I took this directly from the message Lagoon (Farmington, UT) sent out by email and as social media posts.
"To those who have already purchased 2020 season passports and/or season parking, we want you to have confidence in your purchase. We thank all of our season passport holders for their loyalty and support during this time. In response to the uncertainty of this virus, if you do not redeem your season passport by November 2020, with your scannable ticket or coupon the passport and/or season parking will be made valid for the next Lagoon season. However, if you are able to use your passport this summer, we would like to extend to you a special discounted rate to renew to a next season passport on or before December 31, 2020. If you have been putting off purchasing your season passports, now is the time to do so. As long as you purchase your passports before June 30, 2020, you will be included in the special renewal option."