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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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One thing I've come to notice is when it comes to the CP community, you either love Raptor, or hate it. I haven't met anyone who's "neutral"


Personally, I love Raptor. I would consider it to be my favorite inverted roller coaster. On the other hand, though, one of my close friends hates it. Perhaps it all depends on your intensity tolerance, or something similar to that....I don't know

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One thing I've come to notice is when it comes to the CP community, you either love Raptor, or hate it. I haven't met anyone who's "neutral"


Personally, I love Raptor. I would consider it to be my favorite inverted roller coaster. On the other hand, though, one of my close friends hates it. Perhaps it all depends on your intensity tolerance, or something similar to that....I don't know


That's funny, because out of all the 10 unique B&M Inverts I've been on, Raptor is my 4th favorite. I think it pretty good, maybe even great, but not amazing.

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One thing I've come to notice is when it comes to the CP community, you either love Raptor, or hate it. I haven't met anyone who's "neutral"


Personally, I love Raptor. I would consider it to be my favorite inverted roller coaster. On the other hand, though, one of my close friends hates it. Perhaps it all depends on your intensity tolerance, or something similar to that....I don't know


That's funny, because out of all the 10 unique B&M Inverts I've been on, Raptor is my 4th favorite. I think it pretty good, maybe even great, but not amazing.


I haven't noticed a "love or hate" attitude toward Raptor--maybe "like or meh"? Personally, I like it quite a bit.

Edited by cfc
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One thing I've come to notice is when it comes to the CP community, you either love Raptor, or hate it. I haven't met anyone who's "neutral" ...


I don't LOVE Raptor... nor do I HATE Raptor... I'm rather "neutral" towards Raptor. I will make a point to ride it once during a visit, but not because I LOVE it, but because it's mildly enjoyable.


My only problem with Raptor is that it is greatly overrated. 99.99% of coaster enthusiast I talk to will hail Raptor as the greatest inverted roller coaster ever built. Which I personally don't think is true. I prefer Montu over Raptor... But to each their own.


^I haven't noticed a "love or hate" attitude toward Raptor--maybe "like or meh"? Personally, I like it quite a bit.


I fall into the "meh" category.

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I have Raptor ranked fifth in the park. It will likely drop to sixth after the debut of Valravn.


1.) Maverick 2.) Dragster 3.) Millennium Force 4.) GateKeeper 5.) Raptor


Raptor isn't anything special, but it's a good ride. Now it's a good looking ride as well.

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Raptor is my fourth favorite at the park right now. Valravn might drop it to 5, but I doubt it. It's intense and still catches me off guard after all these years. Dragster would rank higher too if it had more texture. But I refuse to rank short coasters high on my list, no matter how intense they are. That's a reason why Wicked Twister is lower for me too.

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I do have some Raptor love as well... much of that being for sentimental reasons, as many can understand. I really loved Montu and Afterburn as well. Flight deck at Great America was great as well as well as Great Bear. I like the Batmen, but since there all clones of one another, they stand out less to me, but I think i like them a bit more than Talon. I haven't been on Patriot.


Alpengiest, though, is a little on the rough side for me and the second half is a bit dead, so that may be a bit near the bottom of my list.


Still too big for Banshee, but I want to get on that as soon as I thin down more.

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Every time someone mentions an "exceptional/Top" B&M invert; Montu, Banshee, Raptor, Nemesis, and the occasional Batman clones are mentioned. It may not be someones idea of "the greatest coaster ever", but it still remains one of the better inverts out there. That speaks volumes in itself. Raptor is a solid ride, with all the glorious old school B&M goodness. 8.5/10

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It's been 12 years since my lone ride on it, and while I think my opinion on it was swayed due to the hour plus wait for it, I also found myself neutral on it, possibly overrated as well. It has a very nice layout, but the forces aren't stronger than some of the other elite inverts, it isn't the tallest or fastest inverts, and it doesn't have any unique elements to make it stand out. I prefer Alpenfeist (due to sizs, forces and the snappiest cobra roll in existence), Talon (due to very low-to-ground 2nd half and some airtime which is rare for an inverted coaster), and Montu (a tad overrated like Raptor, but more forceful Nd I love the batwing element).


Nontheless, it's a very good ride which I'm sure I'd like even better if I rode it in a better mood.

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One thing I've come to notice is when it comes to the CP community, you either love Raptor, or hate it. I haven't met anyone who's "neutral"


Personally, I love Raptor. I would consider it to be my favorite inverted roller coaster. On the other hand, though, one of my close friends hates it. Perhaps it all depends on your intensity tolerance, or something similar to that....I don't know



Personally im neutral about it because it is an amazing ride, just the drawbacks for me is the loudness of the ride and the shaking. But every good B&M Coaster has a rattle even my favorite all time B&M Banshee has a rattle now.

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Wait... You're complaining that it's too loud? I know you said you like the ride overall so I won't harp on that too much but seriously... That's a really minor thing to complain about (and something most enthusiasts love). Plus it can't be that loud apparently or you'd be able to hear it coming if you were (oh I don't know) in a restricted area


I don't find the ride rattly at all either but to each his own.

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