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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Didn't the original T-rex concept have a dualing portion? Chain lift first section and the 2nd section would launch and race the first section?


Sounds a lot like Twisted Colossus, minus the launch. And knowing SFMM, it would never race lol.


I'm glad to finally see some teasers up. I think this basically confirms it is a roller coaster. Can't wait for the announcement!

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Didn't the original T-rex concept have a dualing portion? Chain lift first section and the 2nd section would launch and race the first section?


Sounds a lot like Twisted Colossus, minus the launch. And knowing SFMM, it would never race lol.


I'm glad to finally see some teasers up. I think this basically confirms it is a roller coaster. Can't wait for the announcement!


Found a video of the T Rex concept shown and IAAPA and it matched what you described. I think it would be really cool if this is what their new roller coaster ends up being. But the 2 is better than 1 has me perplexed as to what they would be making.

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I was totally gonna post those here too but reddits easier from the phone. Up vote me!


But seriously, a racer and a launcher? And what victory are they talking about?


The "victory" is probably the first park to 20 roller coasters...

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Launching, count down, racing, victory...two is better than one...


I don't think they're being very vague here. A racing, side by side coaster with 2 separate racing tracks, that launches...does one of these even exist? If not, I can see MM grabbing that as a "first" record, not to mention all the other stuff they could throw in there.


I saw a picture of a Vekoma model doing precisely these types of maneuvers today on the Vekoma site. I have a feeling it's going to be a Vekoma. Which isn't a bad thing with all the awesome products they've been releasing lately. Here's a link:




They are going to brush the spiderwebs off of Batman and Robin: The Chiller and install it, marketing it as a new ride.


I would have no problem with this if they could get it working as originally intentended.

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Are we all forgeting about the Six Flags survey with the ridiculous nolimits coaster design that is so ridiculous and if there is any way in hell it gets built I will s*it myself? That construction area is just a red herring lol. Or they are getting two new coasters.





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I am pretty skeptical of the Mack rumor (those things are expensive!). I also doubt it will have a dual-tracked ride (also expensive and redundant after TC 3 years ago). Neither of those things line up with how Six Flags has been financially operating for the past decade.


I do think 2 launches sounds reasonable, but I still am not getting my hopes up too high.

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I am pretty skeptical of the Mack rumor (those things are expensive!). I also doubt it will have a dual-tracked ride (also expensive and redundant after TC 3 years ago). Neither of those things line up with how Six Flags has been financially operating for the past decade.


I do think 2 launches sounds reasonable, but I still am not getting my hopes up too high.


Are you the one with "inside sources" at RMC? Have you heard anything?


If it's not Mack, my guess is another Premier Launch

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Part of me really wants to get pumped for this addition since there are so many possibilities, but the other part of me has to remember back in 2012 when they were gonna add a huge new coaster to the park, and while Full Throttle is fun, I don't think anybody will argue that it didn't quite turn out as expected. Also, this is Six Flags, and I just find it really difficult to believe they will drop a ton of money on a huge Mack coaster or something similar.


Of course, I REALLY hope I'm wrong!

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Are we all forgeting about the Six Flags survey with the ridiculous nolimits coaster design that is so ridiculous and if there is any way in hell it gets built I will s*it myself?


Honestly, that video was the FIRST thing I thought of when j saw the construction wall posters. . . But yeah, I remembered the video and how "out there" it was so I didn't even give it a second thought.

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Mobius racer like TC but launches instead of lifthills? Tho would have to be a loooooong circuit for it to actually race so I guess that's out...I hope it's not a racer simply because that probably doubles the price per linear foot so essentially a racer would be another half a coaster when they could spend the same on one track, twice the length..

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I am pretty skeptical of the Mack rumor (those things are expensive!). I also doubt it will have a dual-tracked ride (also expensive and redundant after TC 3 years ago). Neither of those things line up with how Six Flags has been financially operating for the past decade.


I do think 2 launches sounds reasonable, but I still am not getting my hopes up too high.


Are you the one with "inside sources" at RMC? Have you heard anything?


If it's not Mack, my guess is another Premier Launch


I don't have any RMC sources, no. But I also don't see this being an RMC project. Sidenote - I don't really think there will be any domestic RMCs for 2019. No strong rumors, no closing wood coasters...

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