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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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I don't see any use of "wicked" or "twisted" or "new" or "iron" with Mean Streak. Those are things SF did. I expect Mean Streak's new name to be either a CF recycled name (Hawk), or something new and original a la Rugarou and Valravn.


Great, so we can look forward to another practically un-pronounceable name?



Hey, at least they are unique

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Cool pictures. Has the cable for the sky ride ever been replaced, or is it something they do not need to do?

From what I have heard (don't quote me on this part), the cable is replaced once every year.


If that's true it would be much more frequent than the average Sky Ride (but maybe it is, you would know the ride better than I would). Generally parks wait about ten years before they replace them. I kind of remember watching it a few years ago on the webcam (because I'm a huge dork) it was laying down across the main midway with pieces of wood (or what looked like wood) under it for the length of the cable to keep it off the ground. I'd love to see how they splice it.

Yes Bill was close! Cedar Point usually changes it out after about 7yrs. It also has the frayed cable detection system as mentioned that can detect any issues.

Thanks for that information! I actually asked my friend in maintenence if the information I previously had was valid, and he said that it probably doesen't need to be replaced that often.

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As far as names go, Yggdrasil would be an interesting choice. It's mythological, plays into the wooden structure of the coaster, and is nearly unpronounceable. Perfect for Cedar Point!


As in the tree of the world? The thing that connects the 9 realms? Oh yes, very intimidating. Almost as intimidating as renaming Banshee Mantis. Going from Mean Streak to Yggdrasil feels like a step down.


I like it, but only because this is the first time I've ever seen it used outside of the Strider manga, where it was translated as "Yugdesiral". The NES version of "Strider" is based on the manga. The Arcade and Sega Genesis versions were totally different. I know I'm a bit off topic, but this made me nostalgic. I got that game for my 14th birthday and still have it. I tried to look up the meaning several years back, but I couldn't find anything. Now, I was able to find it and read all about it. And in the game, it is referred to as "the main tree", now I finally know why. I'm probably about the last person who remembers Capcom's "Strider" franchise.


Back on topic, I'll be following the RMC rework of Meanstreak all winter. It has me intrigued! I would love to see them at least break Goliath's record for 180' drop. I'd also love to see them rebuild the first drop to at least 200' to score their 6th hyper. I don't think any other park will be sporting 6 hypers any time soon.

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Guys lets be honest the color is getting overused in the park... Smh. I'm kidding but it actually is getting funny.


Edit: Centurion is also my guess because they teased it right when the planning for mean streak probably started, at least in my best guestimation.

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As far as names go, Yggdrasil would be an interesting choice. It's mythological, plays into the wooden structure of the coaster, and is nearly unpronounceable. Perfect for Cedar Point!


As in the tree of the world? The thing that connects the 9 realms? Oh yes, very intimidating. Almost as intimidating as renaming Banshee Mantis. Going from Mean Streak to Yggdrasil feels like a step down.


I like it, but only because this is the first time I've ever seen it used outside of the Strider manga, where it was translated as "Yugdesiral". The NES version of "Strider" is based on the manga. The Arcade and Sega Genesis versions were totally different. I know I'm a bit off topic, but this made me nostalgic. I got that game for my 14th birthday and still have it. I tried to look up the meaning several years back, but I couldn't find anything. Now, I was able to find it and read all about it. And in the game, it is referred to as "the main tree", now I finally know why. I'm probably about the last person who remembers Capcom's "Strider" franchise.


Back on topic, I'll be following the RMC rework of Meanstreak all winter. It has me intrigued! I would love to see them at least break Goliath's record for 180' drop. I'd also love to see them rebuild the first drop to at least 200' to score their 6th hyper. I don't think any other park will be sporting 6 hypers any time soon.

Oh yeah, the Japanese are very big into Norse mythology for some reason. Capcom made a reboot of Strider in 2014, and it was pretty good, but I'm not sure how well it caught on.


