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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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New Ride For Dollywood


Dolly parton is putting some more big curves into her Dollywood theme park in Pigeon Forge, Tenn.

Tennessee's top tourist draw will add a $17.5 million steel roller coaster called "Mystery Mine" in 2007, the country singer and actress announced Friday. It's the biggest single capital investment in the park's 21-year history.

The coaster, with the theme of an abandoned coal mine, will take riders on a 2 1/2 minute trip featuring a weightless inversion known as a "heartline roll," a double inversion known as a "rollover loop" and a kind of half-loop climp, turn and plunge perfected by combat pilots in World War I.

Source: Journal Sentinal


Perfected by combat pilots in WWI, eh? SWEET!

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This, Silver Dollar City, and BGE's new coaster will definitely ease the pain of moving to the back ass woods of Tennesee next year. Oh, then there's allways the inbreeding and anal rape.


Guy "Squeal like a pig fatboy! Weeeeeeeeee! Weeeeeeeee!" Koepp


What town? Tennessee's not all that bad!

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This, Silver Dollar City, and BGE's new coaster will definitely ease the pain of moving to the back ass woods of Tennesee next year. Oh, then there's allways the inbreeding and anal rape.


Guy "Squeal like a pig fatboy! Weeeeeeeeee! Weeeeeeeee!" Koepp


What town? Tennessee's not all that bad!

Hey tennesse has less of that than indianna and their not even southern!
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RCDB just made a mistake on one of the inversions. It's counting the "Roll Over" as 2 inversions, because that's also the name of the double inversion on Pinfari Corkscrews. It's actually more like a "Twist and Dive" (think Manhattan Express), so there's 3 inversions.

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Theming is going to be a HUGE part of the ride experience given the budget and relatively "do-able" cost of the eurofighter itself compared to larger steel coasters like B&Ms and Intamins. It looks like it will be story-intensive, so I would expect it to be as nice as the video showed.

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Hey everyone!


Thanks to Electerik submitting some recent construction photos I have started an "official" TPR Dollywood 2007 update page:



Just like we did the Tatsu construction updates, we'll continue to post new pics as they come in.


Thanks for the update Erik!



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^ Hey, no problem!


Some of the photos turned out a little darker than I thought. For what it's worth, the crate on the cart (next to "the green container") actually says "Danger" and "Mystery Mine" on it. So either they've already got some theming in place, or they're just winking at us shutterbugs.

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According to this article, Mystery Mine will be the tallest building ever constructed at Dollywood. Also, the talking bird is being moved into the new attraction. Believe it or not, Dollywood is already starting to plan for their 2008 expansion. This park is growing at a huge pace. I really can not wait to see what happens in the coming years! Click to read the article here.



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While the ride will reach a top speed of 46 mph - relatively tame compared to the neighboring Thunderhead, which reaches 70 mph - it will have plenty of thrills, Gerstlauer Elektro representative Anthony Esparza said
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