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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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This expanded boardwalk thing feels like an extension of the stuff the park has been incorporating into projects for the last few years now. They have been redoing/improving the entry areas to the park starting with the main gate for GateKeeper, the marina gate for Valravn, and the Magnum gate when doing the work for CP Shores. It seems like they are working to enhance the "first impression" guests get when coming into the park. This boardwalk will provide a fresh, new way for people to park in the main lot and access the beach, entrances along the lake, restaurants at Breakers etc..


In fact, the Gatekeeper plaza looks more like an entrance from the beach than just a normal ride area; maybe it was part of the long term plan for that to be an entrance area from the boardwalk. I know it seems redundant with the Windseeker entrance there, but it really has that appearance. I'm very interested to see what the extent of the boardwalk project is!

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I love this quote from Ouimet regarding Fast Lane:


...the revenue from the pass that allows Cedar Point and other parks to continue to build bigger and better rides.


"You have to realize that those people are paying for Steel Vengeance," he said, referencing the massive new roller coaster that is under construction at Cedar Point.


Next time you're FL'ing for Steel Vengeance just smile, wave, and say "you're welcome"


As one of the more vocal non-FL people around here, my response to this, while I go to the park in May during the week and wait in minimal lines without FL for Steel Vengeance anyway, is: "Thank you, suckers!!!"

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Yeah I would expect Steel Vengeance to have perfectly average capacity. I'm sure they'll have a great crew so with 24 passenger trains I'd assume they'd realistically be able to put through between 1,000 and 1,300 people per hour depending on the hour. The former could be achieved with 90 second dispatch times (even assuming each train has a few empty seats). To achieve the latter you would need to run with about 60 second dispatch times which is expecting a lot with a coaster type that has seatbelts, lap bars and is generally pretty restrictive and will likely have some walks of shame but I don't think it's totally outside the realm of possibility depending on the crew.


It won't be Gatekeeper but it won't be Maverick either. It'll be perfectly average.


^You right. Steel Vengeance should easily eat through the same amount of rider's as Valravn. They both have the same theoretical capacity at 1,200 rph but Steel Vengeance does not have the floors to deal with. Valravn did 1.6 million riders last year and averages 1,000+ rph so I think Steel Vengeance will be fine.


And when I rode Twisted Colossus earlier in the year, I raced on both laps on almost every ride I took. So if Magic Mountain can run their 3 train RMC nicely, I'm sure Cedar Point will handle Steel Vengeance even better.

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Quick Platinum Pass question(s). I purchased my pass a couple months ago and I was able to answer my own questions on FunPix and Parking at other parks but the one thing I couldn’t find much on was the bring-a-friend deals. Are they valid at all CF parks? Is there a limit to how many times you can “bring a friend”? And is there a limit to how many friends you can bring at once?


Sorry if I seem ignorant but I’m used to Darien Lake’s older system where you’re given 3 or 4 extra passes and that’s all you get.


Thanks guys!

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^ Yes, bring a friend deals are valid at all CF parks. I used it last year with my Platinum Pass from Worlds of Fun to get my family into Valleyfair at a discount.


There are certain days they're valid, and these vary by park. Check the individual park's website under season pass discounts. Basically CF treats a Platinum Pass the same as having the highest tier season pass to every park. So for example, if you have a Platinum Pass from any CF park, Valleyfair will give you whatever a Valleyfair Gold Pass holder would get.

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Tony's new Blog entry where it is declared that the sandcastle suites are closing for the last time and being demolished with the adjacent cafe. Also the Aquatic Stadium will also be going with no info of what will happen with All Wheels Extreme. Exciting news for expansion in 18'. I can't wait to find out more


^Beat me to it

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posted by Tony Clark on October 24, 2017


The only constant is change. And we have ch-ch-ch-changes to tell you about before we wrap things up for 2017.


Every now and then, we have to move things around or remove them completely in order to look to the future, and there are two major projects to tell you about.


