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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Anyone know how busy it usually/should be the first Saturday of Haunt?


Don't go.



This is actually excellent advice for ALL Saturdays of Haunt! Either go Friday night, or Sunday, if you want to have a truly enjoyable day!

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Anyone know how busy it usually/should be the first Saturday of Haunt?


Don't go.



This is actually excellent advice for ALL Saturdays of Haunt! Either go Friday night, or Sunday, if you want to have a truly enjoyable day!

Thank you, I'll plan accordingly for Sunday. Just asking because from all my experiences at Kings Island lines are minuscule until 5-6 but then it becomes utter chaos afterwards

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Just got back from CP this weekend and had a question for people w/Platinum Passes. As we were waiting to get into the park (5-10mins) we overheard a group of teens/early 20's talking about how they were all getting into the park using their friends platinum passes. We were directly behind them so we thought for sure we were about to witness some drama go down...


However, they were scanned and walked in no questions asked. Is this a regular occurrence? My friend and I decided to stand around for a minute and watch...and over the nest 10 mins we never once saw anyone look at a monitor to verify the passes at all. Kind of bizarre.

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While pictures are stored, it's probably impractical for them to actually verify all of them. At the resort gate, the early entry line can be hundreds of people deep. It's probably more important to them to get those people in quickly so they aren't flooded with complaints about the wait to get in to early entry than it is to catch a few random people who are trying to cheat the system. They can chew through a line of people that are 300-400 deep in less than 5 minutes so efficiency seems to be the #1 goal.

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My brother and I went to the park last week on Thursday and Friday. I've never seen it like it was on Thursday. The forecast called for a big storm so maybe that scared some people off but it ended up being sunny almost all day and never rained at all. Everything was a walk on most of the day except Valravn, and even that was never past the bottom of the stairs from what I saw. The Maverick station was often empty other than a few rows. The longest wait of the day we had was just after we got into the park at 11:30 or so when the line for Millennium Force was just outside the station and someone threw up in the seat, so we had to wait for them to clean that up. Dragster was closed most of the day because it broke down and then was down due to wind from about 2:00 on, but it was running well on Friday. Aside from that, Thursday was probably the best day I've ever had at the park. Stuck to the most popular rides and still managed to get 25 total rides in about 8 1/2 hours (including taking breaks to eat). We also left a few minutes before closing because we had taken a red eye flight and were running on 2-3 hours of sleep.


Friday was much busier of course, but still pretty light crowds. We stayed at Breakers Express so we took advantage of early entry and got a couple rides on Millennium Force and Maverick before heading to Dragster a few minutes before opening. I noticed that the entire area around Millennium Force was completely dead when we got there. Is that normal now? Do most people head to Valravn first from the marina gate now? It was just strange to be completely alone in that area of the park because it's always got some people walking around even on the least busy days. Anyway, got to Dragster and got in 4 rides (including one in the front row) in about an hour and a half. It would have been shorter but something happened on our last ride and they had to bring us back into the station to reset the system. We left the park around 3:30 to catch our flight but Dragster's line was usually somewhere on the ramp, and never got any longer than the first set of soda machines - not using any of the switchbacks. Millennium Force was about 15 minutes, Maverick was 45 minutes, Valravn was an hour plus, and everything else was pretty empty aside from Raptor and GateKeeper the first hour or so. It was another great day.


Even though the trip was so quick, all things considered it was probably the best trip I've had to Cedar Point - I've been 5 times. In the past I've gone in late May or the first week of June, but I'm thinking late August is a better time to visit.


As for Valravn, I thought it was a lot of fun and better than I had anticipated. I only rode it Thursday because I wasn't going to wait an hour on Friday after I had already ridden it 4 times. Got in the back middle twice and front right twice. The drops are a lot of the fun and that 270 degree roll in the front right seat is possibly the strangest inversion I've experienced, in a good way. Hanging over the first drop in the front row is an awesome sight. The only real problem with Valravn is that it's short, but it's a great addition for the park.


