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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Question for all season pass holders. I know I am not crazy, but I remember Cedar Point introducing a website that you would log into for savings outside of cedar point. Such as movies and shopping. However I can't remember that website. Can anyone help??



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Thank you!


Yeah, that's still there, but you can't do things like buy Legoland or Vegas show tickets on it any more. Which is a bummer, because they were a great deal.


That is a bummer. Because that was the coolest. Getting Amc movie tickets had a good discount. National touring show discounts as well. Shoot. Maybe they will come out with something like that again.

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Block break testing at its finest. Two trains at the top of the lift area, one on the midcourse break. Won't get to see this too often.


Except every morning... Lol.




Or every other day when someone catches it on the webcam and shares a screenshot of it.

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Great to see the park coming back to life! It almost looks like an ERT session going on over at Millennium Force -- a fair number of people queuing for it. In general, the park seems to be somewhat open, with plenty of guests walking around & riding. Does anyone know if there is some kind of preview going on this weekend, or is this just a management/employees sort of thing?

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Pretty sure March of Dimes is in the park today too. I just saw a Rougarou train go by with 3 people in the front row, about 12 load testers positioned throughout the train, and the rest of the seats empty. Weird.
Let me check out the cam right quick lol
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Pretty sure March of Dimes is in the park today too. I just saw a Rougarou train go by with 3 people in the front row, about 12 load testers positioned throughout the train, and the rest of the seats empty. Weird.



Yep! March of Dimes as well. That slipped my mind.


Raptor looked stunning with its new paint and riding better than ever. Last season it felt a bit off to me for some reason, but today it felt like its good old self again. Silky smooth.


Valravn is very quiet when going around the course! It really zips around the layout quickly, I can't wait to get on it! Love the transformation of the skyline as well, from practically everywhere in the park. The whole ride plaza area looks fantastic, look forward to walking thru and most of all seeing this ride at night!


Wish the weather was a bit better, but it was really nice to walk around the park again!

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