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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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Maybe it's just me, but while it's cool that it's finally open, I have no desire to get up there right away to ride it. The line for this is going to be among the worst in amusement park history, and who knows how reliable the ride will be in daily operation. Combined with the fact that the crowd at PPP is, um, not the best humanity has to offer, there's no way I'd go up there just for this. Will be curious to hear how lines are for other stuff, especially the Phoenix, if this is indeed open for PPP.


I guess I'm not one of those people that must be "first" on a ride. If it's not going to lead to more money and/or more sex, I don't see the point in being "first" or whatever.



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I guess I'm not one of those people that must be "first" on a ride. If it's not going to lead to more money and/or more sex, I don't see the point in being "first" or whatever.




Same. I'd rather wait until they really work the kinks out before riding. But I do wish Knoebels well and I hope all goes well.

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Maybe it's just me, but while it's cool that it's finally open, I have no desire to get up there right away to ride it. The line for this is going to be among the worst in amusement park history, and who knows how reliable the ride will be in daily operation. Combined with the fact that the crowd at PPP is, um, not the best humanity has to offer, there's no way I'd go up there just for this. Will be curious to hear how lines are for other stuff, especially the Phoenix, if this is indeed open for PPP.


I guess I'm not one of those people that must be "first" on a ride. If it's not going to lead to more money and/or more sex, I don't see the point in being "first" or whatever.




For me it's not about being first, it's just that I've been waiting so damn long to ride this thing that I want to go ASAP. Plus it's only a 15 minute drive for me, so it's not like I'm committing an entire day to it.


EDIT: The park's opening at noon tomorrow, correct? The calendar on their website is only showing that it's the covered bridge festival and doesn't show any times.

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I'm going to throw out five and a half hours. Also going to throw out there thirty laps taken before a break down.

Is it really fair to be taking bets on how long it's going to take to break down? Seriously, I think many of us are all a bit in shock and awe that it's actually open.


Think before you post.

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Thanks to Kyle who was at the park tonight for the Flying Turns opening, we have a few pics!


Kyle's review of the ride (taken from exactly what he texted me):


"Ride is a lot of fun. Progressively tighter turns. Total giggle fest. Nothing scary or intense. They organize so the heaviest rider is in front, lightest in back. Has to do with the whipping of the back car staying in control."


Another member, Dave H has this to say:

"Flying Turns was a lot of fun. Lots of laughing, and everyone enjoyed it. No, it wasn't super intense or anything, but a solid ride. Didn't take any pictures, because I didn't bring my camera, and my phone takes CRAPPY nighttime pics. I'll try to get some tomorrow." (His full report on the next page)


It was dark and so are the photos, but here goes...


Here is the most recent POV shot by the park:


Here was the line at opening. Not sure how long it was because they had to shut the ride down for a while due to a rainstorm.


Take a look at the trains!


Loading platform for the ride. They were running, I think, 4 trains tonight.


"Flight on time..." (There is a joke about it taking seven years here, but honestly, I won't say it because I'm sure a lot of us are just happy that it's open!) =)


Going up the lift out of the station.


You can sit single or tandem seating...


There are scales at each boarding station and the weight limit is 400lbs. If you're group is over, you won't get the green light.


Another look at the trains...


Some of the first public riders ever!!!


Thank you for flying! We hope this is a HUGE success!!!

Edited by robbalvey
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There are scales at each boarding station and the weight limit is 400lbs. If you're group is over, you won't get the green light.


It will be a blast to see this feature in action during some coaster club events.

Edited by Ed Farmer
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Just rode it three times tonight. And well over a dozen rides on Phoenix with absolutely no wait! We got way more rides in than we'll be able to get tomorrow for PPP!


Flying Turns was a lot of fun. Lots of laughing, and everyone enjoyed it. No, it wasn't super intense or anything, but a solid ride. Didn't take any pictures, because I didn't bring my camera, and my phone takes CRAPPY nighttime pics. I'll try to get some tomorrow.


Tonight was originally a private event with an invitation only guest list, but they decided to open it up. Within minutes, it was all over the net, and enthusiasts in the area for PPP showed up all night. I'm not sure which clubs were included in the event, but we got in with our ACE cards. They gave us free rides on both Flying Turns and Phoenix until just after 10 PM. They also gave us free hot dogs and drinks. As always, Knoebels was awesome to enthusiasts!

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