Total ride counts:

Millennium Force - 11

Maverick - 9

Dragster - 6

Valravn - 4

GateKeeper - 3

Magnum - 3

Raptor - 1

Rougarou - 1

Mean Streak - 1


Not bad for roughly 15 hours in the park, eh?

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Just got back from CP this weekend and had a question for people w/Platinum Passes. As we were waiting to get into the park (5-10mins) we overheard a group of teens/early 20's talking about how they were all getting into the park using their friends platinum passes. We were directly behind them so we thought for sure we were about to witness some drama go down...


However, they were scanned and walked in no questions asked. Is this a regular occurrence? My friend and I decided to stand around for a minute and watch...and over the nest 10 mins we never once saw anyone look at a monitor to verify the passes at all. Kind of bizarre.

As others have said it just depends, on what I don't know. Between 20-25 scans between CP&KI and the waterparks since June I would estimate they have given close scrutiny maybe 25% of the time. Last weekend at KI the associate flagged my kids passes becuase there were two people in the photos and that is not allowed. I was told to stop at processing and have them retaken when I had a chance but was let through. Originally when I purchased the passes on line we used our webcam so it is probably me in the background directing the kids. When SP processing has a short line I will get it done.


I wouldn't suggest anyone try and game the system becuase I imagine CF reserves the right to suspend/revoke the pass and deny entry for the day. That would really suck. My Platty with season dining and season funpix for two parks cost over $400. No way would I loan it to somebody.

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In an effort to hopefully avoid the Labor Day weekend crush, I'm heading to Cedar Point on Thursday. Good plan? Bad plan?


Great plan! I'm going there the same day for my next trip! Maybe I'll see you at some point...


My brother and I went to the park last week on Thursday and Friday. I've never seen it like it was on Thursday. The forecast called for a big storm so maybe that scared some people off but it ended up being sunny almost all day and never rained at all. Everything was a walk on most of the day except Valravn, and even that was never past the bottom of the stairs from what I saw. The Maverick station was often empty other than a few rows. The longest wait of the day we had was just after we got into the park at 11:30 or so when the line for Millennium Force was just outside the station and someone threw up in the seat, so we had to wait for them to clean that up. Dragster was closed most of the day because it broke down and then was down due to wind from about 2:00 on, but it was running well on Friday. Aside from that, Thursday was probably the best day I've ever had at the park. Stuck to the most popular rides and still managed to get 25 total rides in about 8 1/2 hours (including taking breaks to eat).


Sounds like a Thursday I went earlier this year in late May! Never waited more than 20 minutes for Valravn, and pretty much walked on everything else, except for a late afternoon wait on Maverick. Tying it back into the other poster, and my first comment, Thursdays are really good days to go to the park, if you're looking to pick just one day of the week!


Good plan. We're heading there Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Can't wait.


Have you been yet this year? I was curious whether this would be your first experience with Valravn. I'll be sure to keep the front seat on Mean Streak warm for you when I'm there the day before!

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As I approached the station and saw about 20 people in line for the front and no wait for any other seat, I thought to myself, "No. I'm not going to take coasterbill's advice to earn a mediocre ride." I took the ride op from Turkey's advice and sat in the back, keeping my head against the head rest and back against the seat back. Mean Streak screeched, shimmied, and shook us but it wasn't awful. It was just a boringass ride. It's not a beautiful structure or anything worth saving. It's time to go. And yes, it is secluded by itself on the otherside of the train tracks.


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Even on it's roughest days in the past ten years, I can recall several wood and steel coasters that feel more rough or uncomfortable than Mean Streak. However, Mean Streak is easily one of the most boring coasters out there that is slightly rough. Nothing about it really stands out at all. I have been treated to two trim-less rides thanks to a cool connection, but the difference was hardly noticeable to even think the trims are what hold the ride back. Of course the mid-course brakes still applied, but I still can't see the ride being much better if those were reduced or eliminated.


