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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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One of a kind.

I'm just going to let someone else take this one

What do you mean?


::tags in::


He means since there are several versions of this coaster (SFFT, SFGAdv, SFOT, SFNE, SFGAm, etc), the term technically doesn't apply. However, I'd argue that the experience these coasters generate is pretty unique among roller coasters, which means the argument still stands. I guess you could make an argument with Arrow 4Ds and Zac Spins, but I'm not enough of a nerd to remotely care about participating in such a discussion.

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One of a kind.

I'm just going to let someone else take this one

What do you mean?


::tags in::


He means since there are several versions of this coaster (SFFT, SFGAdv, SFOT, SFNE, SFGAm, etc), the term technically doesn't apply. However, I'd argue that the experience these coasters generate is pretty unique among roller coasters, which means the argument still stands. I guess you could make an argument with Arrow 4Ds and Zac Spins, but I'm not enough of a nerd to remotely care about participating in such a discussion.

Oh ok. Yeah I like the experience that I've had on the rides and that is why I am willing to get on those type of ride again.

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I know this keeps going round and round, but i'd be shocked if we didn't get a 4d coaster given the rate that SF has been buying them up for other parks.


I wouldn't be too sure about that. SFOT hasn't received a Larson Looper even though they seem to be cropping up at a lot of other parks. My understanding is that they aren't going to be getting one since Traders Village just put one in down the road aways. It's possible and even probable that SFSTL will get an S&S 4D, but nothing is certain at this point.

Edited by Sportsdude360
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Mayyyyyybe SFGAM and SFGradv got the smaller model because they were either preceded or succeeded by another major investment (Justice League) within a year. SFStl hasnt gotten anything significant since 2015, so maybe 2018 is the year we FINALLY see the 10 inversion model. Who am I kidding? Yeah right...

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well, the area is looking used pretty hard, and an general update might actually increase revenue.


I am pretty sure( though I have no actual Idea) even one of the larger tube slides ( excluding one of these http://www.proslide.com/rides/rocketblast/) would be Much less costly of an investment, than a mega coaster.



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I assume slides in general are less costly, which is why I have noticed a lot of parks seem to be upgrading their water parks in combination with other park additions. I just hope the park doesn't get a small bundle of pro slides and call it a year.

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Off topic....but did I notice that JLBFM had a single rider line last year?


Yes, and if I remember correctly, it takes you into the Flash Pass line.

Yup, Flash Pass and wheelchairs now enter through the exit.


While Spinsanity may not be the hypercoaster that everyone would love, it's really starting to look great! In its location, you can really appreciate its size. I can't wait to see it when they finish! Long story short, SFSL is really using the ride and location to its full potential, which really says a lot about the park.


With TS across the midway, it's like the washer and the dryer.

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Josh, any word on whether the park plans to release any photos of the construction progress? I know it's not exactly a huge install, but it'd be interesting to see how everything is shaping out.

Not that it shows much construction progress, but SFSTL's facebook page posted a photo today. The colors look pretty good:


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