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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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If it ends up just as rough as the old trains, it won't matter much to me. As long as I avoid car 7, it's quite enjoyable. I still can't wait.



As for the FlashPass,

I'm sure we will what the the average accum. total is, which the amount of people the operators can realistically cycle per hour on an average . I know that the goal for X with two trains was about 550, which obviously rules out any talk of Flashpass, and often a supervisor is required to give exit clearance for the ride. If the new trains and an efficient crew can get the accum. total to anywhere above 750, I can see Flashpass.

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As for the FlashPass,

I'm sure we will what the the average accum. total is, which the amount of people the operators can realistically cycle per hour on an average . I know that the goal for X with two trains was about 550, which obviously rules out any talk of Flashpass, and often a supervisor is required to give exit clearance for the ride. If the new trains and an efficient crew can get the accum. total to anywhere above 750, I can see Flashpass.


What do you mean by exit clearance and why does a supervisor have to give it?

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^ For example if a guest complains about something and a supervisor is called in, they could give them "exit clearance" to another ride by calling the ride and letting them know the party is coming up the exit. This is usually only done in extreme cases.



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Tim Burkhart said he hopes X2 will break the 1000 rider per hour barrier, and I hope it does. I think hoping for 750 is not optimistic enough, and wouldn't have warranted turning X into X2. To break 1000 riders per hour, it would require 36 dispatches in that hour with no empty seats; dispatches averaging once every 1:40. I think that is possible, and hope they get it under 1:30.

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"For me it was always the jerky seat rotations that made for a rough ride on X." (manic monte)


If I recall, I asked Tim Burkhart about that and he said that they were going to put padding on the lower part of the seat to cushion the riders' calves. However, I haven't seen any padding on the new trains. Perhaps it'll be added later, but I hope they do something about that. The jerky seat rotations I can handle---it was because of the leg banging that caused me to stop riding.



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^If you watch the video they have on the Six Flags website, you can see leg cushions on the bottom of the seats in the very beginning of the video. It's hard to see at first, but its there.

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^Ok, fess up...were you watching TMZ also??? Cause yeah, I just saw it too.


Didn't think it was that amazing, but then again, I'm not really an X fan either!


yeah I was watching TMZ I find it funny.


Off topic alert:

Do you watch House, and bones???

Also why don't ya like X???

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^If you watch the video they have on the Six Flags website, you can see leg cushions on the bottom of the seats in the very beginning of the video. It's hard to see at first, but its there.


Have these been here all along? I hadn't even noticed. This should definitely help with the "leg banging"!


The new "leg rests"

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From TMZ.Com


Mariah and Nick on the Roller Coaster of Love



Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey had a shotgun wedding in the Bahamas, so now they're celebrating here ... at a theme park. Six months ago she was sipping Cristal on a yacht in St. Barth's -- now she's eating corn dogs in Valencia, CA.


We've confirmed Nick rented out Six Flags Magic Mountain for the night -- and word is it's for a wedding reception. The park shut down to the public at 6:00 PM -- and that's when Nick and Mariah took over. Mariah pulled up in a black Rolls Royce shortly after 8:00 PM. We're told the party will go on at least until midnight.


Rumors are also swirling about an A-list guest list that includes Will Smith and Stevie Wonder -- so far no sign of 'em.



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Hi All, I was at Magic Mountain yesterday and I saw a bunch of management types putting up Christmas type lights in the bush's and trees near the water falls, now I see why!.


Hey, I am HAPPY to report the park looks GREAT. I have been going since 1971 and this is the first time I have seen things actually get better!


Much cleaner, yes the bathrooms are old, but there were as clean as you could get um! The staff was generally nice and attentive. The overall mood of the park is positive, something that was lacking in years past. It just felt “better”.


Also, has anyone heard an update on the Metro Monorail? I know it's probably not coming back, I know all the reasons. I was just wondering if there has been any official word on its fate.


I was only at the park for a few hours, but no X2 action was seen, it was all quiet.


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Well, I'm sure it's a lot cheaper to rent out then Disney!


Plus we all know Mariah likes roller coasters...what was that horrible video she did again??


Oh, and funny story. Guy is staying with us and he thought it would be funny to drive up last night and see if X was testing (he didn't know anything about the private party). He was immediately approached by police with their lights flashing and they told him to get out of there NOW!


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Here's more coverage of the event if anybody is curious. Apparently it was Nick that had the idea for the reception.


Snagged from Hip Hollywood.


While other Web sites are reporting what they think is going on, only “Entertainment Tonight” and our own Kevin Frazier were INSIDE Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, CA., where Nick Cannon surprised his bride Mariah Carey with an ultra-exclusive reception.


Only HipHollywood.com has all of the details:

Cannon shut down the park, at a cost in the mid-six figure range, so that he and Mariah could party with 100 friends and family. Nick had the park decorated in pink and purple balloons with Carey’s signature butterflies also a fixture. Mariah’s album was playing throughout the park the entire evening, and each guest received a pink or red Superman cape as a gift.


The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept. and Six Flags security helped secure the 260-acre theme park from prying paparazzi, while Cannon, Carey and their guests played games and rode roller coasters, each time the new bride and groom riding in the front car.


The couple arrived shortly after 8PM, greeted friends, then headed straight to the parks’ “flying” roller coaster, Tatsu. On the way, Nick shot baskets with his buddies as his wife cheered him on. After a wild ride, the couple wanted to go again, but instead headed to the reception to greet guests.


At the reception, they milled about with friends and family, all the while, holding hands and embracing between conversations.


After a 30-minute break, the couple and about 20 guests headed off to enjoy more rides. Nick and Mariah were very playful and on more than one occasion he carried her on his back. They rode four other coasters, multiple times, almost always sitting in the front seat, before finally calling it a night.


Frazier presented the couple with a blender as a wedding gift which Mariah said was perfect for her protein shakes to lose weight and Nick to gain.


Cute idea. Not totally opposed to it myself.

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She could have easily afforded to rent out Disneyland...him, not so much but still it's a nice idea. Does anybody else think these two make a strange couple...isn't she much older? I never in a million years would have put those two together.

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