First, our Sandcastle Suites Hotel, located at the tip of the Cedar Point Peninsula, is now closed. For good. As in, the last guests (ever) checked out this past Sunday morning.


Over the winter, the property will be demolished, along with the Breakwater Café building adjacent to it.


Second, the Extreme Sports Stadium (also referred to as the former Aquatic Stadium), located near Wicked Twister, will also be dismantled over the off-season.


If you’re curious about the “All Wheels Extreme” show that called this venue home, we’ll have more on our entire entertainment lineup for 2018 as we get into the new year. Stay tuned.


Third, we’re doing a little expanding along the beach. The Cedar Point Boardwalk, which currently runs from Sandcastle Suites, down the beach, in front of Hotel Breakers and stops right near WindSeeker, will be expanded so that it reaches to, and connects with, the main parking lot.


This will provide some great direct access to the famous Cedar Point Beach, our waterfront activities like parasail and jet ski, and of course, Cedar Point Shores Waterpark. You'll finally be able to take a stroll and enjoy the one-of-a-kind waterfront views.


Obviously, you now have questions. There aren’t many details to share right now, but these things are changing for the good of the order - future development at the park. More info will surface as we approach our 2018 summer season!


Tony Clark

Director of Communications

This is exciting. We kind of expected Sandcastle to come down with the Breakers expansion. That's prime property up there. I'd love to see something like "Lighthouse Point Lodge" go up there and take advantage of the lakefront.

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Wow. Sandcastle Suites and Breakwater Café are sitting on some incredible real estate. I would expect them to be replaced with some ridiculously nice and expensive new lodging options ASAP.


The timing is strange though. Given their absurd crowd levels this time of year I'm suprised the hotel will be closed for the final weekend. I'm sure if the demand was there at all that wouldn't be the case and it's pretty shocking that it wouldn't be during one of the busiest weekends of the year.

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I definitely never set foot in that stadium because I didn't know it existed. I guess I was too distracted by the non existent line at Wicked Twister to notice it? Uhhh hell yeah for all of these non-ride related announcements lately! I'm really excited about the future of the boardwalk and the potential of the sandcastle suites/stadium area. Seems like they're really focusing on living up to the resort moniker.


I'd have no issue persuading a group of non-theme park focused friends to join in on a Cedar Point trip with the option to go to Put in Bay + added activities around the Point. I'm sure you wouldn't really be able to entertain yourself on the outside of the park for the entire day, but maybe that's their end goal. Go for it, CP.

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I never stayed at Sandcastle Suites, but to say the least, the Tripadvisor reviews of the place didn't exactly live up to the Ouimet-era standard. It definitely looked like a blemish on the very positive record they've been creating, so this news is no surprise.


Nonetheless, I'm anxiously awaiting Prince Desmond's Save the Sandcastle Suites gofundme. Anyone got the link?

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The timing is strange though. Given their absurd crowd levels this time of year I'm suprised the hotel will be closed for the final weekend. I'm sure if the demand was there at all that wouldn't be the case and it's pretty shocking that it wouldn't be during one of the busiest weekends of the year.


It does seem a bit strange, but I checked the lodging options for this weekend and there is vacancy in all the hotels, so it must not be a huge issue.


These weekends probably draw people from <2 hours away that want to drive, wait 2 hours to park, and then wait 3 hours to ride one coaster.


I love resort development plans like this. It will be cool to see how the whole area transforms over the next few years.

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Is there a date that 2018 resort reservations will become available online? I keep trying to spec out a getaway next year and it won't do it. Apparently I'll need to be quicker than usual too given the loss of one option.


Edit: I was finally able to find something searching the topic. So it looks like they were available early November last year?

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^ The loss of the option of Sandcastle, but remember the Breakers expansion that is due to open next season. I’m sure that the new tower will make up for the rooms lost at Sandcastle partially (if not fully). Guess we know now the reasoning behind that new tower. This is exciting news... but I can’t help but think that we won’t be seeing a new hotel on that site. I really think Cedar Point would have just done an extreme renovation of Sandcastle, just like they did with Breakers if they saw value in a hotel there. With the net effect essentially being zero with Sandcastle closing and the new Breakers tower, I think Cedar Point is satisfied with this number of rooms. Time will tell.

