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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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3) Lines were very short. The longest we waited for anything was about 45 minutes for a Valravn night ride but we got on every adult coaster (minus Gemeni which we're saving for today since we expect them to have the staff to race it).


Sounds like Thursday! I believe our longest was Maverick, at around 40 minutes, but that was in the late afternoon (when it's always busiest.) First wait on Maverick was about 10 minutes, maybe... We were on Valravn, MF twice, and Maverick, all in the first hour and a half we were there. But now I'm spoiling my (alleged) TR that's still forthcoming...


4) We got a Millennium Force front seat ride on the last train of the night, a Dragster front seat ride and a Valravn front seat night ride but Mean Streak stole the show. I sound like a stoner now but we rode it at sunset and riding through that beautiful structure with the awesome views of the lake is an experience I'll never forget. That was like a zen ride. I know nobody cares but I'm really going to miss this ride. I'm excited as anything for the future and the prospect of an RMC but I'll always miss Mean Streak. The ride was butter smooth using the Mean Streak trick.


I'm glad your MS ride was so "zen", since you love it so much. Mine was quite the opposite. Even using the "trick" (which is how I've been riding it since the 90's), it was worse than I remembered it being, which was disappointing. Maybe it was the time of day, maybe it was the train, but I was hoping for a better final ride, personally... Oh well... I at least got a nice picture from the ride op (her suggestion) of my daughter and myself on it!


5) Valravn is an amazing addition. It's probably the 3rd best B&M in the park but it's a ton of fun. Whoever said this ride rattles needs to check themselves into a nursing home and take up cribbage. This hobby isn't for you.


Seriously... I actually noticed a "rattle" on Troika the other day! Oh no, start the "Rattling Troika" rants!!!

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1) Gatekeeper crew... Holy living crap!!! These guys were literally running around the platform once it finally opened. They were routinely clearing and dispatching trains when the previous one was coming down the first drop. I'd never ridden a 3 train B&M and not stopped moving in the final brake run until yesterday. If not for the midcourse this thing would have been block stopping. I know that's the entire point but I'd never seen it actually needed. Wow!

This has always been my experience at Gatekeeper as well, the crews there stand out above the already great operations in the rest of the park. If I can get an op's attention long enough to do so, I always take a second to commend them on how exceptionally well they run the ride.


4) We got a Millennium Force front seat ride on the last train of the night, a Dragster front seat ride and a Valravn front seat night ride but Mean Streak stole the show. I sound like a stoner now but we rode it at sunset and riding through that beautiful structure with the awesome views of the lake is an experience I'll never forget. That was like a zen ride. I know nobody cares but I'm really going to miss this ride. I'm excited as anything for the future and the prospect of an RMC but I'll always miss Mean Streak. The ride was butter smooth using the Mean Streak trick.

I probably wouldn't find Mean Streak particularly great in almost any other setting, but it is a perfect ride for delivering that zen experience overlooking the lake. I'll always distinctly remember my first ride on it on a blustery, damp May morning. The lake was covered in this beautiful thick fog and at the exact moment below I was almost overwhelmed by this feeling of being incredibly alive.



Photo courtesy Cedar Point official POV.

We're planning a quick trip out for it's final day. I'm excited for what the future will bring but, agreed: I'll miss it.

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Just got off Gemini and noticed a guy wearing an RMC shirt exiting as well. Proof that GEMINI will actually be getting the RMC treatment!


Oh, and Maverick was balls to the wall INSANE!! LOVED IT! It was down last time I was here. And Mean Streak really is a great ride using the coasterbill technique!

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I think for next season I take one of my polo shirts and have RMC embroidered on it and make a point of taking lots and lots of pictures of structural elements of various coasters, maybe even carry a legal pad with me and take lots of notes. My primary targets: Blue Streak and The Beast. If I make it back to SFSTL I will give The Boss an extra special treatment.

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I think for next season I take one of my polo shirts and have RMC embroidered on it and make a point of taking lots and lots of pictures of structural elements of various coasters, maybe even carry a legal pad with me and take lots of notes. My primary targets: Blue Streak and The Beast. If I make it back to SFSTL I will give The Boss an extra special treatment.


You are the biggest troll. I like it.

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I think for next season I take one of my polo shirts and have RMC embroidered on it and make a point of taking lots and lots of pictures of structural elements of various coasters, maybe even carry a legal pad with me and take lots of notes. My primary targets: Blue Streak and The Beast. If I make it back to SFSTL I will give The Boss an extra special treatment.


When I wear my RMC hoodie (they provided it to me - among other things for being the one who supplied their slogan) to parks I am always asked if I work for them. Nope. Not anymore at least. lol

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I made it out to Cedar Point for the first time (for three days!) this week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), and I don't really see how you guys need the trick to make Mean Streak good. I thoroughly enjoyed it in the back row (13 times), especially when the ride ops turned the trims off for the last train of the night on Thursday. I also enjoy Minebuster, Wild Beast, and Wild Cat though, I guess I just like these rougher woodies.

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Mean Streaks first half when taken at its intended speed is pretty incredible. It's the entire second half after the trim that is a meandering snooze fest.


This is my problem with it. I don't mind most rough wooden coasters. The Voyage is my favorite ride I've been on. I've had one trimless ride on Mean Streak and the first half was actually quite fun. But of the 5 or so times I've been on it, I only really had fun for one half of one those rides.