Really, I just threw the name out there for the fun of it. No one knows what it will be called, and no one should care. It's an RMC at Cedar Point. They can go full China and call it "4 Inversion Hybrid Coaster" or however many this thing ends up having, and it will be one of the best rides there.


I do expect it to have lots of records, and I expect most of those records to be nonsense. "Longest hybrid coaster at Cedar Point," etc. But I think 4 inversions would be one of the serious ones they'd pursue. Most inversions on a wooden coaster would be easy to do and very marketable.

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I don't see any use of "wicked" or "twisted" or "new" or "iron" with Mean Streak. Those are things SF did. I expect Mean Streak's new name to be either a CF recycled name (Hawk), or something new and original a la Rugarou and Valravn.


Great, so we can look forward to another practically un-pronounceable name?


Would you rather it be named Goliath?

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I do expect it to have lots of records, and I expect most of those records to be nonsense. "Longest hybrid coaster at Cedar Point," etc. But I think 4 inversions would be one of the serious ones they'd pursue. Most inversions on a wooden coaster would be easy to do and very marketable.


I agree with your expectations of records, but to drag your sentence into the corner with my own self-interest, I'm actually hoping for a more traditional, airtime-filled layout that doesn't lean so heavily on inversions. Even without them, I expect plenty of wall-riding turns and zany misdirections. Inversions are already the steak on the plate with the park's B&Ms, and Maverick does a sprinkling of inversions in a free-form layout quite well.


Personally, I don't want the new Mean Streak to be thought of as an inversion coaster first. I'd simply prefer a long, aggressive layout with plenty of airtime, with no more than an inline twist or single stall thrown in. I'd like New Texas Giant with even more meat on the bones.

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I think I could see them going with a more cliché name in regards to the colour of the track and calling it "Copperhead" or something of the sorts. Not only would a snake name match the hopeful theme of the area, but it would be a cool name to hear over a PA (as if you can understand what they'd be saying hahaha).

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I do expect it to have lots of records, and I expect most of those records to be nonsense. "Longest hybrid coaster at Cedar Point," etc. But I think 4 inversions would be one of the serious ones they'd pursue. Most inversions on a wooden coaster would be easy to do and very marketable.


I agree with your expectations of records, but to drag your sentence into the corner with my own self-interest, I'm actually hoping for a more traditional, airtime-filled layout that doesn't lean so heavily on inversions. Even without them, I expect plenty of wall-riding turns and zany misdirections. Inversions are already the steak on the plate with the park's B&Ms, and Maverick does a sprinkling of inversions in a free-form layout quite well.


Personally, I don't want the new Mean Streak to be thought of as an inversion coaster first. I'd simply prefer a long, aggressive layout with plenty of airtime, with no more than an inline twist or single stall thrown in. I'd like New Texas Giant with even more meat on the bones.

The thing about RMC though is that they are first and foremost airtime coasters. Outlaw Run has 3 inversions, yet that isn't really the focus. It's airtime moment after airtime moment connected by very snappy transitions. Same with Storm Chaser; it has almost as much air as Lightning Run but with two inversions thrown in. RMC just doesn't make any one trick ponies. Their coasters do it all, and do it all well.

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Personally, I don't want the new Mean Streak to be thought of as an inversion coaster first. I'd simply prefer a long, aggressive layout with plenty of airtime, with no more than an inline twist or single stall thrown in. I'd like New Texas Giant with even more meat on the bones.


^Definitely agree! I would like to see something that looks like the el toro of RMCs with primarily large ejector hills, but of course with a bit of a twist.. (pun intended)

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I agree with your expectations of records, but to drag your sentence into the corner with my own self-interest, I'm actually hoping for a more traditional, airtime-filled layout that doesn't lean so heavily on inversions.

With inversions or without will be great, but I'm with you.

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They could name it the Sparkling Fluffy Rainbow Bunny and I wouldn't even care. I'm just way too excited to have an RMC at CP.
I'd prefer "Holy S**t, This Is So Much Better Than Mean Streak". Rolls right off the tongue.


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