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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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The other sound stage that Nickelodeon used for production is back to being a soundstage (stage 19). Stage 18 and the "tour" parts of the studios were converted for Blue Man Group needs.

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Should have been a Sharknado ride.

I was jut coming here to post this. People would have gone nuts over a Sharknado ride. You failed, Universal.

Not even joking, with some upgrades and new scenery this seems like it would've been a no-brainer. People love Sharknado way more than Jimmy Fallon, or at least I hope they do.



I like Jimmy Fallon, but I definitely would have preferred a Sharknado attraction! I feel like it could've been a good way to fill the void for fans of both the Twister and Jaws attractions!

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Nope, I think all that has been confirmed is that it will still be Hulk, will have new trains and new theming elements and there was a permit applied for so that they can upgrade the launch. My gut feeling is that it'll be the same layout, but smoothed out a bit, but the lack of track at the normal steel plant in Clermont is a bit mysterious.

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Who is Jimmy Fallon?

I'll assume you're serious, considering you're not from the US. Jimmy Fallon is a late-night talk show host that does nightly shows on the NBC television network, which is under the same corporate umbrella as Universal.


^ He used to be on SNL also.


Who is Jimmy Fallon?


Here ya go: http://bfy.tw/1DFL


Thanks for the info guys. I'd never heard of Jimmy Fallon before yesterday as he definitely isn't a household name in the UK and Europe. With that in mind it will be interesting to see how Universal markets this attraction internationally? I can't remember the last time Universal opened a bad attraction, so no doubt this will be amazing!

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I'm in the UK and have heard of Jimmy Fallon like many of the American talk-show hosts. Having said that, although I know of him, it's not really an attraction that appeals to me. Still, I didn't like Twister that much, so it isn't a huge loss to me.

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Nope, I think all that has been confirmed is that it will still be Hulk, will have new trains and new theming elements and there was a permit applied for so that they can upgrade the launch. My gut feeling is that it'll be the same layout, but smoothed out a bit, but the lack of track at the normal steel plant in Clermont is a bit mysterious.


Universal or B&M may very well have contracted another fabricator.

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Disaster isn't that bad


The subway-train/earthquake finale was OK. But it definitely wasn't worth the wretched "pre-show" where you get to watch Christopher Walken pull a paycheck.

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Disaster WAS cool...when the park first opened and it was cutting edge technology. And it was called Earthquake!


The overlay was a big MEH to me.


And I think the Tonight Show ride will be fun whatever it turns out to be. The fact that they are adding a LOT of new attractions just makes me so glad to live and work in Orlando!

Edited by pianojohn
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^&^^ But again that wasn't Disaster...that was Earthquake. If they're going to close down and redo a ride and call it something else I guess I just expected more.


And yes, I very well remember when Jack Haunted Earthquake...and Jaws...

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^Yes, I remember it was just Earthquake. We were allowed to skip the line for that ride. One of our group was in an ECV, but the houses could only accommodate wheelchairs. Each house had two, but the one we wanted to tour ("Monsterama") was down to one because some teenagers stole the extra chair. So, they let us into Earthquake until the other wheelchair was free.

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