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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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Ninja's Shelf Life is over and has been over for many years now. Time for something new, modern, larger, etc. and so forth.


If only they'd listen to the people [emoji38]

The opinions of enthusiasts do not always represent the opinions of the masses.


I never said "listen to enthusiasts". I said "people". Literally every friend or family member (all non enthusiasts) pass the Ninja because of how terrible it is to ride. It is way past due to get trains or be tossed.

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A lightning run-like coaster would be fantastic I think.

Lightning Run really is awesome. I can't believe more parks haven't bought into Chance since then. I personally like the coaster better than Storm Chaser. It's a bit more re-rideable. I don't see any SF parks going this route. SF corp has their nose up RMC'S ass, which isn't necessarily terrible. Hopefully the Raptor track experiments will lead the way for a SF park getting a T-Rex.

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What the park really needs is a good Huss or Chance Morgan Mule-Go-Round.


Huss rides are great! With SFGA closing there top spin King Kaos, it's gotta go somewhere, and with Fling going bye bye.... just a thought... or is it?

Edited by parkjunkie
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As for reports of the Fling's demise, I can't imagine that whatever is broke on it is so complicated that either a one off or multiple parts couldn't be run. I work in a specialty machine shop (race car/aircraft parts & equipment) and seeing some of the stuff we do and knowing what it costs, I just can't imagine there is something so complex on that decades old machine that it would be cheaper to junk and replace the entire thing vs. fixing it. Not that I know the first thing about Enterprises, mind you, but it just seems a bit of a reach....unless they are actually planning to retire and replace it soon anyways. If that is the case, then I would get not spending the money to fix it.

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Doug, You're probably right and I'm sure the part can be replaced. However, I'm sure at some point the cost to maintain an aging ride makes less financial sense than to replace it, let alone factoring in down time and dealing with sporadic staffing issues. It's also not efficient to have their maintenance crews spending so much time to give TLC to one ride. The best option for keeping an aging flat ride is to send it off for complete refurbishment. That said, you still have to factor in the cost and worth of refurbishing an old ride vs. buying a new marketable ride.

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The part CAN be made, the problem is the last time this was done a few years back, the part didn't last, and the company that said they could do it won't guarantee the part, and for the cost, the park doesn't want to keep dishing out the money over and over

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Boy you really do need to be in the Tornado queue to see anything around the Speed Slides at all. I'm not sure that small amount means anything at this point.


They could just as easily be mapping the lines for a repair.

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A lightning run-like coaster would be fantastic I think.

Lightning Run really is awesome. I can't believe more parks haven't bought into Chance since then. I personally like the coaster better than Storm Chaser. It's a bit more re-rideable.


That's interesting... I found LR, while a great little coaster, to be far less re-rideable than Storm Chaser! I was there at KK for an enthusiast event, so I got a ton of opportunities for ERT and re-rides, and ended up with 20 rides on Storm Chaser, while I cut LR off after 8 laps. It's funny how coasters affect different people differently!

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A lightning run-like coaster would be fantastic I think.

Lightning Run really is awesome. I can't believe more parks haven't bought into Chance since then. I personally like the coaster better than Storm Chaser. It's a bit more re-rideable.


That's interesting... I found LR, while a great little coaster, to be far less re-rideable than Storm Chaser! I was there at KK for an enthusiast event, so I got a ton of opportunities for ERT and re-rides, and ended up with 20 rides on Storm Chaser, while I cut LR off after 8 laps. It's funny how coasters affect different people differently!


I love how there's no definitive favorite at KK between SC and LR, seems to be about 50/50 in terms of which people like more. I wanted to get to the park this year to try them out, but got lazy to plan a trip. Next year for sure!

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the park doesn't want to keep dishing out the money over and over

Figured as much.


We went to the park again, last night. Crowds were light. Most things were one train operation, but we had a pretty fun night. Our highlight of the night was two front row night rides on Screamin Eagle. This is the first year I've ever really appreciated this ride and it's now Emily's favorite in the park. On each of our three rides this year it has been running great. Also, Batman was hauling serious ass last night. Has the park switched it over to the cold wheels? Other than that, we took a lap on American Thunder, got one ride in on Freeze, and stopped by Superman to pay Josh a visit and ride the type of ride that makes us feel the most nervous. We tried to ride JL, but we got stuck in the same place for 5-10 minutes in the queue and gave up. I hate being stuck in indoor queues. We also got a walk on ride on Pandemonium and we took a spin on the Carousel. At one point, we sat in the patio area at JB's and each had a tasty Shock Top. The patio area is really cool at night with Freeze roaring in the background. We even topped off the night with a few scoops of ice cream.


