I was at SFMM yesterday and it was a fairly nice day. The park was full of people who were waiting in a 3-4 hour line for X2. I noticed that their was a large amount of security for crowd control. i started my day off at the back of the park with Deja Vu, Riddler, etc... When i made my way over to goliath i noticed that it was running 3 trains. Which was very nice to see. After that i made my way up to the top of the hill. when i noticed as i was walking to superman that the laughing dragon was open i didn't get a chance to go in it was nice to see. Their was a disturbance later on in the day by the Cold Stones with people fighting but was handled Quickly. Viper was running smoothly as usual with 3 trains. All in all it was a great day at my favorite mountain.