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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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One last question. I haven't been able to keep up on Valravn. How is the ride? Does it live up to the hype?


It is by far my least favorite of the 3 dive machines in the US. Whatever you do avoid the back row, right side, edge seat. Our favorite place to sit is front row, above the track. Also, don't go in expecting any good airtime because the vest restraints kill that sensation.

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^ What's wrong with that seat? I love the right side back!

To me, Valravn is great! I've ridden Griffon and it completely knocks that out of the water! For what it is worth, the GP absolutely adores the ride.


I don't know if we just caught it on a bad day, or what was going on, but our ride in the back row right side was awful. It was so rough it made Mean Streak feel smooth. Like I said it could have been an off day, or the train could have had a "bad wheel." But it was awful.

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^ You should be fine to get on all of the major coasters at least once - your biggest waits will be for Valravn, Maverick, TTD and MF. Everything else should be a short wait or walk on.


Thank you so much for your help. One last question. I haven't been able to keep up on Valravn. How is the ride? Does it live up to the hype?

I really liked Valravn. I would highly recommend trying to get front seat on the far left or right (It makes the ride feel like a wing coaster with 2 amazing vertical (or near vertical) drops). I'm not sure how Cedar Point handles seat requests on rides with assigned seating, but just ask politely and hope for the best. I think the front seat, hanging and staring down that drop, is extremely effective, and I just didn't get that feeling in the back.


I will say that any seat still provides a really good ride, it's just that front is a whole different thing (Sorta like Dragster).


^ What's wrong with that seat? I love the right side back!

To me, Valravn is great! I've ridden Griffon and it completely knocks that out of the water! For what it is worth, the GP absolutely adores the ride.


I don't know if we just caught it on a bad day, or what was going on, but our ride in the back row right side was awful. It was so rough it made Mean Streak feel smooth. Like I said it could have been an off day, or the train could have had a "bad wheel." But it was awful.

We got back seat far left, and it was glass smooth. Looks like you caught it on a bad day.

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One last question. I haven't been able to keep up on Valravn. How is the ride? Does it live up to the hype?


It is by far my least favorite of the 3 dive machines in the US. Whatever you do avoid the back row, right side, edge seat. Our favorite place to sit is front row, above the track. Also, don't go in expecting any good airtime because the vest restraints kill that sensation.


That's exactly where I say on my first ride and it was great! On our next ride we were put in the front middle which surprised us (it seemed only FL people got to ride front row and we didn't have FL).

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^ What's wrong with that seat? I love the right side back!

To me, Valravn is great! I've ridden Griffon and it completely knocks that out of the water! For what it is worth, the GP absolutely adores the ride.


I don't know if we just caught it on a bad day, or what was going on, but our ride in the back row right side was awful. It was so rough it made Mean Streak feel smooth. Like I said it could have been an off day, or the train could have had a "bad wheel." But it was awful.


I also thought Valravn was rough, very shaky in the back. This was also the case on Gatekeeper, which I rode in the second to last row. No rattle, no headbanging, but a deep shudder where the entire seat bounces up and down. There seems to be a consensus that these 2 rides are glass smooth, but not for me. The 2 90s B&Ms at the park were much smoother to me.

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I also thought Valravn was rough, very shaky in the back. This was also the case on Gatekeeper, which I rode in the second to last row. No rattle, no headbanging, but a deep shudder where the entire seat bounces up and down. There seems to be a consensus that these 2 rides are glass smooth, but not for me. The 2 90s B&Ms at the park were much smoother to me.


That's exactly how I would describe Valravn's "roughness." It's a deep shuddering seat bouncing feeling. Not something we cared for.

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I have felt the shudder too, and its very apparent on any of the new B&M's. Including Gatekeeper, Banshee, and Valravn. Gatekeeper I think is the smoothest and Banshee the most shuddering, but for me I wonder if it has something to do with the track being filled with sand now or their newer trains. I don't feel this sensation on Rougarou or Raptor or let alone even Diamondback. It's definitely something I've noticed and very disappointed as I was really looking forward to having a dive machine at my home park after enjoying Griffon and Sheikra a ton. Valravn ranks below both of those for sure, and I just classify it as an OK ride. The stars of the park have always been Maverick, Millennium, Dragster, an RMC Mean Streak might be able to shake that up a little bit but we shall see.

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Ugh... The B&M "roughness" talk has sprung up again! Now THAT, gives me a "shudder"...


Regarding Valravn, I think it's an extremely fun coaster, and in the front gives a fantastic view, and ride! I also will say that whatever "roughness" was felt in the back right, is likely an anomaly, because I have ridden it there as well, and it was my second favorite spot on the coaster.


Just in the last couple of weeks they have started allowing people to wait for the front seat if the choose.


This makes me do all sorts of happy dances! Hopefully that is a regular thing now, as I'd love to be able to request and wait for the front when I visit with my daughter in a couple weeks!

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I loved Valravn — much more than I expected to. I rode in a bunch of different seats but got no roughness from it at all (which I did get from the backseat of Banshee). There was a bit of rattle at the bottom of the drop going up into the first inversion, but it's moving pretty fast at that point, I imagine. The ride's not as intense as other rides in the park, but it provides a series of well-paced moves, great views, lots of fun, and I found the restraints to be perfectly comfy — which I preferred to standard horse collar restraints.

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McClure said any announcement of what will replace Mean Streak will come after the ride's last operating day, Friday, Sept. 16, the opening night of HalloWeekends.


"We'll string it out for a while," said McClure. "We like that people are curious."


He added, "The only thing I can tell you right now is that we won't disappoint you with what we do back there."


I am so happy he won't disappoint me. I am so looking forward to the new RMC Log Flume.

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What weekend is Cedar Point opening next year?


I would bet a large chunk of change that it will open on Saturday, May 6th. 10AM-10PM with a highly unorganized early entry at 9AM where just about no coasters will run until about 9:45 because it's opening day and enthusiasts will bitch as if they didn't expect it. Then the site will be flooded with people bitching about how Cedar Point didn't seem ready for opening day because tons of rides were closed and it was a sh*t show.


Friday will probably be Ohio State Day with an equally disorganized preview night to follow. Lines for Season Pass processing will be hilariously long and will lead to tons of bitching on TPR and social media from people who were too dumb to just renew their passes online and keep using the same ones.


And for anyone laughing or thinking this is a ridiculous post, come dig it up on May 6th 2017 and marvel at how Nostradamus has nothing on me. Nothing...

Edited by coasterbill
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