I realized at some point last night that although I had a few more park visits to come this year, HW, KI, SFGam, and back to STL for Holiday in the Park, but this would be our last real summer visit. Seriously, where the Hell did the time go? With our three visits to the park this year I think we spent a total time in the park amounting to a full day's visit. I think I'll switch my pass to a gold pass next year, or whichever one includes free parking, since we'll have spent $150 on SF parking throughout the season between SFSTL and SFGam.


I know everyone likes to complain. GOD KNOWS I did! However, once we adjusted our expectations for SFSTL, we really learned how to enjoy ourselves. I wouldn't say I would want to spend an entire day at the park, being a local, but I can see how there would be plenty to do for a first time visitor or infrequent visitor to enjoy a full day at the park. For us, it was a fun way to cap off a few nights in the summer. I would say that our biggest surprise at the park was Justice League. Another surprise was how much we came to enjoy Screamin Eagle after we took 4-5 years to expand our coaster preferences. I would say that our biggest let down was Spinsanity. We rode once on our last visit and it just didn't seem fun... at all.. It wasn't bad and it wasn't good. If I were to want any improvements I would say that the park needs new lighting. Like... everywhere... Part of me is just spoiled by CF parks, but when we walked around in the dark last night there were areas that weren't illuminated at all, like the stretch of pathway between Mine Train and Auqua Twist. Although I guess some of the flood lights on Ninja and Screamin Eagle look decent.


I owe Josh a special thanks for repeatedly defending the park and encouraging us to give it another try. We'll be back for Holiday in the Park!

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I had pretty low expectations for the park before our big Missouri trip and it absolutely blew them away. Aside from no real stand out coasters, it's absolutely one of the best parks I've ever been to from an operations standpoint. I absolutely loved every second I spent there.

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^^I was at the park last night as well and was in the train behind you on Freeze; almost didn't recognize you without you pointing at something...


My GP friend, who I've dragged to Cedar Point and WoF, commented how well Screamin Eagle was running last night as well, and I agree. It's always been a favorite of mine but it was really moving. We also got rides on American Thunder, Batman, and Excalibur. We were going to try and squeeze in Superman and The Boss, but got stuck on the final brake run on Eagle for like 15 minutes right up to closing.


Still not bad for about an hour and a half in the park, and will be returning next Friday as we never waited more than one train for anything and the weather was perfect.


EDIT: I also meant to comment on the lighting. There are parts of the park desperately in need of some path lighting. I don't mind if the coasters aren't lit up as they are more fun in the dark (Batman, Eagle, Boss), but there are a number of spots where you're literally walking along in complete darkness, as Zach mentioned. I'm not saying the whole place needs to be lit up like daytime, but some minimal path lighting would be welcome. And the queue for Eagle was disturbingly dark until you got up to the station. Not a huge complaint, but just an area for improvement.

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I considered it, but my friend wanted the exit side so he could throw his glasses in the bin and I wasn't trying to climb through and make a thing of it in that cramped exit area, haha. Next time for sure. When are you going to KI? I'll be going Sat Oct 21, after the Foo Fighters concert on Friday. Might try and squeeze in SFGAm before the end of the season as well. If we cross paths maybe we can grab a beer.

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I really want to go to Holiday in the Park! Unfortunately Six Flags St. Louis is about three hours from me and during the school year I am constantly on the go, especially during the Christmas season. Plus I'd hate to have to drive home in the middle of the night, I only did that once when I went from Kings Island at nine o'clock back to Springfield at six o'clock in the morning (I had reservations in Cincinnati but when I got in the car at Kings Island, I realized the only place I wanted to be was home).

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I'm sorry, but that's just ridiculous. Six Flags closes at 9 each day during HITP, and I-44 is a very easy road. You can be home by midnight. If you want to go, go. If you don't, don't. But the schedule and road conditions are not stopping you.

That is later than I would like to be out. It isn't road conditions holding me back, it is not wanting to be out driving late (midnight is late).

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I'm sorry, but that's just ridiculous. Six Flags closes at 9 each day during HITP, and I-44 is a very easy road. You can be home by midnight. If you want to go, go. If you don't, don't. But the schedule and road conditions are not stopping you.

That is later than I would like to be out. It isn't road conditions holding me back, it is not wanting to be out driving late (midnight is late).



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