of which was kinda near Mean Streak? Is this still the case and if so, is anyone entitled to walk to that one? I am staying at Breakers Express.

It would be grand to not have to go across the whole park. My gut says they probably don't allow this anymore due to well, everyone would go there

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Been so busy this week has creeped up on me, but now that it's here: Beyond stoked. Will be in the point this Friday and it seems weather will hold out! Including the next day for Kennywood so yeah, damn excited.


Sorry for missing this as Im sure its been discussed (sorry I just don't follow every page and don't really go back and read what I missed) but in the past I recall there being multiple entrances, one of which was kinda near Mean Streak? Is this still the case and if so, is anyone entitled to walk to that one? I am staying at Breakers Express.

It would be grand to not have to go across the whole park. My gut says they probably don't allow this anymore due to well, everyone would go there


They don't allow you to drive back to that lot in the mornings but you can park in the regular parking lot and take the new boardwalk path that the entrance is located near Gatekeeper in the parking lot and that will take you along the beach to the Breakers entrance and yes that is the closest entrance to Steel Vengeance.

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Hmm... predictions?


Interesting all the group think that it's a dark ride. Those have not been very popular wen CFhas put them in..Iron Reef, Plants vs Zombies, Mass Effect all had no lines when I visited those parks the last 2 years. Those rides are all pretty knew added in 2015 and 2016 and are not drawing riders.

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Thanks so much!! Another user pointed out that you had suggested a few of these in the past and it worked for me. I really appreciate these useful tips because I literally would have missed out on such an amazing ride had it not been for this.


Apparently I’m too fat for steel vengeance lol my first ever walk of shame. I feel like I was nearly there and if I would’ve given it a little more effort I would’ve made it. But I didn’t want to be inconsiderate and hold people up since we had already waited an eternity. Any tips you larger guys could give that may work for when you come close to fitting on a ride?? I would like to try it one more time before I leave it’s the main reason I came.

- Were you wearing a belt? Take it off.

- Did you have ANYTHING in your pocket at all? Take EVERYTHING out of your pockets.

- Did you make sure the seat belt buckle wasn't right under where the bar needed to push down?

- Pull your shirt up a bit and make sure the material on your shirt and/or shorts isn't bunching up causing that bar not to go down just a little bit more.

- Lift your gut over the bar

- Scan the crew before you sit down. Make sure you're sitting on a side where it looks like the op could put more strength into pushing your bar down.


These are often the most common things I see during our ERT sessions when people can't fit. 99% of the time one of these things will resolve that issue.

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Been so busy this week has creeped up on me, but now that it's here: Beyond stoked. Will be in the point this Friday and it seems weather will hold out! Including the next day for Kennywood so yeah, damn excited.


Sorry for missing this as Im sure its been discussed (sorry I just don't follow every page and don't really go back and read what I missed) but in the past I recall there being multiple entrances, one of which was kinda near Mean Streak? Is this still the case and if so, is anyone entitled to walk to that one? I am staying at Breakers Express.

It would be grand to not have to go across the whole park. My gut says they probably don't allow this anymore due to well, everyone would go there


They don't allow you to drive back to that lot in the mornings but you can park in the regular parking lot and take the new boardwalk path that the entrance is located near Gatekeeper in the parking lot and that will take you along the beach to the Breakers entrance and yes that is the closest entrance to Steel Vengeance.



Thanks! That is awesome news! Wanna be as close as possible when opening.

And that's fine, given that its likely to be nice (esp compared to FL ) I was planning on walking there anyway, so good all around.

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Those have not been very popular wen CFhas put them in..Iron Reef, Plants vs Zombies, Mass Effect all had no lines when I visited those parks the last 2 years. Those rides are all pretty knew added in 2015 and 2016 and are not drawing riders.

Ok, first of all, Plants Vs Zombies and Mass Effect are not "dark rides" so I wouldn't put them in that category at all, and on top of them not being dark rides, they were terrible.


Iron Reef on the other hand is actually quite good! I think it only really suffers because, much like what happens with quite a few "themed attractions" at Knott's, they are always compared to Disney who is literally down the street, and when you compare Iron Reef to let's say Toy Story Mania, no it doesn't really stack up. But that being said, I actually think it's a very good media-based shooting dark ride.

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Wait, does anyone really think that tweet means there will actually be an announcement tomorrow? This is Cedar Point - if anything, this is the teaser to the announcement for the announcement


Secretly, *please just let this be an actual announcement*

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I’m sure it has something to do with them not wanting their brand new attraction to be down a single day in its first year if they don’t HAVE to. Everyone is happy to wait for the new ride, they have no concern with a difference between 60 and 90 minutes. “We’re not leaving till we ride the new one in the back.”

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I just spent two wonderful days at Cedar Point but spent all our time riding rides and eating at Melt. I didn’t get a chance to do any souvenir shopping. I’d really like to get some T-shirt’s and stuff, does anyone have a link to where I can buy Cedar Point swag? I sure would appreciate the help. #rideon

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^ Cafe Press has some stuff (google search Cedar Point Online shopping). .but don't think they are affiliated with the actual park.


I bought a bunch of shirts at Pagoda gift shop, that had some amazing retro stuff. . . I'd suggest contacting the park via the website to ask if there's a place to order merch online?

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Sorry for missing this as Im sure its been discussed (sorry I just don't follow every page and don't really go back and read what I missed) but in the past I recall there being multiple entrances, one of which was kinda near Mean Streak? Is this still the case and if so, is anyone entitled to walk to that one? I am staying at Breakers Express.

It would be grand to not have to go across the whole park. My gut says they probably don't allow this anymore due to well, everyone would go there


They don't allow you to drive back to that lot in the mornings but you can park in the regular parking lot and take the new boardwalk path that the entrance is located near Gatekeeper in the parking lot and that will take you along the beach to the Breakers entrance and yes that is the closest entrance to Steel Vengeance.


Since when don't they allow you to drive back there in the morning? I did it every time I went but once (when I chose to park up front) this year. Plus, if you're staying in The Breakers JJLehto, you'll be allowed to park there anyway, and go in that entrance.

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Sorry for missing this as Im sure its been discussed (sorry I just don't follow every page and don't really go back and read what I missed) but in the past I recall there being multiple entrances, one of which was kinda near Mean Streak? Is this still the case and if so, is anyone entitled to walk to that one? I am staying at Breakers Express.

It would be grand to not have to go across the whole park. My gut says they probably don't allow this anymore due to well, everyone would go there


They don't allow you to drive back to that lot in the mornings but you can park in the regular parking lot and take the new boardwalk path that the entrance is located near Gatekeeper in the parking lot and that will take you along the beach to the Breakers entrance and yes that is the closest entrance to Steel Vengeance.


Since when don't they allow you to drive back there in the morning? I did it every time I went but once (when I chose to park up front) this year. Plus, if you're staying in The Breakers JJLehto, you'll be allowed to park there anyway, and go in that entrance.


I went two weeks ago, can confirm this. You drive down the Perimeter road, and you'll come up to a booth with someone checking for Breakers reservations. If you don't have one, you're told to turn left into the Soak City lot, from which you can just walk to the Magnum entrance.

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