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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Any updates on Mean Streak RMC?


The simple fact is construction is really at a snail pace now. If you look not too much was done all of June. There really is no need to move quick b/c it's not opening. Cedar Point also wants to hold back things like the lift hill height, which enthusiast want to know. Btw, having to the park 5 days this year, the GP's literally have no clue. Some of the comments I overheard were down right hilarious. Cedar Point has fed the buzz beast all this time, why not continue to milk it. I actually could see them holding some of the final touches till just before season opens 2018 or at least till late winter.

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Any updates on Mean Streak RMC?


The simple fact is construction is really at a snail pace now. If you look not too much was done all of June. There really is no need to move quick b/c it's not opening. Cedar Point also wants to hold back things like the lift hill height, which enthusiast want to know. Btw, having to the park 5 days this year, the GP's literally have no clue. Some of the comments I overheard were down right hilarious. Cedar Point has fed the buzz beast all this time, why not continue to milk it. I actually could see them holding some of the final touches till just before season opens 2018 or at least till late winter.



Or maybe they are doing structural work that isn't as fancy to notice from a distance but is critically important (the new lift hill and perhaps the last part of the ride goes through the structure under the mid course brake run)? My guess is the construction managers would rather complete that work when it is warm than wait for the next Ohio winter. I also guess that most, if not all, of the rest of the layout will be visible by the time the formal announcement is made. Or not.

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Park plaza is the name of the gift shop in question. Right across from the skyride entrance at the front of the park and next to starbucks.


Ah, that was it. Thanks!


Where it's been put for now, before December arrives.


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Whoever is designing the merchandise that CP has been dishing out recently has been doing a fabulous job.

Yeah... They're really getting creative with including all of the geeky stats on the shirts...

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has the water park and beach been packed on the weekends so far this year? i'm probably gonna go up on a hot saturday or sunday sometime next month and was wondering how busy that part of the park usually is.

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Clearly this is where the shed and drop track are going. You know, since drop tracks are so common and insanely awesome we have to add them to every coaster. Whenever any park hints at any kind of mystery element, I always think drop track, because it's such a safe bet. When I sit down on the shitter I do it really fast and pretend like I'm on a drop track. I'm not so sure it's good for my hemorrhoids, though.

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So I guess its safe to assume this thing is definitely going to have three trains, right?


6 trains. And that parallel double station. And the record for longest coaster.


Dreaming is free! Work time.

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So I guess its safe to assume this thing is definitely going to have three trains, right?


I'd love to see this run 4 trains (separate load/unload station). But I guess it doesn't need to, since Twisted Colossus runs 3 trains and is roughly the same track length, and it eats through people.


I said it a while back, but I'd also love to see this run 7-car RMC trains rather than the typical 6. That extra car could really have an edge on capacity, and we know that everyone and their mom will be there on opening day. Plus, the elements seem large enough where 7 cars would provide the same "whip" that the 6-car trains do on the smaller versions. Just my thoughts.

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has the water park and beach been packed on the weekends so far this year? i'm probably gonna go up on a hot saturday or sunday sometime next month and was wondering how busy that part of the park usually is.


If you choose to go on a hot Saturday, be prepared for the water park to be around max capacity.


Or in other words...if it was my decision, I would avoid it like the plague.

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has the water park and beach been packed on the weekends so far this year? i'm probably gonna go up on a hot saturday or sunday sometime next month and was wondering how busy that part of the park usually is.


If you choose to go on a hot Saturday, be prepared for the water park to be around max capacity.


Or in other words...if it was my decision, I would avoid it like the plague.

oh wow. is it really getting that busy? didn't even know they had a max capacity for the waterpark lol.

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