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What's your favorite Flat ride?

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I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but has anyone noticed how "flat rides" usually, and most likely, involve some sort of an elevation change?


This is something I always think of.


They kind of have to because otherwise, you just get a Scrambler. Even a carousel goes up and down. A minature train ride on the other hand doesn't go up a hill, but it could. Even a Tilt-A-Whirl is a on a tilt. Roller coasters also have an elevation change.

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^^ That "bouncy bouncy" is made by a Spanish manufacture called Safeco, its also very very popular in spain that kind of rides. Now there are a new versions made by de Italian manufacture Sartori that are also very popular in the Spanish fairgrounds


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Aa__gufY2E&feature=related ^Bigger, Faster....




^This version its so funny...
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  • 3 months later...
Pretty much any Huss Ride is good for me. One I'd really like to try though is that Take Off one, that looks pretty crazy. Has anyone been on one? If so, could you explain what its like?


I tried this type of ride once and will never try it again.

It spins like hell and you can feel the g's. However, I am very sensitive to motions and I knew this ride would make me sick but decided to ride it. It was big big mistake as I was so sick I couldnt stand for two hours and puked akk over the fair.

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  • 5 months later...

Personally, I like Zierer for their Wave Swingers and Fire Balls; HUSS for their Top Spins, Flic-Flacs, and Magics; Chance for their Yoyos and Falling Stars; Mondial for their Swingers and Diablos; Zamperla for their Rotoshakes; KMG for their Experiences, Tangos, Afterburners, Speeds, and Inversions; Fabbri for their Evolutions; and RBPR for their Evolutions.

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  • 2 months later...

At Parks:

Free Fall Tower at Holidaypark (Intamin, Giant Drop)

Scream Heidepark (Intamin, Gyro Drop)

Talocan (Huss, Suspended Top Spin)



Transformer (Soiriani&Moser Top Star Tour)

Eclipse (Mondial, Capriolo)

Cyber Space (Mondial, Capriolo)

Airwolf (Mondial, Inferno)

Vortex (Technical Park, Vortex2)

The real Shake (Mondial, Shake R4)

Flash (KMG, Inversion)

XXL (KMG, Afterburner XXL)

Xenox (KMG, Move It)










Free Fall Tower


The real Shake






Cyber Space





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Here's my top 3 for now:

1. Scream-n-Eagle at Oaks Park, which is a KMG Afterburner. It's just plain exciting!


2. Rock-o-Planes (I've only ridden the one at Oaks Park). They're fun because you control the experience, and they're even moderately scary, although I wouldn't call them "thrilling". I found myself saying bad words out of surprise the first time I rode one, which is not typical of me.


3. Gravitrons! (I've been on the Starship 2000 at a Funtastic carnival.) They're not in the least bit scary, but it's a fun sensation and concept. It's trippy to look sideways and down, and it's fun to try to "unglue" your head. They're also extremely creepy--imagine being alone in a dark, enclosed ride with just the operator! I've yet to try positioning myself upside down, etc. (if it's even allowed), which is apparently doable and common but looks unsafe to me. Anyway, they're decidedly more fun than Round-Ups, which I like but don't find very exciting.

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