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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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OMG! I am so glad I am planning on going to Orlando next year! It sounds so AWSOME! All of Universals coasters are totatally AWSOME. I know I will love Rockit since I love the Hulk, the Mummy & Dueling Dragons. Universal sure has some top notch coasters!!!

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Looking at the rendering of the cars... is anyone else thinking "X-coaster"?


I wonder if all this new, never-before-seen technology will create a lot of downtime? It might be a good idea to hold off until it's been open a few months, which would also give you a chance to wait until the Harry Potter section opens at IOA next door.

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This sounds awesome, even if the name is really terrible. I can't wait to see some actual renderings and real stats, as opposed to marketing terms and fluff. But yeah, this really looks like it's going to kick ass (minus the name).

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I agree with one of the prior post... it looks like a x-coaster ride with a vertical life (which then made me think of a Euro-fighter style ride but I think that due to the fact of Dollywood's recent opening that it would be too soon and would seem to be copying IMO) Plus it seems like each train has two cars which is reminiscent of the X-car style ride. So looks like it may be a full circuit, traditional looping style ride. Also the X coaster ride at Magic Springs stands 150 which is close to the 160 ft range so it fits a height range that Maurer Söhne has designed and built before. Can't wait to read more as information becomes available.


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Agreed, the name is pretty cheesey. I think its definately going to be made by Maurer Söhne, like the rumours suggested.


I wasn't sure about going to Universal next year, with a good chunk of IOA being down for construction...but this changes things quite a bit!

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I think that due to the fact of Dollywood's recent opening that it would be too soon and would seem to be copying

I don't think most people outside of this group will even know about Mystery Mine or if they do find any similarities between the two.


As far as what I know about the ride, it is a Maurer Söhne X-Coaster, but with a similar on-board audio system as Hollywood Dream at Univeral Japan.


So it's not really any new technology here.



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Wow that ride looks like it should be alot of fun. And yeah i agree it does look like an X-Car Coaster model. Hmmm maybe i'll need to plan a trip to Florida in the near future. About time I have a reason for going back to Universal Studios. Haven't actually been to the Universal Park, but I thought IOA was nice when i went there, but could have had a few more coasters, and I was more into BGA instead. Cant wait to see more on this ride though. Looks like fun!

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I think that due to the fact of Dollywood's recent opening that it would be too soon and would seem to be copying

I don't think most people outside of this group will even know about Mystery Mine or if they do find any similarities between the two....




Agreed, excellent point.

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This looks like a cool coaster, too bad it doesn't open up until next year.Oh well at least I'll be able to go on the Simpsons ride this summer.As texcoaster said it will be a good idea to wait and check it out along with the Harry Potter world and I can do that seeing as the karate organization I belong to holds it world championship every other year in Florida,so I'll be attending this year and in 2010. So I can check both of them out in 2010. I just wish that they would get rid of Twister cause talk about a lame ride !

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This coaster sounds good and it seems like it will be a solid addition to the park. I like the customizable aspect of it. The name though could have been better. Even something like "Youtube: The Ride" would have been better, at least that would have appealed more to the demographic they hope to get.

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I sure hope the transitions on this are a lot less extreme than the ones on G-force at Drayton Manor or that they do something to keep the lap bars locked more firmly in place. Nothing says discomfort quite like having a lap bar trying to get close and cozy with your kidneys for even a minute long ride.

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I'm a bit of a traditionalist, so sorry to rain on a majority of people's parades in here, but I'm not really a fan. I mean, why can't Universal stick with what they are good at? I mean, everything that they have had in terms of attractions have been enclosed, do they really need an outside roller coaster? I think it just looks weird. Maybe I'm just overlooking the potential of this.

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I dunno.. I kinda like the idea, since its the only outdoor ride there [outside of the kids area], it will stand out and be an icon for the park... I'm thinking it will be much the same as Manhattan Express is for NYNY, which I think helps define their skyline and that of the Strip in general


I just hope the ride is good

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As far as what I know about the ride, it is a Maurer Söhne X-Coaster, but with a similar on-board audio system as Hollywood Dream at Univeral Japan.


I don't get it. Why not build another nice B&M in Orlando?


Well, variety is the spice of life an all, so why not give Maurer a shot at their own version of Hollywood Dream? I echo Derek's concern about the X Car restraints (G Force does, indeed, suck), but I understand that Abismo, another X Car coaster, was a big hit with the Spain trippers. Maybe they've solved the kidney-crushing problem.

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