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What's your favorite Flat ride?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really love the S&S Screamin' Swings. I've only ridden CP's Skyhawk, but I would love to ride another of their installations, particularly one of the smaller ones that swing faster than the 40-seaters.


The Giant Frisbees are fun, but the seats are a little tight on me, so that takes away from it somewhat.

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  • 1 month later...

Oh no, I have a new favorite.


Magnum, owned by Butler Amusements. I believe it's a Mondial Shake. Anyway, it's the craziest rocky-flippy ride I've ever been on! It whirls, rocks impressively, and inverts plenty of times. Just when you think it's slowing down, it starts flipping again!

Each "somewhat Scrambler-esque" ride I've been on is better than the last--first I enjoyed Orbiter, then I was thrilled by Viper, and now I'm totally floored by Magnum!


The scariest and most intense flat ride I've experienced is definitely Evolution. It has the craziest hangtime ever, with the height making it that much worse--indeed, much worse. It goes around way too many times and it's way too slow when you wish it would just hurry up and get back to ground level! I don't ever want to go on that ride again, although realistically, I might.

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In no specific order(?)


Chaos: Nothing compares to the ability to freely flip in all those crazy angles

TipTop: Teacups meets hydrolics meets round up=INSANE!!!!!!!!!!

1st Gen Drop Tower: All things with airtime are good to me, but I just prefer Demon Drop to its new age cousins....

Flyers: Need I say why?

Cosmotron: Himilaya done right, and one of the reasons I love Knoebels

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Atmos Fear-Morey's Piers


Inverter-Clementon Park


SkyHawk-Cedar Point


maXair-Cedar Point


Pendulum-Six Flags Great Adventure

I like more but these are my Top 5.

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Here's my top five flats with videos of each!


1. Breakdance (video of a small Breakdance 3 model with some riders standing up!)


2. Zipper (here's a video of a very fast Zipper ride in Austrailia.)


3. Top Scan (nice short video of it)


4. Top Spin (The quintessential Top Spin video.)


5. Himalaya (here's a video...not like you haven't seen one before lol)

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Here's a cool site I found: http://www.kermissimulaties.nl/. It's a site full of flatride simulators that you can mess around with; kind of like No Limits Fairground.


Just go to the "Database" page to find the list of rides with download links. One thing is that all of the directions to run them are in German or Dutch, so you might need to translate them to figure out what keys do what.

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