It's time for Mean Streak to go. The amount of work CP has put into it over the years for a boring ride with minimal popularity can't be justified any longer. A year or two with an open field or possibly a SBNO coaster (cough Hurler cough) wouldn't really be a loss for CP.

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Even on it's roughest days in the past ten years, I can recall several wood and steel coasters that feel more rough or uncomfortable than Mean Streak. However, Mean Streak is easily one of the most boring coasters out there that is slightly rough. Nothing about it really stands out at all. I have been treated to two trim-less rides thanks to a cool connection, but the difference was hardly noticeable to even think the trims are what hold the ride back. Of course the mid-course brakes still applied, but I still can't see the ride being much better if those were reduced or eliminated.


It's time for Mean Streak to go. The amount of work CP has put into it over the years for a boring ride with minimal popularity can't be justified any longer. A year or two with an open field or possibly a SBNO coaster (cough Hurler cough) wouldn't really be a loss for CP.


Totally agree.


I'm also a bit surprised that people don't talk about the WACK trains for Corkscrew. You are like, being folded over yourself, kind of sitting down?, the padding at your shoulders sticks further out than the part at your lower back, so that doesn't feel right....but it was...smooth? It's oneof those rides I've only been on one or two times since it's meh, but the airtime hill was crazy and it was shockingly smooth. Please give it new trains!

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^Oh, believe me, I am firmly with you regarding Corkscrew! I will never ride that coaster again, unlike MS, which I will ride a few times Thursday, and, have ridden periodically through the years. Corkscrew is a special kind of wicked rough! (Though, come to think of it, that rough jolt you experience on it, isn't too dissimilar from the horrible jolt at the bottom of the Conneaut Blue Streak...)

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In an effort to hopefully avoid the Labor Day weekend crush, I'm heading to Cedar Point on Thursday. Good plan? Bad plan?


Good plan. We're heading there Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Can't wait.

I'm planning on being there Sunday and maybe a little of Saturday and Monday. I'll keep an eye out for you guys at the bar, LOL.


I'm gonna renew my Platinum Pass on Sunday for that awesome free Fast Lane deal unless there's some small print that I didn't know about.


Also, I haven't been since 2009 so I'm totally stoked. Gatekeeper, Rougarou convert, and Valravn are all new to me as well as Maverick because it was down when I visited. Just gotta get paid and then find a hotel in my budget that I won't get assaulted at

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I love Famous Daves. It's the best place to eat in the Peninsula for sure. The food's really good but the location is awesome, especially if you sit out on the deck.


Famous Daves is "okay". I only say this because of where I'm from. Whenever you visit SFOT again, check out a place called "Hard 8 BBQ". There's a location about 15-20 min from the park and it's very good. I got married in June and we had them cater our wedding because it's THAT good!

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^Oh, believe me, I am firmly with you regarding Corkscrew! I will never ride that coaster again, unlike MS, which I will ride a few times Thursday, and, have ridden periodically through the years. Corkscrew is a special kind of wicked rough! (Though, come to think of it, that rough jolt you experience on it, isn't too dissimilar from the horrible jolt at the bottom of the Conneaut Blue Streak...)


I flew up this past weekend and I only rode Corkscrew because my back needed to pop and that horribly engineered airtime hill always does the trick!

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Great... here come the Texans to make sure we're all aware that anything we can do, they can do better.


Considering I've spent 7 days at Cedar Point this year with SFOT 15 min from me and I've only spent 3 or 4 days there...I would have to disagree with your judgement. Besides, Famous Dave's isn't an Ohio "thing", it's a typical BBQ chain like many others. Now if you would like to suggest a place for me to try that's local the next time I visit, that's more productive and friendly.

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If Famous Daves served Applebee's quality food I'd like it simply because of it's location. That's it's biggest selling point. The food is good though, sure you can find better BBQ but it's pretty good / average for a BBQ place since it's on the water at a reasonable price point with a view of Millennium Force and the Marina I'll take it.

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