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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Alright, guys, I know I'm not supposed to do this, and I'm probably going to get banned for this, bit I know why they're being so secretive and protective about the RMC of Mean Streak. Behold - the secret plans! This coaster has a fatal flaw. There is a thermal exhaust port and if you hit it right there THE WHOLE COASTER GOES DOWN! Take this and do what you will with it!


Well aren't you a rebellious, Rogue One?

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Yes, definitely. And there are more clues.


- The recycle bins are green, so we know that the track will be painted green.

- The recycle sign is in the shape of a triangle, so the track also will be triangular.

- The recycle bins are upside down, and there are two of them, so New Mean Streak will have 2 inversions.

- The lids are off the recycle bins. Lids means hats, so you won't be allowed to wear hats on the ride.

- The recycle sign has arrows. Kennywood has an arrow. What's at Kennywood? Sky Rocket. There are two recycle bins. Sky Rocket II confirmed for CP.


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Yes, definitely. And there are more clues.


- The recycle bins are green, so we know that the track will be painted green.

- The recycle sign is in the shape of a triangle, so the track also will be triangular.

- The recycle bins are upside down, and there are two of them, so New Mean Streak will have 2 inversions.

- The lids are off the recycle bins. Lids means hats, so you won't be allowed to wear hats on the ride.

- The recycle sign has arrows. Kennywood has an arrow. What's at Kennywood? Sky Rocket. There are two recycle bins. Sky Rocket II confirmed for CP.


You forgot that the picture was posted in 2017 so it clearly confirms a 2017 opening for New Mean Streak

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Yes, definitely. And there are more clues.


- The recycle bins are green, so we know that the track will be painted green.

- The recycle sign is in the shape of a triangle, so the track also will be triangular.

- The recycle bins are upside down, and there are two of them, so New Mean Streak will have 2 inversions.

- The lids are off the recycle bins. Lids means hats, so you won't be allowed to wear hats on the ride.

- The recycle sign has arrows. Kennywood has an arrow. What's at Kennywood? Sky Rocket. There are two recycle bins. Sky Rocket II confirmed for CP.


This is the kind of professional journalism we need these days. Taking cryptic information and extruding it for the facts that lie beneath the surface. Thank you for your diligence in the field of Cryptic Covert Coaster Analysis (CCCA as it's called in the biz).

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This is the kind of professional journalism we need these days. Taking cryptic information and extruding it for the facts that lie beneath the surface. Thank you for your diligence in the field of Cryptic Covert Coaster Analysis (CCCA as it's called in the biz).

Thanks! I'd like to thank the Academy of Cryptic Covert Coaster Analysis, as well as all fans of palindrome acronyms.


You forgot that the picture was posted in 2017 so it clearly confirms a 2017 opening for New Mean Streak

Oh, no, the coaster is definitely opening in 2016.

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So, what's everyone's favorite place to eat at CP?


Eat?? Who has time to eat while at Cedar Point??


This is me with all amusement parks! Im a ride junkie so honestly I just want to ride rides and not much else! There is only so much time and the day is over before you know it. Also the lines to get something to eat are usually long. The food is often expensive and not the best in the world. I just eat on the way home or when I get home. Also I dont want to risk getting sick on rides from a full stomach. Once in a while ill eat though.

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^ Fine. You're young. Me. I'm old. It'll happen to you, eventually.


All kidding aside, I totally understand the total riding and scheduling of such a visit.


But that's why I am going to enjoy a three day's visit, there. More time to enjoy the food & "beverages"!


YUM to BBQ & Brew; Pinks; Famous Dave's...anything else I should know about?

And it's okay, I am an occasional TGIF fan (at Breakers), so that's fine, too.

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^ there's a taco stand in frontier town near the museum and not as far as the old chik filler. (now frontier Inn? ) that makes a pretty good stuffed burrito. It was pretty cheap by CP standards, 6.99 I believe, and we split it in half for lunch and were quite full. It may have been called Los Gatos Cafe? Pretty hard to find but worth it for the price and quality.

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If I'm with a group I take advantage of the chili cheese fries discount. Otherwise, I eat pretty much everywhere. I'm not a huge fan of Pinks or Johnny Rockets, though. My favorite is Macho Nachos (Los Gatos, I think) but I sometimes head out to Famous Dave's or TGI Fridays. I would imagine a Melt Bar & Grilled visit may be in my future as well.

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