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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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For example right next door Raptor was the first coaster with the cobra roll.


This point in particular is interesting to me, in that Raptor being the first invert with a cobra roll is hardly more significant than Valravn being the first dive coaster with a dive loop. Beside Baron 1898, it's also the only dive coaster with a zero g roll and that element's carousel exit is somewhat rare (SFDK's Joker features quite nearly the same element and in that context it was praised). B&M certainly could have kicked it up another notch or two with this design, but I doubt that was the agenda presented by Cedar Fair. While on the one hand I'm sort of left wanting by Valravn, the realist in me also has to appreciate that it'll likely be the best of its kind.

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For example right next door Raptor was the first coaster with the cobra roll.


This point in particular is interesting to me, in that Raptor being the first invert with a cobra roll is hardly more significant than Valravn being the first dive coaster with a dive loop. Beside Baron 1898, it's also the only dive coaster with a zero g roll and that element's carousel exit is also somewhat rare (SFDK's Joker features quite nearly the same element and in that context it was praised). B&M certainly could have kicked it up another notch or two with this design, but I doubt that was really the agenda presented by Cedar Fair. While on the one hand I'm sort of left wanting by Valravn, the realist in me also has to appreciate that it'll likely be the best of its kind.


Really the only thing that might keep it from being the best dive coaster is the lackluster theming (normal by CP standards). I think the layout kicks ass (compared to other dive models) and makes a great use of the space where Good Time Theater was. Also, within the past 5 years there have been 5 RMC conversions in North America along with The Joker arriving in 2016. There are only 2 dive machines in the U.S. and the last one was built almost 9 years ago, so in a way VR is more original than "Iron Mean Streak"

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For example right next door Raptor was the first coaster with the cobra roll.


This point in particular is interesting to me, in that Raptor being the first invert with a cobra roll is hardly more significant than Valravn being the first dive coaster with a dive loop. Beside Baron 1898, it's also the only dive coaster with a zero g roll and that element's carousel exit is somewhat rare (SFDK's Joker features quite nearly the same element and in that context it was praised). B&M certainly could have kicked it up another notch or two with this design, but I doubt that was the agenda presented by Cedar Fair. While on the one hand I'm sort of left wanting by Valravn, the realist in me also has to appreciate that it'll likely be the best of its kind.


Don't forget about the new Oblivion dive machine at Gardaland, that has a Zero G as well, or would it just be a regular roll?


Ugh, the holiday weeks are always frustrating because of the lack of updates haha.

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^I think he was going for first inverted coaster with a cobra roll.


Yeah that is what I meant-- the point still stands there is nothing innovative about the design on the coaster, I mean I would have have been kinda happy just not having a midcourse break run or something, lol.

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^I think he was going for first inverted coaster with a cobra roll.


Yeah that is what I meant-- the point still stands there is nothing innovative about the design on the coaster, I mean I would have have been kinda happy just not having a midcourse break run or something, lol.

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I was also surprised with the layout of Valravn... I expected if CP did get a dive machine, there would be something "special" about it. Pre-MCBR it's no different than the other two in the US. Post-MCBR yeah it has a little more to it, but I don't know... I dig the dive loop and g-roll combo, but the ending helix and bunnyhop combo (unless that bunnyhop actually delivers some really good air), is too much like the ending of gatekeeper. Surprised when I saw it.


That being said, I am still very excited and love dive machines... It will be an awesome ride that I know I will enjoy greatly.

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does anyone by chance have pictures of those pastel colored flags on the CP midway? I'm doing a project that involves them but I cant find any good pictures of them! All I have so far is this:




Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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does anyone by chance have pictures of those pastel colored flags on the CP midway? I'm doing a project that involves them but I cant find any good pictures of them! All I have so far is this:




Any help would be greatly appreciated!


I may have some from Dorney if that could help you.

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I was also surprised with the layout of Valravn... I expected if CP did get a dive machine, there would be something "special" about it. Pre-MCBR it's no different than the other two in the US. Post-MCBR yeah it has a little more to it, but I don't know... I dig the dive loop and g-roll combo, but the ending helix and bunnyhop combo (unless that bunnyhop actually delivers some really good air), is too much like the ending of gatekeeper. Surprised when I saw it.


That, and the wide trains on a Dive Machine subject riders to very similar sensations as their Wing Coasters. Both types have giant elements and drawn out transitions, which trains negotiate gracefully.


Let's just hope that Valravn navigates that stretch of track with a little more zip than Gatesleeper does.

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I really like the second half of Valravn's layout due to the elements never done before on a Dive Coaster. But the first half could have been done better. The drop into an Immelman has been seen on most other Dive Coasters, and then it just goes right into the MCBR. I was hoping that they would at least make the first half stick out from the other Dive Coasters.


Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited that a DC is finally opening near me, but just remember that my expectations are high. I really want this thing to surprise me. I want those airtime hills to have good airtime, not just a butterfly in my stomach. I want the inversions to be a bit snappy and forceful.


Considering that B&M has been "going back to their old ways" lately, there is a good chance it will be an awesome coaster. I just don't want people looking right next door to Raptor, and automatically saying "This thing's junk. Raptor is much older, but it's a lot better." I want it to be a big success for the park. Height and speed doesn't mean everything for a good ride. Look at how Dragster turned out.

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^ Exactly. I'm really excited for Valravn, and a lot of that comes from seeing Oblivion in RCT2 many years ago. Finally there's a dive coaster near me, and I just have to go. The 90's were all about height and speed, but a lot of my favourite coasters are relatively small, but give me that "what just happened?" feeling. I would love for Valravn to evoke that; it may not look like it based on the layout, but I would love for it to surprise everyone. Next year may very well be my first chance to go to Cedar Point, and although Millennium Force has been my reason for wanting to go for 15 years now, it's Valravn that's sealing it as "I must find a way to do this."

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^ Exactly. I'm really excited for Valravn, and a lot of that comes from seeing Oblivion in RCT2 many years ago. Finally there's a dive coaster near me, and I just have to go. The 90's were all about height and speed, but a lot of my favourite coasters are relatively small, but give me that "what just happened?" feeling. I would love for Valravn to evoke that; it may not look like it based on the layout, but I would love for it to surprise everyone. Next year may very well be my first chance to go to Cedar Point, and although Millennium Force has been my reason for wanting to go for 15 years now, it's Valravn that's sealing it as "I must find a way to do this."


Yes, I am excited as well as next June will be my first visit to Cedar Point. I'm looking forward to riding my first Diving coaster! There isn't much to them but, they look like a lot of fun! I also enjoyed (and still do enjoy!) watching Oblivion at Alton Towers on Roller Coaster Tycoon, even though it isn't the real thing! Luckily Cedar Point is only a 6 and a half hours drive (or less) for me.

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