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Glad that stadium is gone, it was extremely ugly and is sitting on prime beach front property. IMO that's a good spot for another flat in the future or possibly a larger beach entrance. Also with Sand Castle gone I hope they put camp spots there, they are extremely short on them now and need more.

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Is there a date that 2018 resort reservations will become available online? I keep trying to spec out a getaway next year and it won't do it. Apparently I'll need to be quicker than usual too given the loss of one option.


Edit: I was finally able to find something searching the topic. So it looks like they were available early November last year?

That sounds about right. I work in the hotel industry, and seasonal properties almost always begin loading next year's inventory once the current season ends.

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^ That's what I/we did for our trip there last June. I started the hotel reservation ball rolling, well before Christmas.

And I also used their Payment Plan which helped in spreading out the payments for a few months.


A lovely (Breakers) lobby, to check into. June 4, 2017

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^ I know. We had a rental car, but only used it a few times: getting there, going shopping, and coming back to the airport.

But - I was pretty sure this was going to be my only visit to the park, so I wanted to get as much out of it, including

staying at The Breakers, however expensive it was. And in hindsight.....it was great and I totally enjoyed what I paid for, LOL!


Back in June....

Edited by Nrthwnd
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^ when we stayed at the Breakers, we also booked early and did the payment plan. So nice knowing that when we got there the only thing left to pay for was for "the goodies" Made for a carefree vacation. With all the perks and advantages of staying on site, we had no regrets either. Sort of like staying on site at Disney, you really get lost in the fantasy world of the park for a few days.

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I stayed at Sandcastle for my first ever trip to CP. THought the room was beautiful and the resort overall was really nice. A little upset that they are removing it tbh.


Am happy that the stadium is getting bulldozed. Went in there in May when i was working at the park for a few day and it was completely worn down and filled with tons of bird sh*t.

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I've heard great things about Breakers. I'm staying in the Hojo across from Thirsty Pony again. It's a super cheap hotel in a great location, and with a Platinum Pass, it's not really necessary to stay on site.


Yeah, I'm cool with the Econo Lodge nextdoor to the Howard Johnson. It's basically right next to Breakers Express for like 1/8th of the price and we get Early Entry anyway. I could buy like 8 Rougabrews and Fastlane Plus plus the hotel and still come out ahead.

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filled with tons of bird sh*t.


Isn't this true about everything at Cedar Point?


Yeah, I'm cool with the Econo Lodge nextdoor to the Howard Johnson. It's basically right next to Breakers Express for like 1/8th of the price and we get Early Entry anyway. I could buy like 8 Rougabrews and Fastlane Plus plus the hotel and still come out ahead.


Yep, when I have a Platinum Pass this is where I have stayed and will continue to stay.

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I've heard great things about Breakers. I'm staying in the Hojo across from Thirsty Pony again. It's a super cheap hotel in a great location, and with a Platinum Pass, it's not really necessary to stay on site.


Yeah, I'm cool with the Econo Lodge nextdoor to the Howard Johnson. It's basically right next to Breakers Express for like 1/8th of the price and we get Early Entry anyway. I could buy like 8 Rougabrews and Fastlane Plus plus the hotel and still come out ahead.


This is where we always liked staying. Couldn't beat price and location.


We stayed at Sandcastle Suites back in 2014 which was also our last visit to the park. We hated pretty much everything about the place. It was incredibly dirty outside and the pools were not maintained well all kinds of nasty stuff floating around. For the price that was paid that was a bit of a letdown. I am not one to write complaints but that is the only visit i ended up sending one. They offered a discounted future stay but that did me no good as we were not going to be making it back soon at that time. I wasn't looking for anything back I just wanted them to clean the place up. The beds sucked something horrible if i remember right too. Anyway I am definitely okay with them taking this place out.

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