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PortAventura Discussion Thread

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So Lift seems to go above Khan's lift. But what about the first drop ? Will it go above Khan's first drop (which i believe) or under it ? I suspect above, and the drop leading to the assumed splash zone UNDER Khan's drop. Do you interpret it that way too ?


As for its colour, if it is blue like on some art we have seen, I hope at least they paint the support the same light blue as Khan's too. Don't want a rainbow zone there. ONE new colour could complement the looper's red, but I don't want it to look like a dragqueen though...

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^Then i would expect this coaster to have long stretches of low to the ground hills / turns like what we see on Leviathan's videos / pictures. Right ? Also, I wonder if the "helix" will be all upwards followed by a strraight drop or partly upwards, partly downwards.... I have seen so many "alleged POV" made on nolimits that I don't know what to trust "more". Also, do you notice how funny it is, that Khan's way smaller lift has far more supports than this new beast ? (judging from what I "think" I understand on the "plan". Proof that technology is now further and will allow bigger rides for less money ? (since less supports = less steel)

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Bout time they use that empty plot of land. I always would design coasters for that section on No Limits for fun. Never thought they would actually use it soon but that's cool. Dragon Khan will be a little dwarf no though! Not that i'm complaining about some hypercoaster that will probably rock


Dang, there's almost too many projects to follow now

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^^It looks like a first drop over Kahn, then a rise up to the left into a camelback (like Silver Star at Europa), then a rise up into a downward helix similar to Goliath (not upwards), which then leads to a camelback crossing beneath the first one. Drop down with a small turn to the left into the water section, then rise up into two more camelbacks, then one with a small twist at the top (think a Stengel Dive's shape, but gentle, like on Hollywood Dream), then a rise up into a 180-degree turn down and up into the brakes. And that's my best educated guess.

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I've been wondering, did they say if it was an underground or aboveground tunnel?


The park said it would have tunnels, some of which might be aboveground (a bit like the concrete tunnel on Furius Baco).


^^It looks like a first drop over Kahn, then a rise up to the left into a camelback (like Silver Star at Europa), then a rise up into a downward helix similar to Goliath (not upwards), which then leads to a camelback crossing beneath the first one. Drop down with a small turn to the left into the water section, then rise up into two more camelbacks, then one with a small twist at the top (think a Stengel Dive's shape, but gentle, like on Hollywood Dream), then a rise up into a 180-degree turn down and up into the brakes. And that's my best educated guess.


Pretty accurate but I think the drop will go UNDER Khan's drop. Why? According to the park's stats, the coaster will go up 76 meters but will have a 78-meter first drop. Hopefully this means trench or underground tunnel. Can you imagine the headchopper?


BTW, looking at the station/transfer track section, looks like it will have an awkward transfer track configuration (not 3 parallel tracks like other B&Ms but one very long section on one side, allowing 2 trains, and another shorter storage track for a third train on the other side).

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I'm impressed, and I find it interesting that B & M are starting to go beyond their previous size thresholds with this and Leviathan. My preference would be more for ejector airtime, but I imagine this will have the signature floater air like all their other hypers. Port Aventura keeps getting better.

Edited by downunder
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The supports look white because, as you said, it really needs a paint job. And no, it wasn't a problem with my white balance configuration, they actually look like this...

Also, in the pic you can't really see the detail, but the size of the footers are uber-extremely-mega big, compare them with the truck...

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The supports look white because, as you said, it really needs a paint job. And no, it wasn't a problem with my white balance configuration, they actually look like this...

Also, in the pic you can't really see the detail, but the size of the footers are uber-extremely-mega big, compare them with the truck...


that's true, I was there 4 months ago and it really needs a repaint.

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A use from PAC has posted a picture of the park's skyline after the coaster sits next to Khan.


Not only Khan is completely dwarfed, but it seems non-existant unless you pay attention to it. I really think it's sad to see such a good coaster visually smashed by a steel monster like Shambhala. Don't get me wrong; PA is stepping in the right direction adding a much needed and supposedly good ride to their line-up but, seriously, next to Khan?

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