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Alright I'm not trying to complain but the back row on one of the Valravn trains does have a rattle. I mean I've ridden Shivering Timbers and Thunderhawk at MiA over 10 times in a single day, so I'm used to stuff nearly 100 times worse than any B & M rattle, but it is there. I always thought it was just a little vibration after the second drop but you can feel the difference between the back and the second row (of course I didn't look at which train it was).


I went on Wednesday this past week and Valravn was almost a walk on (TTD and Gatekeeper were walkons, and I'm not going to lie it felt weird). Great day great operations as always. Oh and Gatekeeper wasn't running a train and maintenance was looking at it. Might be why it was closed? And sorry about the whole Valravn thing it's glass smooth the entire ride but I swear I've felt a rattle before.

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Oh and Gatekeeper wasn't running a train and maintenance was looking at it.


I was there too, the ride ops said one of the seatbelts broke.


I agree with you that it was oddly empty that day and I enjoyed it, especially as it was one of my first times ever at the park (I drove 8 hours to get there, definitely worth it).

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At this point with no RMC coasters announced for next year, and especially with none going to any Six Flags parks, I think it is clear that RMC will be working overtime through the winter to shoot for a June or July 2017 opening of RMC Mean Streak. I personally am hoping for it to be the first wooden topper track conversion, and perhaps one or two things new or unexpected to show RMC's evolution since first renovating the very similar Texas Giant. Outdoing Goliath and Lightning Rod with either a 70+ mph LSM launch, a slap in the face to Maverick, or an actual 90° vertical drop, a slap in the face to Valravn, would adequately distinguish the coaster even if it does become a steel I-box hybrid rather than a topper track wooden hybrid.

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I got a text saying there's some rather large trucks from Idaho parked across the street from the Castaway Bay lot, can anyone confirm?


I'm going to the park tonight.... I'll check.


As of 5:20 no trucks from Idaho to be seen.


Who from Idaho went to Ohio without me? --it's all in my username

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Oh and Gatekeeper wasn't running a train and maintenance was looking at it.


I was there too, the ride ops said one of the seatbelts broke.


I agree with you that it was oddly empty that day and I enjoyed it, especially as it was one of my first times ever at the park (I drove 8 hours to get there, definitely worth it).

Scratching my head. How does that work? Have you sort of been there before?

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Oh and Gatekeeper wasn't running a train and maintenance was looking at it.


I was there too, the ride ops said one of the seatbelts broke.


I agree with you that it was oddly empty that day and I enjoyed it, especially as it was one of my first times ever at the park (I drove 8 hours to get there, definitely worth it).

Scratching my head. How does that work? Have you sort of been there before?

I went for three days, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday. Wednesday was my second day.

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I think it is clear that RMC will be working overtime through the winter to shoot for a June or July 2017 opening of RMC Mean Streak.


This isn't Six Flags. CP would have it ready on opening day (if construction goes well). While Mean Streak is big and similar to New Texas Giant, I'm just not seeing why everyone thinks it would take a year and a half to finish. NTAG was RMC's very FIRST reprofile. Of course it took longer! Iron Rattler is a big ride too but it didn't take them a year and a half to finish that one.


But of course i could be completely wrong and maybe RMC isn't involved at all.

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This isn't Six Flags. CP would have it ready on opening day (if construction goes well). While Mean Streak is big and similar to New Texas Giant, I'm just not seeing why everyone thinks it would take a year and a half to finish. NTAG was RMC's very FIRST reprofile. Of course it took longer!

They also built the Giant in a very small warehouse, like 1500 sq ft or something. Now they have a huge state of the art facility. There's no reason they couldnt finish Mean Streak on time barring any crazy weather.


The only thing that's still is an asterisk is CP's announced water park expansion and the fact that Valravn was a major investment just this year. Would Ouimet and Co. invest so heavily in close proximity?

Edited by Superbatboy
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This isn't Six Flags. CP would have it ready on opening day (if construction goes well). While Mean Streak is big and similar to New Texas Giant, I'm just not seeing why everyone thinks it would take a year and a half to finish. NTAG was RMC's very FIRST reprofile. Of course it took longer!

They also built the Giant in a very small warehouse, like 1500 sq ft or something. Now they have a huge state of the art facility. There's no reasom they couldnt finish Mean Streak on time barring any crazy weather.


The only thing that's still is an asterisk is CP's announced water park expansion and the fact that Valravn was a major investment just this year. Would Ouimet and Co. invest so heavily in close proximity?



2016 they added Valravn. Also spending 23M on the sports Complex which is suppose to be complete by the end of November.

2015 they converted Mantis Coaster from strand up to floorless

2014 added Zamperala Disko, Slingshot, Fling eagle family ride

2013 added Gatekeeper and announced a 60 million over 2 year investment in the resorts


They have added a coaster and then converted and themed a coaster the next before. They seem to have plenty of money to spend and are not shy about it.

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Just got off Gemini and noticed a guy wearing an RMC shirt exiting as well. Proof that GEMINI will actually be getting the RMC treatment!


Oh, and Maverick was balls to the wall INSANE!! LOVED IT! It was down last time I was here. And Mean Streak really is a great ride using the coasterbill technique!


Hybrid Gemini coming to Cedar Point in 2017!

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