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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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Honestly, no matter how much I wish Kumba would get the Hulk treatment, knowing Seaworld Entertainment Parks, that's pretty unlikely to happen. Even though it is an incredible coaster, a new coaster is much much easier to market and a much larger draw than a refurbished coaster (especially one that is tucked away in the back with relatively low ridership compared to Montu, SheiKra, and Cheetah Hunt. I'm praying for Kumba to get a massive refurb but I honestly just can't see it happening.


Sorry!! Just realized how off topic this is.


Why does Kumba need a massive refurb, that thing still rides (and looks) like a top 10 steel coaster?


Completely agree. I would be worried if something similar to Hulk happened to Kumba, it would be butchered and not the same ride.

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I should of been more specific as the ride that was planned for Dubai essentially picked up and moved to Singapore. The ride plans not specifically the track.



Also False


From the beginning, both USD and USS were always designed to have Revenge of the Mummy - both with track layouts virtually identical to USF

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Why would anyone rule out something new in the layout when the ENTIRE back half of a 16 year-old, extremely popular rollercoaster (from a company that has never had a ride destroyed before) has already been completely scrapped. Is it really such a crazy idea that things could change in the layout when it is getting an extreme track rebuild, a new launch system, a new theme, new effects, new trains...


I'm waiting and seeing, mostly just hopeful that nothing about the ride gets "toned down."

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I should of been more specific as the ride that was planned for Dubai essentially picked up and moved to Singapore. The ride plans not specifically the track.



Also False


From the beginning, both USD and USS were always designed to have Revenge of the Mummy - both with track layouts virtually identical to USF


To be fair, even though USD and USS share(d) the same track layout as USF, the show for USS is pretty different than the USF version. USS isn't about riding the movie like USF is and there's a lot of things Universal improved upon. Whether or not USD was going to be the same show as USF is up in the air since it was never built, but I can guarantee the track for Dubai was not used in the Singapore version.

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I also don't see why supports would need to be removed unless something about the layout was changing.

Aren't the supports under just as much stress as the track? It doesn't make sense to leave the supports alone, especially if they're at the end of their service life like the track segments are. It's better to just replace the whole thing.

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I also don't see why supports would need to be removed unless something about the layout was changing.

Aren't the supports under just as much stress as the track? It doesn't make sense to leave the supports alone, especially if they're at the end of their service life like the track segments are. It's better to just replace the whole thing.


Do supports have the same service life as track? I'm thinking of some of the older wooden coasters here as an example so I may be way off here since the structures are vastly different but it always seems the track gets a lot more work and replacement than the supports do.

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We were fortunate enough to meet with some members of the Creative team today at the park. Obviously they couldn't go into great detail about the Hulk project but I know fans will be happy. The team has some great things planned.

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Kumba probably has the most miles on it in terms of B&M coasters, I guess we'll have to see if it ever gets the 'Hulk' treatment or just gets removed altogether.



An image from the Hubble Telescope of how the Universe would look after Kumba is removed altogether.

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Kumba probably has the most miles on it in terms of B&M coasters, I guess we'll have to see if it ever gets the 'Hulk' treatment or just gets removed altogether.



An image from the Hubble Telescope of how the Universe would look after Kumba is removed altogether.

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Kumba probably has the most miles on it in terms of B&M coasters, I guess we'll have to see if it ever gets the 'Hulk' treatment or just gets removed altogether.



An image from the Hubble Telescope of how the Universe would look after Kumba is removed altogether.


Taking away Kumba even melted the ice caps.


In all seriousness, I will physically fight you if you don't like Kumba.

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I should of been more specific as the ride that was planned for Dubai essentially picked up and moved to Singapore. The ride plans not specifically the track.



Also False


From the beginning, both USD and USS were always designed to have Revenge of the Mummy - both with track layouts virtually identical to USF


To be fair, even though USD and USS share(d) the same track layout as USF, the show for USS is pretty different than the USF version. USS isn't about riding the movie like USF is and there's a lot of things Universal improved upon. Whether or not USD was going to be the same show as USF is up in the air since it was never built, but I can guarantee the track for Dubai was not used in the Singapore version.


No offense EastCoastn7, but I'm listening the guy that worked at Universal and has first hand knowledge of the situation, in this case CoasterFEV.

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I'm very interested to see what The Incredible Hulk looks like once it returns... I wonder if it will be a carbon copy of the previous ride, launch system and all, or if they will use rebuild as an opportunity to make any changes to the ride layout or launch mechanisms.

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I'm very interested to see what The Incredible Hulk looks like once it returns... I wonder if it will be a carbon copy of the previous ride, launch system and all, or if they will use rebuild as an opportunity to make any changes to the ride layout or launch mechanisms.


The layout won't be changing from what we were told, however there is a possibility that some sections could be reshaped. There will be something different about the launch system and the trains are getting some modernization.


Was back there again today. Not sure if this has been posted but this piece is clearly marked as scrap. Looks like there are red and blue dots now marking other sections.



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Thanks for the update Your image isn't loading though, I'd love to see it, and my normal trick of opening in a new tab doesn't seem to work. I don't think the whole ride will be replaced because otherwise they wouldn't be marking certain sections of track, they'd just tear it down, but they're definitely doing this refurb properly!

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