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PortAventura Discussion Thread

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^Was just going to say that! I think this layout definitely looks unique to the other hypers, I just wish there was a rendering or something so we could see the whole thing!


EDIT: Judging by the supports, it looks like the ride has an airtime hill underneath the first one, and then another that leads into a turn and the *MCBR*. But then there's not enough room after that spot for the ride to drop down and then back up again into the airtime hill that you can see by how far the supports spread out. Maybe we'll see a mid-course water brake? Because it definitely looks to go up and then drop back down into what you'd think would be the MCBR, then climb up into another airtime hill directly after.

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EDIT: Judging by the supports, it looks like the ride has an airtime hill underneath the first one, and then another that leads into a turn and the *MCBR*. But then there's not enough room after that spot for the ride to drop down and then back up again into the airtime hill that you can see by how far the supports spread out. Maybe we'll see a mid-course water brake? Because it definitely looks to go up and then drop back down into what you'd think would be the MCBR, then climb up into another airtime hill directly after.


Definitely, after a second view ... I think that no MCBR. Zoomed image:



This looks much more like a splash-zone, even comparing the support-height at this point.

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EDIT: Judging by the supports, it looks like the ride has an airtime hill underneath the first one, and then another that leads into a turn and the *MCBR*. But then there's not enough room after that spot for the ride to drop down and then back up again into the airtime hill that you can see by how far the supports spread out. Maybe we'll see a mid-course water brake? Because it definitely looks to go up and then drop back down into what you'd think would be the MCBR, then climb up into another airtime hill directly after.


Definitely, after a second view ... I think that no MCBR. Zoomed image:



This looks much more like a splash-zone, even comparing the support-height at this point.


I thought I'd carry this over. That's exactly what I was thinking - so instead of an MCBR, we'll see a water brake in the middle of the ride in the Dragon Kahn infield, and head straight back into another airtime hill! That must be why they say the smallest camelback is still 70 feet tall - no MCBR to kill it!

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They arent going to have a splashdown there. The speed of the train ripping through water that quickly would be unsafe. Its just too early in the ride. I think that its a trench or a tunnel.


You would be surprised how little the water slows down a train with a lot of momentum, loads of log flumes have mag brakes in the trenches to help with deceleration...


This ride looks really cool, I sense a Spain weekend coming up next year!



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They arent going to have a splashdown there. The speed of the train ripping through water that quickly would be unsafe. Its just too early in the ride. I think that its a trench or a tunnel.


I actually think that is the end of the ride.

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