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About noyzz

  • Birthday 02/16/1977

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    Tampa, FL
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  1. Great report!!!! Miss SFOG.... . Wuxtry is awesome! I use to get a lot of my hard to find records there. Glad to see them still holding it down in Athens!
  2. So I take that there hasn't been a release of a new rendering of what the Hulk will be like in 2016? I'm sure it will be amazing regardless.....
  3. Those videos were great, thank you! IMO the Freddy vs Jason house looked awesome as well as the Jack and monsters house. The Purge and Insidious didn't look scary at all to me. Now I don't know whether I want to go this year. Great report regardless though! Thank you
  4. SFOG is one of my fav Six Flags. After living in GA for years and having a pass to SFOG, it's really nice to see this park grow and thrive for the future! Looks like 2016 will be a great year for them. I see a road trip in my future!
  5. Have you READ any of the last few pages?!??! No, everyone is NOT ok. There have been some serious injuries and one girl had to have a leg amputated. Do you think Merlin will just come along and wave his magic want and make everything right? WTF??? Please don't come in here and make stupid posts if you haven't bothered to READ the entire discussion. Thanks. Wow Robb, I didn't know it was that serious. No I must have missed the last few pages, my bad. We are all adults my friend and if my post was mislead by what I said my apologies but by no means did I ever say they would wave a wand to make it right. It was meant in a thoughtful way that I hope they would make things right for everyone involved to make this tragedy turn into something positive. I would never wish any harm and can't even imagine what these families are going through. Yes it's a very sad day in the TPW. If you have an issue with my posts please pm me rather than try to attack me via reply, Thank you
  6. Hope everyone is ok. I'm sure this matter will get taken care of and will make it right for all the hurt ones involved. Just a sad day in the theme park world.
  7. The queen mary haunt looked pretty good!!!! Great report guys!
  8. Chicago Tribune rated The Massacre Haunted House #1 in IL 2014........ 1. The Massacre (299 Montgomery Road, Montgomery) Think you’re safe in the parking lot? The moment I stepped out of the car and looked up, I noticed a man wearing a mask and holding a bat giving me a life-less, Michael Myers-like stare from behind the car. This was the first of many scares at The Massacre, which was previously located in Naperville. “It’s three times as big this year and it flows better,” said general manager Nic Miele. “Some haunted houses jump from a medical facility to a person’s house. Here, you go through a waiting room in the hospital to the surgery room to the bathroom and then leave the hospital and go to an outdoor part and then a mausoleum.” I almost never get scared by costumes, but the ghoulish pope in the church set is so tall and terrifying that I unintentionally let out a religious expletive when I saw him. The cross-dressing junkie with a dollar bill in his nose, on the other hand, wasn’t scary, just persistent. He needed his fix and let me know he was willing to do anything – and I mean anything – if I helped him get it. The movie theater room that included a film playing on the screen and horror film posters in the hallway was original. The room that requires you to walk past 14 clowns was just cruel. I definitely let out an “Oh, c’mon” when I entered that room. I knew a few of the clowns were real, but the only way to find out was to walk by them, and by then it was too late. There were so many scares, it got to the point where I wondered toward the end of The Massacre what kind of effect all these haunts will have on my health. And when a haunt is so scary it makes me think about my health, it needs to be No. 1 on my list. http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/celebrity/chi-chicago-haunted-house-rankings-20141011-column.html#page=2
  9. [youtu_be] [/youtu_be]Voted Illinois Scariest Haunted House 2 Years In A Row! Located at 299 Montgomery Road in Montgomery, IL. (Near Naperville & Aurora)
  10. Trade show was awesome this year!!!! Can't wait to get all our new props ready for haunt season!!!! bawahaaaaaaaaa
  11. Ohh there will be ^^ Yeah it was tough choosing from the many different things to do but I had to choose the museum from all the reports from here. I will save the Price is Fright for next year. I will keep my eye out for you this weekend and I'll be sure to say hi! Sounds good. I 'll most likey will be wearing a massacre haunted house hoodie.......The Darkness I here is awesome!!! That is one house I would love to check out!
  12. Not sure yet, I've been wanting to go there so bad but don't know if i'll have time. Going to try my best to see as much as I can... I know we are going to The Darkness and www.thepriceisfright.com/ so far.
  13. Was wondering if anyone else from TPR is going? I'll be down their Friday - Sunday. I'll representing my haunt and would love to do the same for TPR if no one else is covering this event? Anything special anyone would like to know or see? Ready to see all the new goodies for October....bawahaaaaaaaaaaaa!
  14. Jealous!!!!!! I tried to go to the state side version, Tomorrow World but the same happened here, sold out!......Looks like you enjoyed your self my friend! Human Leauge, hell yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
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