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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Good choice CP! Raptor really needed it, and TTD will look nice with new paint aswell. If Gemini is staying a while longer I think it would be a good idea to paint the track of each side the color it represents (red or blue).


Keeping the rails unpainted keeps the classic feel to Gemini. Painted rails or unpainted rails, I don't see Gemini leaving anytime in the near future.


I hope Gemeni runs forever. It's a great ride with mass appeal that has great capacity and is very unique which is hard to accomplish in a park with as many coasters as Cedar Point has. It seems to be a real crowd pleaser too, besides enthusiasts who whine about everything I've never heard a single complaint when getting off of Gemeni.

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Good choice CP! Raptor really needed it, and TTD will look nice with new paint aswell. If Gemini is staying a while longer I think it would be a good idea to paint the track of each side the color it represents (red or blue).


Keeping the rails unpainted keeps the classic feel to Gemini. Painted rails or unpainted rails, I don't see Gemini leaving anytime in the near future.


I hope Gemeni runs forever. It's a great ride with mass appeal that has great capacity and is very unique which is hard to accomplish in a park with as many coasters as Cedar Point has. It seems to be a real crowd pleaser too, besides enthusiasts who whine about everything I've never heard a single complaint when getting off of Gemeni.


Gemini is painful. I once tripped while walking into the queue.

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hope Gemeni runs forever. It's a great ride with mass appeal that has great capacity and is very unique which is hard to accomplish in a park with as many coasters as Cedar Point has. It seems to be a real crowd pleaser too, besides enthusiasts who whine about everything I've never heard a single complaint when getting off of Gemeni.

This x1000. always a walk on too.

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Magnum was definitely my sleeper hit for me, not as good as the Intamin's but still absolutely amazing. It was my first trip to Cedar Point and my dad's first since 1992 when it was still the tallest coaster, so it brought back a ton of nostalgia for him. The ejector air on it is unlike any other coaster I have been on, especially the second half. The only part that I would say that isn't great is the turnaround, little rough and shaky but it was better than anything on Corkscrew. Other than that, My father loves it 23 years later and I love it now

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hope Gemeni runs forever. It's a great ride with mass appeal that has great capacity and is very unique which is hard to accomplish in a park with as many coasters as Cedar Point has. It seems to be a real crowd pleaser too, besides enthusiasts who whine about everything I've never heard a single complaint when getting off of Gemeni.

This x1000. always a walk on too.


Gemini is just plain fun. Always a good time going around those curves giving high fives across the track. Not the best behavior from a ride op myself, but I can't imagine they care since there's no real armchoppers.

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You mean something like this?

yes!! where can i look at them daily??

Umm... the webcam? It's a very simple layout, I would think watching the webcams would be about as "live" as you can get watching construction.


As for being indifferent about the ride, here's my take.

The dive machines in the states are both really solid rides. From a layout perspective only, Valravn is the best one. I don't think there's really any dispute over that because it's basically Griffon with a little more substance on the back end, plus a little extra on the lift and drop. While Valravn probably won't have the immersive theming the other dive machines tend to have, it will probably have the best setting and display, looking over the marina and main midway below.

Griffon and SheiKra are probably top three rides at their respective parks (which both have really impressive collections had the Busch parks not hogged all of B&M's greatness in the 90's), and will probably be one of the better coasters at Cedar Point. I'll find out for myself next summer but I imagine it'll be around number four or five for me.


I'm with you guys in saying that I want Cedar Point to build another Millennium Force. Not actually an MF clone, but something on the same scale, with the same presence and grandeur. Valravn definitely isn't that, but you can only ask for so much, and when the tallest and fastest dive machine doesn't cut it for you, you're looking at a truly ridiculous park with top-shelf expectations.

Imagine if, say, Great Adventure had announced this for 2016 instead. I'd bet the reaction would be a lot less ho-hum and a lot more, "Holy sh*t, Six Flags is on to something!"

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i wonder why the cedar fair construction page isn't doing the construction progress with the aerial layout of the ride like they did for fury and banshee?

Because i have a 3 year old and a 2 month old that takes priority over photoshoping some pictures

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