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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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What?! Cedar Point lost to Europa Park in the Golden Ticket Awards. Am I seeing things?

From what I've heard, Europa Parks is definitely deserving of the award. It is shocking that Cedar Point didn't win, but it is about time that a different park won. I'm not trying to bash Cedar Point though because it is a great park.

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^It isn't shocking that Cedar Point lost if you ever been to Europa. I'm a huge Cedar Point fan but Europa is up there with Disney/Universal in quality/theme/food/ride experience if not above in some cases.

I didn't mean I was shocked as in Europa didn't deserve to win, I meant that I was shocked that the voters (who seem to be in absolute love with CP and MF) actually voted for a different park.


Are the full results out yet?

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Given Europa's huge jump last year I assumed they would take it this year.


As far as the steel coaster list goes most of it is just hilariously bad. Diamondback, Nitro, Goliath, Apollo and Leviathan are all on the list and I305 and Maverick aren't? The list is a B&M fest and they didn't even include the best B&M rides... Kumba and Nemesis for example are nowhere to be found. I guess the good news is that Magnum XL 200 isn't on this list any more.


As far as Millennium Force goes it may not be a popular opinion with enthusiasts but it's my favorite coaster so I'm happy to see that win even if these awards are totally screwy. It's important to note however that while it's my favorite coaster I haven't been on any of the awesome Intamin rides outside the US that always find themselves near the top of the Mitch Hawker poll.

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So CP didn't win the Golden Ticket this year? It's about time. There have been quite a few years where I didn't feel it deserved it since the last few years of Kinzel's reign the park had seen quite a downward slide. Made me think he stuffed the ballots.


Congrats to Europa Park. Based on the many TPR trip reports it's a park that truly deserves it.

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As an over all experience, even through Cedar Point has over ratted coaster, I personally don't find myself getting bored as easily compared to other parks I have been to.


I have never been to Knoebels, or Europa-Park, but from what I hear they seem to offer an outstanding over all experience. I don't think coasters are the only play on this award.

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Some like fat women some like em skinny. Coaster poles dont really matter, but Mitch hawkers coaster poll is better than the golden tickets awards but its still not accurate by any stretch of the imagination. I think 2015 will give us some true winners between twisted colossus, mantis inferno, thunderbird, fury 325 and canibal.

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Soo does this mean Cedar Point will go all out and do something amazing to reclaim their title? I hope so.

I don't think they really give a sh!t. A stupid awards ceremony isn't going to affect what they add to the park in the future.

I think they cares. The huge banner at the resort entrance next to Magnum shows it. If no other award makes them the best amusement park in the world, they might lose some attention on their advertisements. GP love gimmicks and CP used gimmicks pretty well.

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Cedar Point is my home park. I've been going there several times a summer for 8 years now. The park has-- without a doubt-- dropped in quality over that period of time. Honestly, I've been expecting them to be "dethroned" for a while now.


Honestly, I feel like compared to other CF parks, Cedar Point's operations could be a little better....Also, don't forget the fact that the size restrictions on the coasters there are much more strict than any other place I've ever been. If you google "Cedar Point fat shaming" and usually the first coaster name that gets brought up is either MF or TTD.

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Soo does this mean Cedar Point will go all out and do something amazing to reclaim their title? I hope so.

I don't think they really give a sh!t. A stupid awards ceremony isn't going to affect what they add to the park in the future.

I think they cares. The huge banner at the resort entrance next to Magnum shows it. If no other award makes them the best amusement park in the world, they might lose some attention on their advertisements. GP love gimmicks and CP used gimmicks pretty well.


I seriously doubt there will be any drop in attendance at Cedar Point due to Europa Park winning this year.

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CP's my home park too and from what I've seen there operations are pretty good. They constantly run all rides at full capacity and the biggest problem seems to be idiot GP not knowing what a Seat belt is. CP did degrade a little bit in the bast few years but in the last two I think they started to improve with fixing up ugly area's of the park and repainting rides.

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