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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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I think it's unlikely they get something as wild as Lightning Rod. That's not to say Dollywood won't add a thrill ride; it's just Lightning Rod is more intense than all but a handful of coasters.

True, I was typing that in a hurry and didn’t step back and think. I myself would love to see them get another coaster close to, or at the level of thrill/intensity of LR. Next down from LR, I see Thunderhead as the next best in the park as far as “wild and untamed” goes. Wild Eagle is just...chill. Just some early morning thoughts haha

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^ From a guest perspective, I'm guessing Wild Eagle is considered the park's biggest thrill coaster after Lightning Rod because of its location on the hill and inversions. Since Herschend tends to buy rides in pairs, I'd love to see some sort of Mack coaster at Dollywood in the future.


But the thing I want most is a consistently operating Lightning Rod. That's better than adding a new B&M to me at least.

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Looks like Dollywood was slammed today. Local reports of them being out of parking? Can't confirm that or if they even opened splash parking up or not. They also extended hours today. One of the few times this year they have done that!


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Looks like Dollywood was slammed today. Local reports of them being out of parking? Can't confirm that or if they even opened splash parking up or not. They also extended hours today. One of the few times this year they have done that!


Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk


I was at the park today and can confirm that it was slammed today. Cars were parked in the Splash Country lot, and it looked pretty full there when we left. I’ve never been on such a busy day before!

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Unless it's Halloween! Halloween on a weekday was the absolute PERFECT day for my first ever visit. We walked on to all the rides, and even got a couple re-rides, despite getting to the park two hours after opening. And we weren't rushed at all; we were able to walk through the entire park at a slow pace, and actually did the "circle" of the park... three times? The crowds got slightly larger in the evening, but it was mostly school-age kids and their parents there for the trick-or-treating.


I absolutely wanna go to Dollywood again on a weekday Halloween! It was so amazing!

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How abouts a 2021 visit to all parks involved? Dollywood and Silver Dollar City, actually


After our 2019 to Disney/Knott's visit, we are then set for 2022 in Disney Paris.

It's our 50th Anniversary Together!


But 2021 is still "open" for myself. And definitely interested in any of future TPR USA tours.

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FYI for those of you that ride the trolley from Patriot Park to Dollywood. Rate just went from $.50 each way to $2.50. Or you can buy a $3 wristband for the day to ride the trolley as much as you want.


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I know we’ve discussed this before however after being at the park Sunday, not only has the slidewinder signage been removed at the rides entrance in Owens farm, the directional signage in craftsman’s valley that says “Owens farm barnstormer and Mountain Slidewinder up the hill.” The Mountain Slidewinder portion has been removed from that as well. So upon further digging and asking some employees they said slidewinder Is indeed done and that the slidewinder crew was informed that the 2018 season was indeed the last season for slidewinder. While it makes me sad due to it being a classic and one of the originals opening in 1987, and a fun ride and also one of the few rides on park that Dolly has actually ridden, I can also understand why it was canned. For starters it being non ADA friendly is a big thing plus I’m sure upkeep with the boat making etc is expensive.

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they said slidewinder Is indeed done and that the slidewinder crew was informed that the 2018 season was indeed the last season for slidewinder.


For starters it being non ADA friendly is a big thing


Major suckage if true.


And the ADA being used as a weapon like that (or even being implied) makes me mad. No one gets to enjoy something if it can't be made compliant.


Let's just year down/destroy anything that requires 2 working arms and 2 working legs.

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Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani enjoyed time with the kids today at Dollywood! Gwen rode all of the rides including The coasters. The only ride I saw Blake ride was Blazing Fury! I feel a new song from Blake coming soon called fire in the hole! Lol





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^^ Nice to see Gwen and Blake enjoying the park. She looks so much better without all that makeup caked on!


That sucks about Slidewinder if it's true, I always enjoyed that ride. The loading was atrocious and watching people not understand "load from the back to the front" always made me want to tear my hair out, but it was a fun ride. Do we know why they are possibly closing it for good?


I was at DW over Christmas week - we planned ahead and had zero issues with crowds, enjoying ourselves thoroughly - and didn't notice the missing signs. Then again I wasn't looking for them. The new Glacier Ridge area is very well done and the drippy lights with sound effects over by Tennessee Tornado were mesmerizing. Our favorite short show was The MistleTones a cappella group near the entrance and our fav. long show was Twas The Night Before Christmas. The guy who plays the heavyset mouse nails it!

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Does anyone know whats been up with Thunderhead? I noticed it being listed as “closed for the day” the past few days. It went down during the afternoon on New Year’s Day and hasn’t reopened since, based on what I saw while checking the wait times. I’m sure its nothing major, but still seems a little unusual.

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they said slidewinder Is indeed done and that the slidewinder crew was informed that the 2018 season was indeed the last season for slidewinder.


For starters it being non ADA friendly is a big thing


Major suckage if true.


And the ADA being used as a weapon like that (or even being implied) makes me mad. No one gets to enjoy something if it can't be made compliant.


Let's just year down/destroy anything that requires 2 working arms and 2 working legs.


Fortunately I was able to ride the ride a couple times this summer. Something just told me while I was there “you need to ride it this season while you’re here” and sure enough good thing I did. :/ when I rode this summer I had forgotten had wild and aggressive that thing could be. Took me by surprise! Lol

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I know we’ve discussed this before however after being at the park Sunday, not only has the slidewinder signage been removed at the rides entrance in Owens farm, the directional signage in craftsman’s valley that says “Owens farm barnstormer and Mountain Slidewinder up the hill.” The Mountain Slidewinder portion has been removed from that as well. So upon further digging and asking some employees they said slidewinder Is indeed done and that the slidewinder crew was informed that the 2018 season was indeed the last season for slidewinder. While it makes me sad due to it being a classic and one of the originals opening in 1987, and a fun ride and also one of the few rides on park that Dolly has actually ridden, I can also understand why it was canned. For starters it being non ADA friendly is a big thing plus I’m sure upkeep with the boat making etc is expensive.


Ok so what do you professional theme park fans think will happen with this area? I am glad i got to ride it over the years but sort of can also see how its' time has come. It is a pretty big footprint don't you think?

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